18th VFR Beat-Tribe Cup

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, May 13, 2023.

By akai on May 13, 2023 at 4:18 PM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    This weekend,125 teams, 600+ players will compete at the Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall in Chiba, Japan.

    Schedule for the 18th VFR Beat-Tribe Cup.
    bt scehdule.jpg Note that the event starts morning of May 14th in Japan, but for some viewers around the world the event will start in the evening of May 13th.

    Streaming Options
    Also SuperGolden and Namflow will be commentating in the English version stream.

    The 18th Beat-Tribe Cup booklet is available to download providing tons of great information of the players and the event. It is in Japanese though. Google Doc File
    Last edited: May 13, 2023
    MarlyJay, 40i4, joanot and 3 others like this.


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, May 13, 2023.

    1. akai
      For those not familiar with the Beat-Tribe format, I made slides to explain how the day-long event will be run. There are 5 different stages.

      This is a 5on5 team tournament with 125 teams with emphasis on the region the players are from. With #VFeS , they allowed teams to be made not based on region (yellow). Teams are initially placed either in the Qualify Round stage (73) or in the 1st Round Stage (52).

      Slide6.JPG Placement is determined mainly by points accrued during the season. Teams with the least amount of points are placed in the Qualify Round, into 8 single elimination groups. 8 teams will advanced to the 1st Round. No teams that started in Qualify Round has won BT, yet.

      8 teams from Qualify Round plus the 52 teams initially placed here is divided into 20 league blocks. Leagues block are classified as a Seed Block or a Regular Block. 10 teams are given "Seed Status" based on a team player winning a major event during the season.

      Slide8.jpg After all teams in a block plays against each other: Teams that finished 1st place in a Seed Block: moved onto Final Tournament (10). Teams that finished 1st place in a regular block: moved onto the Play-Off (10) All teams that finished 2nd place goes to Wild Card (20).


      The 10 teams that advanced to the Play-Offs will paired off. The five teams that won the paired match will moved onto the Final Tournament stage. The five teams that lossed in the Play-Off will moved to the Wild Card stage.

      25 Teams participate in the Wild Card stage. Only one team will advance to the Final Tournament. Instead of the whole team playing in the Wild Cad bracket, only one player represents the entire team in the single elimination bracket.
      Slide11.JPG So ten 1st place teams from the Seed Blocks, five play-off winning teams, and one wild card team makes it to the Final Tournament stage. A tradition of Beat-Tribe is announcement of the the 16 teams as they walk down the red carpet before the start of the final competition

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: May 20, 2023
      MarlyJay, 40i4, joanot and 3 others like this.
    2. akai
    3. akai
      YouTube links with the English commentaries from the Majin Obama stream. Namflow & SuperGolden were the main commentators. I think I am able to tell the brothers apart now by their voices (not just by their facial hair).

      Qualify Round / 1st Round /Playoff / Wildcard - https://youtu.be/15SHRI_yJNc

      Final Tournament Stage - https://youtu.be/rawPrwtgaf4
      40i4, JCnextinc, joanot and 2 others like this.
    4. akai
      JCnextinc, 40i4, joanot and 2 others like this.

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