3D Fighter Forums

Discussion in 'General' started by Gouki_Hinogami, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. So naturally 2D Fighting Players go to shoryuken, where do 3D people who play other 3D Fighters go? Any online forums for Soul Calibur, DOA or Tekken?

    I ask because I'm probably going to get into other games, likely Soul Calibur or maybe DOA. Possibly Injustice or KOF XIII also.
  2. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    TBH shoryuken is about Capcom games, the rest is there just "to be so"
    KOF, MK plus Injustice and other games, they all have their own sites

    It is the same with 3Ds
    8WayRun is for SC
    Tekkenzaibatsu for Tekken
    I know shit about DOA but they have some page too, as I heard stories about some top level players flamewar happening there few years ago
  3. floodnhard

    floodnhard Active Member

    freestepdodge for doa
  4. floodnhard

    floodnhard Active Member

    or check the fgc thread on neogaf

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