After watching Nova take you apart on X1 I noticed you have a few basic fundamental playstyle problems you have to change in FS. They can't be fixed online (thats one of the problems), but it shouldn't be too hard to correct them offline after a couple months of training.
I disagree with steelbaz somewhat, latency is an issue, but true VF can be played on paper, with the proper opponent and goals, online can be like training with weighted clothing. You just have to actively not fall into a bad habit that only works cuz of lag.
After 5 years online only reinforces bad habits. In true VF your frame advantage holds up always. So when people crouch & mash whiffed 2P's you can score a 17f launcher after the first 2P whiffs as a punish. Online you try that punish & you eat their second 2P as a CH, where offline you would have landed a guaranteed combo & instantly punished that bad habit. Hard to improve where improper play is often rewarded.
I agree with everything u said Baz, but if playing a proper opponent, neither of us mashes other than intelligent reverse nitaku, we are aware of every descision and judge it accordingly. Im just saying online can still be used to improve true VF, but special care is needed at times
@BlackGeneral l don't have xbl l playing as guest on at baz's place
Mar 31, 2017
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