Comments on Profile Post by BlackGeneral

  1. Jason Elbow
    Jason Elbow
    Dont we all
    Feb 28, 2017
  2. Blitzball Champ
    Blitzball Champ
    His defense is incredible!!!
    Feb 28, 2017
    BlackGeneral likes this.
  3. Kruza
    As a teammate of @ChiefGutti I was very fortunate to be in position to pick his brain about various VF related things before, during and after the team tournament. He is a definite student of the game and series.
    Feb 28, 2017
    Blitzball Champ and BlackGeneral like this.
  4. Blitzball Champ
    Blitzball Champ
    @Kruza Thats what I really loved about this event is that everyone is there to really share with one another and learn different things!
    Feb 28, 2017
    BlackGeneral and Kruza like this.
  5. Cmoney
    Chiefgutti's Sarah is very unique and well timed with his defense , movements and punishments. Almost vf2-like which is great
    Feb 28, 2017
    BlackGeneral likes this.
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