Comments on Profile Post by BLACKSTAR

  1. jimi Claymore
    jimi Claymore
    Why don't ask @Blitzball Champ? He streams today.
    btw i'm down for for some games too
    Oct 10, 2019
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  2. Jason Elbow
    Jason Elbow
    I'm down.
    Oct 10, 2019
    BLACKSTAR and jimi Claymore like this.
    @Jason Elbow @jimi Claymore actually i'll probably be free around sunday evening. If youre cool with that, give me a time and we can meet up on XBL
    Oct 11, 2019
    jimi Claymore and Jason Elbow like this.
  4. Jason Elbow
    Jason Elbow
    Oct 11, 2019
  5. kungfusmurf
    PSN tag, is that o in oBLACKSTARo ?
    Jul 12, 2020
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
    I'm late, but yes, it's a lowercase "o"
    Jul 13, 2020
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