2_3P!P+G uses & evasive properties

Discussion in 'Aoi' started by kingo, Jul 20, 2013.

  1. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    Aoi's [2_][3][P]![P][+][G] is one of her key moves in FS.
    Along with its good range, at 16 frames exe, it's fast enough to punish easily sweeps and unsafe lows what recover at -16 or worse on block, but also standing moves such as Lau's [6][K][+][G] or Sarah's [6][P][K] since the command move can be executed as [3][3][P]![P][+][G].
    The hit throw naturally goes under any high moves at any disadvantage ( up until your opponent is smart enough to punish with guaranteed jab, which means -11 ), and even special high move (Vanessa OS and Brad's [6_][K]) .
    However, it doesn't work if the special high move is part of a string.
    You can also punish whiffed low punches after backdash at small disadvantage.
    What is very interesting is that the move also goes under mid moves at disadvantage ( mostly generic elbows [6][P] and side kicks [3][K] ) against a lot of the cast, and can even interupt moves such as Sarah or Jacky's [4][K][+][G] ! :eek::D .

    After experimenting in matches against various characters and in dojo, here is a non exhaustive list of mid moves what can be avoided constantly with [2_][3][P]![P][+][G] at disadvantage, in specific stance.

    El Blaze
    [3][P] from -1 to -5 , close stance,
    -6 only after Aoi's sweep NH or blocked side kick

    Eileen and Pai
    None :mad:

    [3][P] at -1, close stance
    [6][P] at 0 and -1, open stance
    [6][6][P] from -1 to -9, open stance

    [4][K][+][G], from -4 to -10, close stance
    Note: [4][K][+][G] is slow at 20 fr exe, so at -3 and higher, the hit throw wins already due to frame execution.

    [3][K] from -1 to -7, close stance

    Shun Di
    None :(

    Vanessa DS
    [6][P] from 0 to -5, close stance
    [P][+][K] from 0 to -4, open stance

    Vanessa OS
    [P][+][K] from 0 to -4, close stance, possible at -5 after a Aoi's blocked low punch only
    [4][K] from 0 to -6, both stance

    Lei Fei
    [6][6][P] from 0 to -5 close stance

    and [3][K] from 0 to -5, close stance
    [2][K][+][G] from 0 to -5, open stance

    [6][P], [3][K] and [4][K] from 0 to -5? close stance

    [3][K], from 0 to -5, both stance
    [6][P], from 0 to -5, close stance

    [3][K], from 0 to -6, open stance
    [6][P], from 0 to -3, close stance
    [4][K][+][G] from -4 to -13, both stance
    [4][6][K][+][G] from -1 to -9, close stance
    [6][K], from -1 to -3, close stance

    [3][K], from 0 to -5, (-6 possible after Aoi's sweep NH, close stance)
    [3][P], from 0 to -5, (-6 possible after Aoi's sweep NH, close stance)
    [4][K], from 0 to -6, both stance
    [K], from 0 to -4 both stance, then open stance only for -5
    [6][P], from 0 to -2, close stance

    [3][P], -1 & -2, both stance, but open stance only at 0 & -3 to -5
    [3][K], from -1 to -3, both stance, but close stance only at 0 & -4 & -5,(-6 possible after Aoi's sweep NH)
    [K], from 0 to -5, both stance, -6 possible after Aoi's sweep NH

    [3][P], from 0 to -3, any stance
    [6][3][2][1][4][P], from 0 to -3, close stance
    [3][K], 2 & -3 any stance, then -4 to -9, close stance only
    [3][P][+][K] close stance, -6 at max
    [3][3][P][+][K] open stance, -6 at best

    from 0 to -5, close stance, (-6 possible after Aoi's sweep NH)
    [6][P], at 0 & -1 any stance, then -2 & -3 close stance only
    [4][P][+][K], from 0 to -6 close stance

    None :ninja:

    [4][P][+][K] from 0 to -6, close stance

    There are specific situations at -6 in which the hit throw can goes under a certain mid move but only after Aoi's [2][K][+][G] NH, and not after her blocked [3][K], [6][6][P][+][K] or [4][6][P][+][K].
    To conclude, [2_][3][P]![P][+][G] can be used as an abare tool, as it can avoid throw / high and some mid mix ups at medium disadvantage against most mid weight characters, be aware that it seems to work mostly on close stance, and you have better chance to interupt certain moves if Aoi is not too close to her opponent.
    Along with Tenchi, it will force your opponent to rely on other moves and change his attack patterns if he doesn't want to be annoyed by this WTF moments " What ? She goes under my MID ???". :eek:
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2015
  2. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    There's no OS [1][P][+][K] ? I'm guessing it's a typo for [3][P][+][K]? [2][P][+][K] is a bound move so i'm guessing nothing goes under it, and [4][P][+][K] is high (so it gets beaten by default, no need to mention it).

    Also, come on! You've seen it go under DS [P][+][K] or [3][K] or [6][6][K] and OS [9][K] or [4][K]. Pretty sure it was not after a sweep either. It might be range-related though because IIRC this always happens at a distance.

    That said, I refrain from complaining (online) about it because (i) it's a hit-throw after all so it requires actual skill to pull off (ii) it might not always work vs jumping/BT (iii) it doesn't have crazy damage potential (iv) it requires stance checking to be sure it's going to crush and, mainly (v) it's unsafe (even if i never get to punish it).

    Because of all these (albeit small) drawbacks, run-of-the-mill Aoi players tend to overlook it. So, AFAIC, this is the move that separates good from average Aoi players. When i'll play against a random opponent online i'll watch out for this move; if it's not used in the first two-three matches i quickly make up my mind that i'm playing vs a new player.

    In other words, a key move indeed :D
  3. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    lol at the eileen and pai.
    Sozos likes this.
  4. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Funniest part is that eileen and pai are is alts.

    ...so the best counter to kingo is kingo?!
    Sozos and Tricky like this.
  5. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    Nice list! Well done, kingo.

    Also, doing this move after a buffered crouch dash motion makes it an even more dangerous tool since it can then reach an opponent from mid-range. Plus it can be done after an evade cancel - crouch dash buffer to disrupt the timing of the opponent who throws out a lot of quick single strikes.

  6. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    Just found out that the move can be done without direction, so it's just [P][+][K]
    Looks like she has a similar move with the same command too in DS, which is a mid what can be "crushed" by Aoi's hit throw in open stance.
  7. G0d3L

    G0d3L Well-Known Member

    I remember very well my WTF moment when after your usual 43+P spam blocked i saw that stupid hit throw went under my 3K :eek:

    Of course I recorded that match and saw it a thousad times, and still couldn't belive it :mad:
    kingo likes this.
  8. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    Hum...some people are just not supposed to see that thread...:D
    So far Akira, Shun Di, Eileen and Pai are immune to that mid crush magic properties.
    Reminds me evasive properties of Eileen or Akira's shoulder ram..

    Yep, good to punish delayed throw to beat Aoi's ECD.
  9. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    Some WTF moments with Aoi's hit throw.

    Enjoy :p
  10. G0d3L

    G0d3L Well-Known Member

    the only magic property I see it's your magic spam of it!
    Mister likes this.
  11. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    I used that move today in a rank match and it avoided my opponent's mid attack, some slick stuff @kingo :D.
  12. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    I assume it can also go under jumping moves ( but no hit will occur, both attack will just whiff ) at proper frame situation, need to study that more :D
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2013
  13. BlackGeneral

    BlackGeneral The Emperor of Elbows Bronze Supporter Content Manager Akira

    BeeGee VFDC
    Kingo WOULD make a thread about this bullshit move and how many things it can evade.
  14. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Just in case the move DOES hit a jumping attack (for example Lion's [8][K]) is there an improvised combo that Aoi can do? I am assuming the hit-throw won't work but the opponent will be airborne and vulnerable to followups, right? Maybe [2][K][P][P]?

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