@Rodnutz if you are talking 'bout your neat coding project, then that is a part of the experience. things effing' and gray hairs until AHA!
Just a semi-joke i catched from the shoutbox by blackstar, which i liked and sort off agreed with. As in; this site should be called that for people to stop fussying, craptalking, being depressive and just play :)
QFT: cruzlink2: this should be called the shitbox. cause the only time it's active is when people are talking shit:) #Shoutbox reality
As VF is of japanese origin, perhaps "Wasabibox" as an dervation of "salt". though i like both wasabi and salt - and less so shit; which is mostly something i'd purge myself of rather then seek to bathe in, and not share with others ; )
AMA: "Who would win a fight between Ryo and Akira? Yu_Suzuki: "Akira! Akira is up to 5 now, and Ryo is still on 3."
Check also pingtest.net to see the stability (jitter) of your connection. If it is 2 or less, you're ready to enjoy your VF :oP
Just to compare: This is my ping to some random CZ server: http://www.pingtest.net/result/124968076.png And this is my ping to New York: http://www.pingtest.net/result/124968305.png As you see, ping differs, but jitter is still very stable.
Well i have already done these kinds of tests both when i lived with my GF and here at my parents place. Was mostly due to a recent remark in the shoutbox i did it again. But here is: http://www.pingtest.net/result/124994525.png to Oslo, ~100 Miles further then the first test. Thing is i've never doubted _my_ connection, but latency will still always happen to people online.
Monday to sunday on VFDC: "I played online yesterday. It was actually laggy!!?. It wasn't offline. If it had been..."
I wanted to take this day to thank Pai~Chun for his professional, encouraging and kind help and advice that has made my growth a reality.
Martians facking suck at vf damn hobo saturnus arse-licking hobo holes are all cooks and cants and xbox/ps3 players suck feces! #Aprils1st
"I have trained my muscular memory to instantly react to all my dropped 9K combos - i am not sure this is a good thang' tho" :p
I am heeding that and i will! I started doing: [9][K] ► [K][P][6][K] ► [6][6][K][P] ► ► (DOWNHIT) but sometimes fall back to my old P 2P+K 66KP, But currently i fail getting the 2P+K with my ducttaped pad properly so that is when i fail and get evade. Sometimes sheer stress makes me just hit crap buttons after a 9K too. But you are right!, more practice is happening, i promise :)
It has arrived!: http://eternity.obsidian.net/media/screenshots But of course VF in between the sessions :p
"Pai~Chun:you make me laugh man, you used to despise netplay, but there you are challenging p_rep"<-I will mull over this gem today - Love