Aug 16, 2014
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Jun 18, 1993 (Age: 31)
Bronx, NY

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Well-Known Member, Male, 31, from Bronx, NY

Add Lucid_Fantasma93 for games when VF5US comes out. Want to make sure I get more out of it than rank stomping the new players. May 26, 2021

    1. Mold_Monkey93
      I know it's not max damage but with Kage (If wall not near) PP4P, P+K, 46K+GKK after 46P+G is fun to do. Reminds me of DOA Power Launchers
    2. Mold_Monkey93
      Sonic The Hedgehog 3 soundtrack was made by Michael Jackson? Whaaaaa
      1. IcKY99
        he WAS working on it, then the 90s molestation charges happened and SEGA distanced them selves from MJ and he left the project, theres 2 or 3 tracks he worked on forsure but not credited, the first robot beat, the carnival map, and forgot the other one
        Sep 16, 2015
      2. YOMI
        The credis music is just a sped up version of Stranger in Moscow.
        Sep 16, 2015
      3. AngryFlyingChop
        Sep 17, 2015
    3. Mold_Monkey93
      KoF14... step your shit up, Sega!
      1. Project Bokuho
        Project Bokuho
        Sep 15, 2015
      2. Unicorn
        Well KOF14 looks like shit for sure, so I am afraid Sega do not feel challenged... As always, no matter what happen :oP
        Sep 16, 2015
      3. Mold_Monkey93
        lol well, Soul Calibur 6 needs to be released before VF 6 lol
        Sep 19, 2015
    4. Mold_Monkey93
      BBCPEX Why are my characters so different? Makoto, Nu13. I heard it was for the better but How are they better? Got to relearn the game
    5. Mold_Monkey93
      @Lucky_GT I think you should learn DoA, and beat all the top players with their basic ass mind-set
    6. Mold_Monkey93
      Btw @Libertine it's scrub the mold. Not scrubmonkey. Also, seriously... What did paichun say exactly?
      1. Libertine
        Check my status update. Also, Fluff Hime thinks that there's literally mold in your router.
        Sep 2, 2015
      2. Mold_Monkey93
        Who's fluff hime? Also, my net is better now. Maybe you should play me sometime.
        Sep 2, 2015
    7. Mold_Monkey93
      Look at Tricky all into VFDC now..l Probably the most I've seen his name in the shoutbox in one month.
      1. Kamais_Ookin and Jacko like this.
      2. Unicorn
        You seem to have Pai~Chun on ignore list then :oP
        Aug 27, 2015
      3. Mold_Monkey93
        What do you mean, I have seen/played him.
        Aug 27, 2015
      4. Unicorn
        He tends to produce a lot of... shoutbox content :o)
        Aug 28, 2015
    8. Mold_Monkey93
      People who stand out or make lol in NYG Photo...OG23,TechnicalMonkey, Jacko,Tricky,Denkai,Shinobifist, Libertine, SAAAL, Onieda red eyes
      1. Kruza likes this.
      2. leftylizard
        onieda looks like superman charging up lasers and jacko is apparently pleasuring himself.
        Aug 26, 2015
      3. Mold_Monkey93
        I was going to say stuff like, Jacko(Fruity?), Tricky (Feeling himself), Denkai (Bored), Shinobifist (Call me), Lib(Where you go?), Next lvl too small for such a photo
        Aug 26, 2015
    9. Mold_Monkey93
      1. og23
        Dural would body Alpha
        Aug 23, 2015
      2. Mold_Monkey93
        lol for real..
        Aug 23, 2015
    10. Mold_Monkey93
      In SF and DoA, I believe that loser always gets to pick stage. Or was it host picks stage in sf? I forget
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Mold_Monkey93
        It's just the actual decision itself as to who gets the right.
        Aug 19, 2015
      3. Mold_Monkey93
        Also find it odd that online wise, SF let's pick stage in lobbies. VF doesn't.
        Aug 19, 2015
      4. Mold_Monkey93
        Is it the very reason some can take advantage? Oh but DoA lets you & plus a million things to worry about in them.
        Aug 19, 2015
    11. Mold_Monkey93
      Kind of random, but the nygx's last day marks the day I decided to expand on my vf potential. A year and raring to go for more.
      1. Dark Nova Void
        Dark Nova Void
        I don't think dats at random at all you gotta fight a large number of players where you experienced many different styles and you gotta do it offline so you had no lag to hold you back. Plus it was tournament I'm pretty sure other people are wanting to get better and expand knowledge.
        Aug 18, 2015
      2. Blitzball Champ
        Blitzball Champ
        Dude, you improved like crazy!
        Aug 18, 2015
      3. Craigbot
        Yes, Swordfish is right! You got a lot better and you can only go up from there (unless you want to back a notch, NOT!).
        Aug 18, 2015
    12. Mold_Monkey93
      NYGX is a lie. Everyone who lost raised eyebrows. Congrats to tricky though. Win or lose, I still had to leave... :[ GGs to every1 cuz no xb
      1. Kruza and Craigbot like this.
      2. Craigbot
        Monkey, you were impressive. I liked your Eileen! There were moments when you took your opponent by surprise which is a treat. Also, at some points you were hesitant, which is understandable for any tournament. Stick to your guns (or bananas) and you'll go far. I know now I must play you :)
        Aug 17, 2015
      3. Phoxx
        nice job at NYGX bro!
        Aug 17, 2015
      4. Mold_Monkey93
        Thanks for the cheers up, guys. Yeah, I kinda did. Everything smooth during causals but when a number on the line, it gets to you. @Craigbot I don't have XB.
        Aug 17, 2015
    13. Mold_Monkey93
      Guess who learning Vanessa and that sweet ass. (More sugar free now tbh)
      1. Craigbot likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Mold_Monkey93
        Sometimes I feel you learn vf again when playing a new character if that sounds drastic. That key knowledge is always there but I can't help but just try things lol cuz I get bored. I can try with what I know.
        Aug 13, 2015
      4. Craigbot
        Yeah, I have like 5-7 characters I use in VF. Knowledge is power. If you have a 360, we could get in some games. The only Eileens' I've played are Evenpit and Tricky, I even use her myself sometimes.
        Aug 13, 2015
      5. Mold_Monkey93
        lol I need dough like I use to have. I would love to be on cruz stream here and there doing online games with everyone
        Aug 17, 2015
    14. Mold_Monkey93
      1. BLACKSTAR likes this.
    15. Mold_Monkey93
      Who is that Pai that KBDs so fast that the feet don't move, but the character does? Answer asap
    16. Mold_Monkey93
      If Take2 didn't buy the 2k brand off sega, it would probably be Virtua Basketball,ect keeping e virtua brand alive as" hyper realism"
      1. Ellis likes this.
    17. Mold_Monkey93
      Haven't been playing vf outside of dojo, coming with some ideas but I need to let the situations happen and not try hard to get em lol
    18. Mold_Monkey93
      So apparently Sony/WB owe me refund for Gotham City Imposters
    19. Mold_Monkey93
      1. oneida and Myke like this.
      2. Myke
    20. Mold_Monkey93
      @Devdan Yeah but they took characters I liked & was going to learn like Jam, Baiken, A.B.B.A and Zappa
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