2nd batch of VF4 PS2 pics

Discussion in 'Console' started by ecvjz, Nov 5, 2001.

  1. ecvjz

    ecvjz Member

    not really sure if the pics are geniune, but I think Jacky's stage looks toned-down, othewise characters look arcade-perfect?
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    AGGGH lies! No more lies!
    Sorry, I know you didn't mean to do it, but these are well known pics that have been out for a while and are NOT PS2 PIX. Check out this post:
    <a target="_blank" href=http://virtuafighter.com/versuscity/showthreaded.php?Cat=&Board=versus&Number=17225&page=&view=&sb=&o=>http://virtuafighter.com/versuscity/showthreaded.php?Cat=&Board=versus&Number=17225&page=&view=&sb=&o=</a>
    ...the picture adam uses in the example is one of the pictures used on fighter's net. I'll need to register with fighter's net to tell them the same.
  3. Rugal

    Rugal Well-Known Member

    Funny how old re-hased images keep getting released.
    I've had a fair bit of experience with Vf4 arcade, and on a 31K VGA monitor and I don't think there is any way the PS2 can do a 100% port. The poly models are far better than TTT and so are the backgrounds. Lets see it try to do wolfs stage with the 100+ people in the backgrond and 2 spotlights. Yeah, right.
  4. saiyuk

    saiyuk New Member

    There's no denying VF4 looks way better than TTT... but remember that TTT was a release title. 18 months ago. On a system that was noted for its programming difficulty.

    If Sega put in the time, effort and money, I wouldn't be surprised if it was arcade perfect. Or at least so close that we couldn't tell the difference.

  5. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    ... sort of what saiyuk is saying.
    It's not that it's impossible - with hard work, good programming, blah blah blah, lots of time invested, it might be possible to get the home version close enough to arcade perfect. The only thing that's impossible is that anyone will make the time and effort to do that. They want this port over and done with so they can move on to the next one.
  6. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Thing is Namco had both the time AND the experience for T4 wich in the arcades is running on a system that is just basically a PS2 in the same way Naomi is a DC yet T4 still doesnt come annywhere close to VF4 and this is coming from the company who graphicaly shamed Sega on Sega s own platform with Soul Calibur .
  7. Daniel Thomas

    Daniel Thomas Well-Known Member

    Personally, I don't think Sega will have any problems delivering a VF4 conversion that's anything less than wonderful. All this talk about hardware stats is really pointless; in the end, it all comes down to the ingenuity of the software developers. These are the guys who put VF2 onto the Saturn -- and don't forget Sega Rally and the Virtua Cop series.
  8. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    You have a very good point there. Some people may not know that the horror that was the VF3tb conversion for the Dreamcast was actually handled by the third party publisher Genki.

    Every conversion that Sega did for the Saturn was honorable. Manx TT, and Virtual ON are also good examples.
  9. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    The examples you gave + VF2 were considered bad examples depending on who you ask.... VOOM especially.

    Though I'll admit I like playing all of those on the Saturn, but I do prefer to play the arcade versions much more (and for more reason than just the arcade experience or graphics I should add).
  10. Rugal

    Rugal Well-Known Member

    Manx TT wasn't actually done by sega. It was done by a developer in Australia.
    Also, I'd hardly call VF3 on the Dreamcast a horror. It was good given the short timespan the developers had to do it in.
    You should be pissed at sega for not doing it themselves.
  11. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Manx TT was indeed done by Tantalus
    What even fewer people seem to know is that Genki consists of most of the people who converted VF2 to the Saturn or indeed who programmed VF2 for the arcades .
  12. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Some people just won't be content... I thought VOOM was excellent. Especially if you got the sticks like I did.
  13. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    Manx TT was a 3rd party conversion. Unless memory is totally failing me, it was actually done by Tantalus, a Mebourne (Australia) based games company.

  14. ecvjz

    ecvjz Member

    dudes - i'm not being rude here, but have you guys checked out the TGS video footage of VF4 PS2? I think it looks pretty promising - ok the video is blurred, but I think its safe to say that VF4 will at least be a 90% coversion in terms of graphics
  15. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    True, but look at House of Dead or Sega Touring Car and tell me they weren't ugly as hell. =)
  16. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Gribbly stop repeating me .
    HoTD was also a Tantalus conversion , dont remember about the racing game , id have to check .
    On the PS2 conversion ill withold judgement until I see it .
    One thing they can skip a lot of polygons on on the PS2 are the faces , theyre incredibly high poly compared to all other fighters out there .
    We will see soon enough .
  17. Rugal

    Rugal Well-Known Member

    I think the major compromises will be made with the:
    - face detail (far less polys. It's insane how detailed some like Jerky and Wolf are)
    - Textures (doh, PS2 doesn't even support compression) Even TTT, with its limited scenery, has poor texture detail.
    - Lighting. As *if* they will get 6 lights working on the PS2 with over 1 million polys :)
    - Gameplay - Hehe, you have to use the PS2 pad ;-)
  18. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Well, don't worry about me. I'm honestly content, just prefer the arcade.

    As for VOOM, I'm not an expert in the field. I do however have two versions of the game (US version and US Netlink version), one set of Saturn Twinsticks, and I still play it. It plays good for me, but it's far from arcade perfect. As for those who are in the know, the arcade VOOM players, and most will tell you that the Saturn version is far from being a good representation of high-level play.

    I believe that you can train on the Saturn, but you don't get the full package deal on just the Saturn. There's some stuff missing, inconsistency of the framerates really kills some aspect of play, if not at least greatly reducing the chances of performing certain things properly.

  19. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Rugal umm where did you get that silly notion that PS2 doesnt support texture compression ?
  20. Rugal

    Rugal Well-Known Member

    PS2's IPU supports JPG compression for MPG2 playback, which isn't applicable for real time texture compression. Rumours aboud that it can support VQ compression, but nothing has been documented or seen in any games to testify to this. Also, the GS bus is so small that you'd have a hard time fitting VF4's textures across it along with all the polygon vertex data. TTT, Tekken 4, Bloody Roar 3, DOA2 are good examples of these limitations.

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