Hopefully the online patches are coming fast ! (region filter, show ping, wifi indicator) VF5US also needs 4k graphics upgrade and multiplatform crossplay ! I can't dream about rollback because SEGA would be a bit too good if happening ...
Hopefully Yu Suzuki will gain the determination to take vf back from sega as he did with Shenmue and re-brand it and re/introduce it to the world...sega is currently the Japanese version of ELECTRONIC ARTS!
No don't be that rude, there is nothing near to the level of EA, and even Konami or Square Enix are worst than SEGA in Japan even Bamco somtimes... Also Nintendo are just crazy with all the overpriced shits they have. And for Yu Suzuki, i wished he choosed VF over Shenmue, because this game seems too ambitious for his low budget.
Not to mention the best CG animations going around! Can't wait to see what Battle Genesis has in store! ;)
Yeah but I was excited that Battle Genesis could have been something other than just a pachinko machine...
Sega Fes coming up again and it's going to be Saturn themed this year. Maybe we can see some VF1-2 action?
Actually, the game is probably the better looking fgs out. Everything else about it is ugly however. The look of it and the thicc chicks kept me coming back, only to be dissatisfied again.
We got VF costumes last game. What do you think the chances are for Akira/Jacky getting announced during the Smash bros direct today?
Well since they've both been officially announced at this point, the Sega Fes announcement will definitely contain VF6 ;)