over 9000. And increasing. (I also agree)
Re: Wolf Abare Seidon uses backdash short shoulder and back crouchdash short shoulder to very good effect. Not really to abare with though in my...
Didn't read what you quoted, eh?
Re: VF5 Final Showdown Videos This still going on? I realised it all started when Myke corrected Andy over something and Andy used an example...
Was gonna watch it again, but it says it's now removed by the user. Shame as some of the matches were genuinely funny.
Re: VF5 Final Showdown Videos I'm quite sure when Myke says there is no "exactly when", he means within the window he's stated. The entire window...
Re: VF5 Final Showdown Videos I'm getting confused here. Aren't you invunerable to Attack during a successful evade unless it's Half circ in the...
When i say Dead throw it's because it's now stupidly likely to be escaped as it has the same direction as the burning hammer. The BH is the real...
He has Burning Hammer doing 100 damage with no chance of a tech roll. Isn't Giant Swing the same direction as Burning Hammer? In which case it's a...
North America =/= The World. Easy, there is your answer. Why would a company that supposedly releases things worldwide look at an overseas region...
What is the command for jumping? something like [7], [8] or [9] + [G]?
Thanks. I'll try it out tonight on my flatmates PS3.
Don't remember ever seeing this extended version of this. Not sure it has anything to do with R or FS, so putting it here. <object id="zp"...
Eileen - Jacky <object id="zp" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="560" height="448"> <param name="movie"...
I think it's a good thing. Only question i have is, can you have the frame display off and this on? Or the frame display on and this off? Or when...
I notice you got rid of your links Po. Looking for some others now? LOL. Be a man and put the originals back up. Edit: Bah, why wait? Do it...
Po, why do you do this to yourself? those links work against what you're saying. According to them, Yakuza 3 has apparently sold near twice VF5...
Doesn't Yakuza sell more in Japan than VF? Anyway, Po please take a look at the lifetime totals of each game.
Re: You are playing too much Virtua Fighter when . I like. [img]
Given that fact, why stress. surely we're all past the point of waiting on tender hooks? It either happens or it doesn't. Either way, we've got...
Separate names with a comma.