[16 Apr 2013] Throwdown Tuesdays @ Best Bout Gaming (Weekly Casuals) (Portland, OR)

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Chanchai, Oct 8, 2012.

Throwdown Tuesdays @ Best Bout Gaming (Weekly Casuals)
Start Date: 16 Apr 2013 08:00 PM
End Date: 17 Apr 2013 03:00 AM
Time Zone: America/Los_Angeles -07:00 PDT

Best Bout Gaming
2409 SE 49th Ave
Portland, OR 97206

Posted By: Chanchai

Confirmed Attendees: 0
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  1. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Casual sessions (and money matches) every Tuesday @ Best Bout Gaming from 7pm until way late!

    All you can play, all you can match, only $5.00.

    Also, feel free to bring additional games you might want to play or suggest something creative. It's an open environment, we usually have a lot of fighting game training and a lot of fun random games on the side as well!

    Bonus Tip: There's a lot of good and diverse food in the area if you come early and can spare a food budget. Food carts only a block away, one of the more popular Burrito Buses around, and Division has a lot of great restaurants as well!

    Website: http://www.bestbout.com
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BestBoutGaming
    Livestream: http://www.twitch.tv/khaosgaming/
  2. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    So a heads up: AJS and I are both planning to go to this, I plan to be there at 7:30pm or so. I am assuming Panda will be there and I still need to check with Yangsing. Fat Bear might be returning as well!

    I'm hoping to see Mackinzie, OMNE, Jaye, Zony, Hollis, Dennis, Andi, Hellsap, and more there for some awesome VF! But I'm honestly expecting a roster of 5-6, and that is fine too!

    The plan is for VF to be on stream, I propose First to 3s (or even First to 2s). Also, it'll be a great opportunity for a lot of the players to practice commentary ^_^

    This Tuesday should be fun!
  3. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    October 9th Report:

    Had fun playing tonight! Really fun matches with:

    AJS (his Jacky was so terrifying at the end of the session!)

    Shinryu Returns (keep it up, your game is improving, AJS told me he felt you overused Sarah's FL KK2K string I think it was)

    Slash (damage seemed better, I think if your defense and counter offense increases, you will be way stronger than you are now)

    OMNE (I know you haven't played since EOS, but fun stuff man--especially against your Vanessa tonight, but I like that you're using Goh too)

    Too bad I didn't get matches with Dennis (all good, looks like you had a great time with TTT2!) or Thomas (but it was so good to see you again man!).

    Thanks everyone for everything tonight! Big thanks to Slash for streaming us and helping us out with stuff. We'll try to have more coordination prepared for you in the future and maybe block something with a set schedule next time.

    LIVESTREAM ARCHIVE: http://www.twitch.tv/teamkhaos/b/335045035
    More serious matches begin at 00:56:10.

    ***Also, at 3:10:12 are my favorite matches of the night begin!
    The earlier matches in the session are probably more visually flashy, but these matches were very intense for me, and put me under a crazy amount of pressure. AJS just destroys me for a bit before I bring a more even match to him. There are situations where the pressure he was putting on me (mentally anyways) had me hesitate despite setting up attacks properly against him, it was pretty intense for me. I really had no idea what to do against him for awhile until I slowed myself down and tried to play with more calm. AJS' Jacky was just scary as hell here, at least at that time that's how it felt. And yeah, my biggest deficit in my game is still guaranteed damage followed by throwing out reckless attacks--must train!
  4. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    This week (10/16/12) is looking pretty good with some awesome VF action planned for Tuesday evening! Hope to see everyone there!

    Most likely I will just be there 7pm-10pm, hope to see you guys there!

    I also want to focus on scene development so at least for my part, I will try to work with players I have not played as much with. I think it will be an excellent night for that! This also implies wanting to have at least 2 setups for Tuesday!

    OMNE, Mackinzie, Hollis, Dennis, Andi, etc... Hope to have some great games with you guys!

    I do know that OMNE has a big full-on mystery game tournament planned for Tuesday, more than one mystery game with a $5 entry fee. Check it out!
  5. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Update: If I make it to Best Bout on Tuesday, it looks like it'll be around 10:30pm, maybe 11pm.
  6. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    I'll be there early, and one of our more elusive players is planning on making it out Tuesday as well, so it's a good chance to play someone you may not have played with before.
  7. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    The start time is wrong...should say 7pm. Was that caused by the rollback?
  8. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I'll update it, it was caused by the rollback I think because I have it setting the event automatically every week.
  9. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I'm planning to be there at 7pm tonight! AJS too ^_^
  10. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    Just a reminder that this week's Throwdown is happening on Wednesday because of Festivus, and there might not be a Friday session (in my unprofessional opinion, I think it will be open.).
    Chanchai likes this.
  11. yangsing

    yangsing Member

  12. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Had an awesome time fighting Fat Bear, Hellsap, R_Panda, AJS, and Yangsing tonight! Thanks for the great games!

    Yangsing's Kage smoked me tonight...
  13. yangsing

    yangsing Member

  14. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Looking forward to training at Best Bout tonight @ Throwdown Tuesdays!
  15. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Glad to have AJS, Yangsing, Fat Bear, Panda, Jared, and Hellsap playing VF tonight! Lots of matches tonight!

    That said, sorry for my sometimes sour attitude tonight. I had almost no control of myself tonight, was hitting buttons a lot and also dropped a lot of things that I don't even normally drop (And I usually drop a lot of very specific things, but tonight I was dropping totally different things). I let too many things get to me today and it affected my attitude.

    All that said, I really liked a lot of the gameplay I saw. I especially liked AJS' Jean and Fat Bear's Goh tonight! AJS always criticizes his own game and feels like he missed everything and wasn't properly punished, but he still outplayed most people tonight and provided some very entertaining VF. Fat Bear's Goh is better than the last time I saw it and his matches with AJS were very entertaining!

    And as always, really good stuff with Yangsing's Kage, Jeffry, and Shun. Part of me wishes we played more, the other part of me is embarassed that my attitude would have made it frustrating for me tonight lol.

    Fun fights with Panda's Brad, but sorry I couldn't stay focused in our fight. Excellent punishment by your Brad and also improved patience and punishment against certain situations with my Lion that used to nail you even last week. Really kept my movelist in check!

    Fun Wolf mirror matches against Jared's Wolf! I know playing a Heavy can feel different and at first slow or sluggish, but after awhile you'll feel that the speed of play is not too different from most characters, just more of a mastery of the arsenal of Wolf vs. the arsenal of Jacky. Your Wolf will get faster and more efficient with more experience
  16. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    This next Throwdown Tuesday on 4/9/13 is going to be the last one (at least for awhile)! So please show your love for Best Bout and local competitive organized (and public) fights!

    Best Bout Beatdown 22, "Da Final Showdown," was quite the success and especially in VF5:Final Showdown where we had 14 entrants and some spectators! Congratulations to R_Panda on his victory at Da Final Showdown!

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