Comments on Profile Post by Ellis

  1. Modelah
    McTaka underestimated ur Vangina. GGs
    Jan 16, 2016
    Ellis likes this.
  2. Modelah
    At least I hit you with the 'Ho-Rammer Combo' though
    Jan 16, 2016
  3. Libertine
    That's PRePosterous. Testosterone would never lose in an actual fight.
    Jan 17, 2016
    Ellis and G0d3L like this.
  4. Ellis
    Enough about my PRePosteior! i'm trying to be a modest wanabe-bitch about it ^^
    Jan 18, 2016
  5. Modelah
    Edit: Combo name changed to 'Slutty Shoulder Shenanigans'
    Jan 19, 2016
    Ellis likes this.
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