1P swapping with 2P during Player Match

Discussion in 'Console' started by Myke, Jul 1, 2012.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Anyone notice that over a number of Player Matches against the same opponent, you'll switch between 1P and 2P positions? In other words, you start playing as 1P and if you keep rematching you'll eventually start a match as 2P?

    I was trying to see if there was a pattern, like fixed number of games between rotations, or winner stays on 1P, but I couldn't make any sense of it.

    Any takers? Is it just random?
  2. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    It seems to me like the players swap 1P and 2P sides after every three matches regardless of result. But maybe I'm just imagining things here.

  3. blossy1000

    blossy1000 Well-Known Member

    It seems completely random to me, I've been asking myself the same thing.
  4. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    It seems to happen mostly when I'm trying to ready up while the timer is not yet counting, although it's not fully consistent.
    When I wait for the timer before pressing anything, it seems I can go well over 10 matches on the same side... but I don't really pay attention to which side I am on anyway so I could be remembering wrong.
  5. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    On PSN, I think its SQUARE on the controller that switches from 1p , 2p to spectator, from just observing friends playing on line, especially when its a tight series of rematches, ppl have a tendency to hit buttons on the stick or controller between matches just out of nervousness. I don't know what the button is on Xbox, but either you or your opponent could just be hitting it between matches, unaware.

    If you're on 1P and your opponent also after having been on 2p for a while, its 1p in between matches, I was under the impression that when the computer had to pick between two 1P's it just who ever was the highest to decide.

    Does highest mean: position on the list to play next?
    Does highest mean: most battle points
    Does highest mean highest rank

    On the PSN we get a little blurb that says basically the highest 1p and 2p will go next. But if both are 1p (somebody hit the button, probably out of excitement), then the game is gonna make one you 2p.

    I don't think that there is something random in the game that just changes sides. I've played about 150 player/room matches, I only play 2P long enough to win, and then I switch to 1P (I prefer 1P because I'm left handed no other reason) and once I'm on 1P I stay there. I've never been switched to 2P , even after playing the same person consecutively dozens of times.

    When the counter stops and starts again right b4 the match starts I've seen it switch to 2p for my character and then I just hit 1P and it switches back, my assumption is my opponent out of nervousness, excitement or whatever, hit the position change button and set his at 1P, and if I were not paying attention, I probably would end up on 2P sometimes. But I think its one of the two players that's hitting the button, but I could be wrong.
  6. blossy1000

    blossy1000 Well-Known Member

    Well, you guys realize we're talking about player matches here (not room matches obviously)? From my matches tonight (player matches) I would still say it's completely random. It's kinda strange though. Maybe someone knows more about this?
  7. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    I was talking about player matches, but I see how my post sounded like I was talking about room matches.
    There is a timer in player match, and it starts counting down as soon as both players are back to the "lobby", just like in room matches. Side switching seems to happen when I try to ready up before the timer starts, though it's not completely consistent, and it almost never switches if I don't do that, since I'm pretty much always the first one to return to the lobby screen.
  8. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    I know I was clearly talking about player matches in my previous post. The A button for the 360 and the X button for the PS3 are used to swap 1P and 2P sides in room matches.

  9. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    A few minutes ago, I had a set of 20 or so matches against one guy.
    I think I started as 2P, and after the first match I was switched to 1P. After the second match I was switched back to 2P.
    For the 15+ matches after that I was always on 2P.

    After the second match I wanted to see if I could switch to 1P after spamming the ready button. The result was this weird thing that happens sometimes when 1P/2P ready boxes blink black like they are about to get switched but it seemingly switches twice (so nothing actually changes) and I readied up a short moment before he did. I think we were both spamming the ready button, and it could be why our position switched twice at the same time.

    After that I didn't try to switch that way, I just skipped the replay as usual and hit ready as soon as the timer started and it never switched again.

    I don't really know what to get out of that but at least it certainly does not switch every 3 games.
    I won all the matches except match number 10 or some such and it had no apparent impact on 1P/2P.
  10. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Perhaps the first player that returns from the post match menu becomes 1P? Can two people try testing this?
  11. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    It seems pretty random to me after a long session. In fact, I like this feature.
  12. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    I've never had this happen to me, though I played a ton of player matches...
    But I'd like to have an option to change sides, even if it's just a glitch )
  13. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    Today I was on side whateverP, the match ended, I returned to lobby, pressed ready but the other guy stayed 1-2 seconds longer in the post-match screen, so I pressed ready too soon. 1-2 sec later he came back to the lobby, we switched side, we readied up and went to the next match.

    Sometimes it does nothing, sometimes it switches twice...
    But ...
    -if both players return to the lobby at the same time...
    -if you press ready while the other guy is taking 2 hours to save a replay...
    -if you return to the lobby sooner but don't hit ready until the timer...
    ...it most likely won't switch.

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