66P+G Combo help

Discussion in 'Goh' started by Mackfactor, Aug 16, 2009.

  1. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    Im trying to do
    66 P+G , 2p 2p, shoulder ram.

    I noticed i miss most of the time trying to do that. Ive tried full dash... a little delay.. as well.

    Does anybody know how to do this combo, or the exact input of this one? It says that its not stance specific in Black book
  2. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    How fast are you buffering the forward dash in? Also, are you doing the combo vs the appropriate characters?
  3. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    yup appropriate characters. i know who i can do it to who i cant. Doing a full dash, just like i would with 33p full dash 4p+k combos. I can get it off, just not most of the time. I was testing it out with leonard uk one day, trying to figure if there was a little more to this combo than a full dash... maybe a delay 2p for a higher float.. ?
  4. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    That's possible, but it would be a bitch to pull off reliably esp online.
  5. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Lau of America
    My honest opinion is to not even worry about it [​IMG]

    66p+g -> shrm. is good enough.

    The only optional combo out of 66p+g you might want to learn the timing of is the characters you can do 66p+g , 4p+k , 2p , shrm on.
  6. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    "The only optional combo out of 66p+g you might want to learn the timing of is the characters you can do 66p+g , 4p+k , 2p , shrm on"

    that combo is easy. is for all lightweights plus El Blaze and has highest damage 63pts.

    The combo im talking about does about 47-52 damage: middle weights up to Akira. So that combo i mentioned is best for middleweights like goh. To me i rather i miss a combo and lose than not to learn my character to the fullest. I believe its important to know open close stance combo's, universal combos are fine and all but.. it should be advised to learn the best combo's for each stance and weight. Also nice to know okizeme options from the combo's. I saw gauche5 (one of the top goh's imo) do something like 46P 2p P KG <i think> . I was thinking why would he do this?? So me and AssasinCP were testing it out, it may not do as much damage but there are better oki options from it. It causes the foe to be in a better position for oki. U can roll and evade the WR KICK ( NON DELAYED ) if the angle is just right, u have to watch for the camera angle and the tilt of how the foe is lieing.. the more slanted they are the more success it will have. U can anticipate a kick sabaki, evade linear non delay wr. the most important part of that combo is that i can have the foe have a linear attack wr. Even a knee would be easier to CH with. So gauche did it early game probably cause he wanted a good flowchart and deal more damage in the long run.. But i advise going for the best guaranteed damage when their life is lower.

    anyways i been messing around with the combo in DOJO, basically u kinda have to dash not to close and delay the 2p a bit ( which is the most important ). Its mostly a timing thing, the dash has to be nice and quick, buffered, and 2p delayed. I think what i was doing wrong was the the dash was to close to the opponent and I did 2p right away without that delay.
  7. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    This combo is exact recoverable between the low punches. Otherwise its ok, not too hard. Just need a long-ish delay before the first low punch.
  8. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    I'll save you some time and tell you not to bother with [6] [6] [P] [+] [G], [2] [P], [2] [P], Shoulder. The combo is finicky, timing is character specific and only adds 2pts of damage over just plain old shoulder ram. I'll only ever do it if I'm messing around or I think the extra damage will win the round.

    Also catch throw always puts you in the same stance(Open Stance?), so there are no stance specific combos out of catch throw.
  9. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Its more than 47 if u add a heavy stomp!

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