[30 Mar 2013] Team St1ckbug Grabs Your Legs! 3/30 P4/KoF/BB/GG/VF/VSav (Brooklyn)

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by DaiAndOh, Mar 3, 2013.

Team St1ckbug Grabs Your Legs! 3/30 P4/KoF/BB/GG/VF/VSav
Start Date: 30 Mar 2013 12:00 PM
End Date: 30 Mar 2013 11:00 PM
Time Zone: America/New_York -04:00 EDT

Next Level
4013 8th Avenue
Brooklyn 11232

Posted By: DaiAndOh

Confirmed Attendees: 0
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  1. DaiAndOh

    DaiAndOh Well-Known Member

    Did you know there was going to be an actual Sammy vs. Capcom? It never left pre-planning stages though.

    Next Level
    4013 8th Ave
    Brooklyn, NY 11232

    Consoles: Everything is on 360.


    Persona 4 Arena
    2/3 Rounds. 2/3 Matches. Finals is 2/3 matches.
    $1 Single Elimination.

    King of Fighters XIII
    2:30 PM
    2/3 Rounds. 2/3 Matches. Finals is still 2/3.
    $5 Double Elimination.

    Blazblue CS Extend
    3 PM
    2/3 Rounds, 2o3 Matches. Finals is still 2/3.
    $1 Single Elmination.

    Guilty Gear XX Accent Core
    4 PM
    2/3 Rounds. 2/3 Matches. Finals is 3/5 Matches.
    $1 Single Elmination.

    Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown
    5 PM
    2/3 Rounds. 2/3 Matches. Finals is 3/5 Matches.
    $5 Double Elimination.

    Vampior Savior Resurrection
    6 PM
    2/3 Rounds, 2/3 Matches. Finals is 3/5 Matches.
    $5 Double Elimination

    And for the love of god, and me, report your matches AS SOON AS THEY ARE FINISHED. This makes the tournament run faster and efficiently and makes me less frustrated.

    Streaming: St1ckbug is streaming once more. http://twitch.tv/st1ckbug

    Side events are always welcome. Once things have died down, we can play anything!

    Now you can combine your love for Team St1ckbug tournaments with your love of facebook! Introducing the TSB Tournament page here:

    So everyone, bring the hype, bring the skills, and God Bless the Ring!
  2. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    Hey I noticed on your VF FS tournament rules it says VF is 2/3 rounds . Unless you want this stickbug to be a trainwreck like the last one, change it to VF 3/5 rounds, 2/3 matches. You know NORMAL VF rules like every other tournament has. I don't want to see another pitiful turnout like last month. Inconvenient, abnormal tournament rules like single elimination and 2/3 matches will just turn people off and turn them away.
  3. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    He probably just cut and pasted the rules for the other games. DaiAndOh has been hosting VF for over half a year now.
  4. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    We've actually been doing 3 out of 5 sets for the matches too lately. It's changed a few outcomes, but matches still for the most part end the same way as 2 out of 3 would have gone.
  5. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    It ain't over till the fat lady sings. Hubris can bring even the mightiest warriors down. One extra match could make a difference. As it is we need to get this clarified and edited. You don't want to give people yet another excuse not to show up. Otherwise we might have to call the next one : Team St1ckbug Battle At the Ghost Town.
  6. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I can't find the vf matches. where is the link for them?
  7. DaiAndOh

    DaiAndOh Well-Known Member

    Ok, the rules were copy pasted. They were intended to be 3 out of 5 rounds, and they were. 3 out of 5 matches is out of the question short of finals, and only grand finals in this case because EVERYONE was late. The videos are going to be uploaded (recorded, not streamed due to Next Level internet fucking up). They're working on it.

    Here are the results.
    1: Denkai (JA/SH)
    2: Tricky (EI)
    3: VF Hayato (TA)
    4: BG
    5: Cruzlink
    5: Goku no Dan


    1: RK Grover (YU)
    2: Bace (EL)
    3: IPG Colpevole (CH)
    4: Mynus (NA)
    5: LPT (YU)
    5: Biscuits (TE)
    5: Zeal (?)
    5: Elochai (EL)
    9: HLG | Kaorin
    9: Omni H.
    9: Leatherhand
    9: Chocolate Thunder
    9: OYb mom's on the internet
    9: Knight of Zero (DQ)
    9: OYB Mindgame
    9: OYB Life
    17: VMP Hard Bread
    17: Wyvern Lord
    17: OYB Maid Dreaming
    17: Cameron
    17: Crisis edge
    17: DerQ
    17: BeasttoLee
    17: Duff McWhalen
    17: A3R
    17: Ozzy830
    17: TGS

    1: Lich (HA)
    2: OYB Life (LA)
    3: Sodelic (BA)
    4: Crisis edge
    5: Ozzy830
    5: Biscuits
    5: Dard
    5: Mynus
    9: DerQ
    9: TGS
    9: QuroRyu
    9: OYB Mindgame
    9: Chocolate Thunder
    9: Young Navigator
    9: Wyvern Lord
    9: LPT

    1: A3R (Kyo/Chin/Karate)
    2: Nick (Various)
    3: Liston (Billy/Hwa/Karate)
    4: Shadow 780
    5: Chris L
    5: Duff McWhalen
    7: Mynus
    7: Zeal

    1: Mynus (IN)
    2: Mahouko (BR)
    3: Alzarath (TE)
    4: A3R
    5: Biscuits
    5: e$ports
    5: HLG | Kaorin
    5: OYB Mindgame
    9: DerQ
    9: DaiAndOh
    9: Crisis edge

    1: VMP Hard Bread (GA)
    2: DaiAndOh (AU)
    3: Apollo (ZA/BI)
    4: darrin
    5: JayOneTheSk8
    5: Juddermang
    7: OYB Mindgame
    7: Duff McWhalen
    9: Knight of Zero
    9: BeasttoLee
    9: DerQ
  8. DaiAndOh

    DaiAndOh Well-Known Member

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