Aug 16, 2014
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Jun 18, 1993 (Age: 31)
Bronx, NY

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Well-Known Member, Male, 31, from Bronx, NY

Add Lucid_Fantasma93 for games when VF5US comes out. Want to make sure I get more out of it than rank stomping the new players. May 26, 2021

    1. Mold_Monkey93
      Add Lucid_Fantasma93 for games when VF5US comes out. Want to make sure I get more out of it than rank stomping the new players.
      1. DomAug likes this.
    2. Mold_Monkey93
      Trying PS Now to play FS and it has weird inconsistencies and stutters. It's ok. Well, whoever was the Akira named, [Something]Emperor GGs.
      1. VFhayato, jimi Claymore and DomAug like this.
    3. Mold_Monkey93
      Same with SF5 or w/e 2D FG, you're +3 for example after Sakura's LK Tatsu on CH to combo w/ Jab. Wachu guys think of this?
    4. Mold_Monkey93
      It's just odd since, Nina's eye poke on CH grants her a launcher for example. So, the premise is technically there.
      1. Jason Elbow likes this.
      2. Jason Elbow
        Jason Elbow
        Nina's Eye poke grants a launcher? Wow. Its like Lion's eye poke.. his guarantees a 44 K P+K on CH.
        Nov 13, 2020
        Mold_Monkey93 likes this.
    5. Mold_Monkey93
      Had 0 idea that the Frame Data in TK worked diff on hit,+10/above doesn't grant guarantees. Depends on animations. That feels so weird to me
      1. MarlyJay
        Is it that different from VF? Seems the same to me. There are certain states which are exceptions and the other person can block, like ballerina spins, but they're in VF too aren't they? Jeans 66P for example
        Nov 15, 2020
      2. Mold_Monkey93
        Yeah, but that feels more particular.
        Nov 27, 2020
    6. Rodnutz
      The game may be boring, but it has the player base and for someone like GT who is very competitive, sadly that's the playground he is going to spend most of his time in. Trust me, GT loves VF, but we need more players to get him back. With that said, encourage people to play.
      1. jimi Claymore likes this.
    7. Mold_Monkey93
      I don't get how GT got that good at SFV. It's the complete opposite of VF. It doesn't respect your intelligence & Dedication like VF does.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Rodnutz
        RNG is meaning less when you are a genius robot and GT is kind of a genius robot who enjoys grinding. Simply put, he can get good and be an amazing player at anything. #talent
        Apr 27, 2020
        jimi Claymore and Mold_Monkey93 like this.
      3. Tricky
        He just plays the numbers game probabilistically and makes the most optimal choice. If you do that better than the opponent then you'll win most of the time.
        Apr 27, 2020
        Mold_Monkey93 likes this.
      4. Mold_Monkey93
        It's less about believing he's capable and more so, the game is boring. I remember him being pretty good at ST as well. That game's cool though. Pretty beasty for sure.
        Apr 27, 2020
    8. Mold_Monkey93
      Kung Fu Panda 3 came out when my great grandma died, so, the quote holds meaning for me. I know it predates KFP3 but Oogway said it best.
    9. Mold_Monkey93
      @masterpo I like Oogway's, "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift, that's why it is called, present." INSPIRED
      1. jimi Claymore and MarlyJay like this.
    10. Mold_Monkey93
      I like watching Beat Cup but man, all the Jeans and not the stone-washed kind.
    11. Mold_Monkey93
      Of course I won't admit that and much rather have an elitist VF Mentality. How ya'll been tho? Got used to FSD's character limit lol
    12. Mold_Monkey93
      I learned to accept those situations where I'm like, "VF doesn't do that or VF triangle is perfect." It had a way in harming my play
    13. Mold_Monkey93
      In that sense, playing VF has given me a decent leg up in 3D knowledge but my only problem is then realizing just how well VF is vs others
      1. Jason Elbow likes this.
    14. Mold_Monkey93
      VF teaches you the system first.Then ur character knowledge comes in gradually. No reason Y JDCR has a video teaching why jabs r important.
    15. Mold_Monkey93
      Tekken cats are odd.The game does a bad job at teaching players how to actually play in which they'll try 2 abuse character specific strats
    16. Mold_Monkey93
      Wonder about this. Do JP commentators say number notations and if so, do they say those in JP&Eng? Occasionally I'll hear like, "さん P"
      1. Dreamboat likes this.
      2. Myke
        From what I've observed, they tend use a mixture of the official move name, numeric notations like san-P (3P) or directional commands like mae-P (forward P). English speaking commentators are no different when you think about it.
        Jan 7, 2020
        IcKY99 and Dreamboat like this.
    17. Mold_Monkey93
      No one can say Tekken isn't the poor man's VF after charging for Frame Data.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. beanboy
        Oct 27, 2019
        Mold_Monkey93 likes this.
      3. beanboy
        Both Tekken and DOA are poor man VF clones.
        One relies on clunkyness, and the other relies on jiggles.
        Oct 27, 2019
      4. Mold_Monkey93
        Na, DoA is VF's special needs masturbation-addicted cousin.
        Oct 27, 2019
        beanboy and jimi Claymore like this.
    18. Mold_Monkey93
      These EH dudes man lol Telling me that a 1F link in SF4 is harder than Akira doing his 13F consistently to initiate splat from stagger @wall
      1. Hazard and jimi Claymore like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Jason Elbow
        Jason Elbow
        Well, have you ever tried doing El Fuete's run stop fierce combo?
        Oct 12, 2019
        Mold_Monkey93 likes this.
      4. Mold_Monkey93
        That's literally the only thing. Fact of the matter is that he pointed out a bunch of different FGs that overall are harder in more things beyond execution. I know he doesn't play VF at a level that's decent anyway. I'm just tired of all this, "Respect" VF gets but doesn't at least get played a tiddly bit from the current ver. They'll ask for VF6 but not know why beyond mashing PPP in VF1-2.
        Oct 14, 2019
        jimi Claymore likes this.
      5. Jason Elbow
        Jason Elbow
        Honestly, Tekken 7 is waaaaaaay harder execution wise then VF5 FS. Maybe not like VF4 Evo/FT hard (those VF's where pretty fucking hard) but way more then VF5 FS.
        Oct 19, 2019
    19. Mold_Monkey93
      1. Jason Elbow and Blitzball Champ like this.
      2. Blitzball Champ
        Blitzball Champ
        I dig this idea!
        Oct 2, 2019
        Mold_Monkey93 and Cmoney like this.
    20. Mold_Monkey93
      I got home ya'll. I know BG said don't mention it. I'll say this, if it wasn't for a lot of you guys, I'd feel like a nobody. @Shag @BG 1luv
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Mold_Monkey93
        I think I'm about to shed a tear. Thanks for the encouragement.
        Sep 23, 2019
      3. Jason Elbow
        Jason Elbow
        No prob. Its true. Also, Cameltoe Queens is also Ner-hoe. Either name is sufficient! Lol
        Sep 24, 2019
        Mold_Monkey93 likes this.
      4. Mold_Monkey93
        Is the monthly for the 20th on stream?Want to review matches. V Shag I tried using after 6P+G6, PP, 9P+K+G but instead of using my dedicated macro, I pressed both the P+K and K+G macros together and hit 9K+G which gave me 9K but I didn't expect that. Literally didn't play VF for a long time and it is hard to get matches online for these old consoles. Miss having weekly seshes.
        Sep 26, 2019
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