[24 May 2013] Ultimate Fighting Game Tournament 9 (Rosemont, IL)

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by KillaKen, Sep 6, 2012.

Ultimate Fighting Game Tournament 9
Start Date: 24 May 2013 12:00 PM
End Date: 27 May 2013 12:00 AM
Time Zone: America/Chicago -05:00 CDT

Crowne Plaza Chicago O'Hare
5440 North River Road
Rosemont, IL 60018

Posted By: KillaKen

Confirmed Attendees: 0
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  1. KillaKen

    KillaKen Well-Known Member

    Ran across this on SRK earlier today...


    Join us from May 24th to 26th of 2013 in Chicago, IL for the most inclusive tournament experience on the planet: Ultimate Fighting Game Tournament 9! While the previous installments were huge successes, we still have changes in store UFGT9, including an all new venue.


    New Venue: Crowne Plaza Chicago O’Hare
    Venue Features:

    • 15,300 sq/ft ballroom (up from a total of 6,000 sq/ft last year). This massive space will give you all the room you need to game with your friends, compete in our tournaments, or relax in the fun and games area.
    • Welcome to Chicago. Our venue is only one stop on the CTA Blue Line train from the O’Hare International Airport. Getting to us has never been easier or cheaper. If you are willing to walk a half mile from the CTA station to the hotel, it will only cost you $2.25 to ride the train. Additionally, the Blue Line train leads right into the heart of Chicago proper. If you want to be a tourist for a day or two, you are certain to love our new location.
    • Rooms are available at the special group rate of $79.99/night, only $10 more than in Northbrook. UFGT remains one of the cheapest tournament events you can attend.
    • Parking will be completely free for any guest staying overnight for UFGT9, and will be discounted to $10/day for everyone else attending.
    • The Crowne will offer a cash concession booth where you can get reasonably priced food and drink. No outside food or drink is allowed, but there are plenty of nearby places to eat just a short walk away.
    If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments or tweet @KeitsSRK on twitter.
    Additionally, we have yet to settle on a theme or subtitle for UFGT9. If you have any suggestions, we’d love to hear them.

  2. KillaKen

    KillaKen Well-Known Member

    For the gamelist...

    I'm posting it on here so the VF scene knows about it early on. Hopefully we can garner enough interest to get our game in this tournament.
  3. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    I had a great time at this years UFGT. I'm interested in going again next year. :)
    Lord_Hollow and KillaKen like this.
  4. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Content Manager Pai Bronze Supporter

    I also had a good time at UFGT8. If VF5FS is there, I will definitely put the effort to make it.
  5. KillaKen

    KillaKen Well-Known Member

    That's the thing, VF players have to show interest or it's not going to be there. The area where the venue is has a lot to do out there as well. I'm sure people from out of state would enjoy the event. I'll definitely go since I'm only like an hour away.

    I just wanted to get it on here so people know about it before they start the registration. They don't even have the list of games up yet...
  6. grap3fruitman

    grap3fruitman Active Member

    List of games being held: http://ufgtus.wordpress.com/2013/01/11/ufgt9-game-lineup/

    • Divekick ver 2013
    • Injustice
    • King of Fighters XIII
    • Mortal Kombat 9
    • Mystery Game Tournament ver 2013
    • Persona 4 Arena
    • Skullgirls
    • Soul Calibur V
    • Street Fighter x Tekken ver 2013
    • Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition ver 2012
    • Tekken Tag Tournament 2
    • Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
    • Vampire Hunter (aka Night Warriors: Darkstalkers Revenge)
    • Vampire Savior (aka Darkstalkers 3)

    VF5FS is noticeably absent. =(
  7. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Now would be the time to get people to post up on who is going. There shouldn't be more Vampire Savior players than VF players, ever. Doesn't matter if it's a featured tourney or not, lol!
  8. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    The tourneys I go to that feature both games tend to have the same amount attendance wise.

    Vampire Resurrection will be out in a month so I'm sure Savior will have a resurgence of players coming back to it plus a new audience.
  9. Des_Delaghetto

    Des_Delaghetto New Member

    Sup y'all,

    I'm planning on attending UFGT9 to mostly play KOF, but it would be great to play some VF5:FS with others, either casually, or in a tournament format if there are enough players. I've been learning and playing VF5 quite a bit mostly online since I don't know or can't find any other MN players.

    I play on ps3 but I'm only bringing my 360 stick down with me, so playing on 360 would be ideal since it isn't a dual mod.

    Lets play! :)
  10. Goldfish

    Goldfish Member

    Hey! I should be there for MK and Injustice. I'm still new myself. :)

    Still have my fingers crossed it could be the mystery game! :D
  11. grap3fruitman

    grap3fruitman Active Member

  12. grap3fruitman

    grap3fruitman Active Member

    The mystery game tournament is usually a different set of games each bracket (I think), not one particular game.
  13. wingchun_warrior

    wingchun_warrior Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    damn no vf bull shit
  14. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Honestly, what did you really expect? There is no interest, so the game has no merit being there. Last year, Sega and few interested parties made it happen since it was new and fresh.
    You or I can't force it to be there, so just let it be. In reality, I don't even think there is an active Illinois community to help out this situation, sad.
  15. wingchun_warrior

    wingchun_warrior Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    it dont matter its a fighting game how can they have gay ass skull girls ,persona,an vampire slayer instead of vf wow doa5 isnt even in there ufgt blows
  16. Lord_Hollow

    Lord_Hollow Well-Known Member

    I'll be there. Someone let me know where the VF casuals will be held.
  17. wingchun_warrior

    wingchun_warrior Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    bf wont be there thats the problem
  18. BlueLink

    BlueLink Well-Known Member

    Because there is interest for this games on that area, deal with it.

    Also, when Keits first announced the tournament he said on it's website that if anyone wanted to run a side tournament for a game that did not entered as a main game to talk to him because he encouraged side events to happen. I know that BB (my favorite f-game together with VF) and GG are in as side events and that it's communities are hyping them up as well.

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