Virtua Fighter 5 R.E.V.O. (Ver.1)

Select a character to view.

Guide to Reading and Using the VFDC Combo Lists

Display Formats

When viewing a Combo List, you can choose between two display formats from the View sub-menu located in the upper right:
Tabs Each combo category is displayed in a tab, where the combos of the active tab are displayed in the main content. Selecting a different tab to view the combos for that category. This view is ideal for quickly navigating to specific categories without having to vertically scroll.
Flat List All the combos are displayed in a flat list within their respective category. This view is ideal for printing.
Registered users may select their default view within their User Preferences.


Clicking on a column heading will sort the display by that column's data. Possible sort options are:
Combo This is the default ordering
Dmg Sort combos by Damage value, toggle between ascending and descending sort. This is useful for quickly finding maximum damage combos.
Sob Sort combos by Sober value, toggle between ascending and descending sort
Versus Technically, this is not a Sort option, but a Filter option and is explained in the next section.
When a Sort is applied on a particular column, an upward (↑) or downward (↓) arrow will be displayed in the column header to indicate the direction of the sort, ascending or descending, respectively.


Filters allow you to only show combos that work against particular characters. This is useful for quickly finding the best combo against a certain character, or universal combos that work against all characters. The filter options available are:
Versus Character Click on a character cell within the versus array to filter for all combos versus that character.
Versus All Characters Click on the Versus column heading to filter for all combos that work against all characters (i.e. universal combos). This will also show combos that work against all characters except Taka Arashi, since he's considered a special case. This filter should be helpful to players learning a new character!
When applied, the active filter will be displayed in the header of the view. To remove the filter, simply click on the active filter being shown.

You can combine both Sorting and Filtering options. This is useful for finding out the best combos versus a particular character.

Combo Structure

Combos are displayed in the following format:
Hit Type
Stance Type
Versus Characters
The major elements are explained in further detail below.


This is the first attack required to initiate the combo.

Hit Type

The Hit Type will show the minimum type of hit required for the combo to be successful. Possible values are shown below:
  If no icon shown, then the combo works off a Normal Hit, or better
The combo starter requires a Counter Hit
The combo starter requires a Recovery Hit, or greater

Stance Type

The Stance Type will show the type of stance required for the combo to be successful. Possible values are shown below:
The combo works in any stance
The combo works in Closed stance
The combo works in Open stance


The rest of the commands required to complete the combo. Unique, or non-string, commands in the sequence are separated by ► for readability. For example [P][K] is a Punch followed by a Kick, whereas a [P][K] would a canned Punch-Kick string.


The amount of damage points inflicted by the combo.


The amount of drink points that will be removed, or sobered, from Shun Di.

Versus Characters

This array displays a cell for each character in the game version being viewed.

The order of this array is from the lightest to heaviest character.

The colour of the cell indicates the applicability of the combo versus this character. Possible values are shown below:
Not applicable versus character 'aa'
Applicable versus character 'aa' on Normal Hit
Applicable versus character 'aa' on Counter Hit
Applicable versus character 'aa' on Recovery Hit
In most cases, when a combo is applicable versus a particular character, the colour of the cell will match the Hit Type requirement of the main combo. However, some characters may require a different type of hit, and so their cell will be shaded accordingly.

In addition to hit type exceptions, there may be cases where characters have differing stance requirements to the main combo. These stance exceptions are indicated as follows:
Applicable versus character 'aa' in Closed stance only
Applicable versus character 'aa' in Open stance only
Applicable versus character 'aa' in both Open and Closed stance. This is only shown when the main combo is stance specific, but will work in either stance versus this character.


If appropriate, specific notes in performing the combo will be shown. These are usually timing or distance related in nature.
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