6KP > Slipping K Sideturn Unblockable Setup

Discussion in 'Brad' started by fence, Jan 11, 2025.

  1. fence

    fence New Member Silver Supporter

    First off, I made a video containing most of this information in a quick and concise manner. I'm mainly just gonna be writing down everything I already covered in this video with more elaboration.

    In the REVO patch Brad's [6][K][P] string got changed from +1 on normal hit to +4. Beyond not transitioning into stance and taking the plus frames this doesn't give him any new normal hit transitions to my knowledge (I falsely state that it now allows you to frametrap 12 frame options in the video but that is true for FS as well.) On side hit however it leaves you at +7; as a consequence of this slipping (to opponent's back) [K] and [P][+][K] become side turn unblockables with, in slipping [K]'s case no escape. ([P][+][K] can be ducked every time, I will focus on slipping [K] for of that reason. It's worth nothing people might just hold [5], [G] or try to evade during this setup in which case [P][+][K] will give you more damage.)

    This is insanely powerful because the resulting combo, which works even on normal hit will out damage any side hit crouching or counter hit confirms from [4][K] or [6][P] that do not involve walls. I will list some damage values to back up this claim.

    (Counter or Crouching Hit) [6][P], slipping [P][+][K], [9][P][+][K], [4][4][P], BT[2][P], [P], [4][6][K][+][G] (100 damage crouching, 108 counter)
    (Counter hit) [4][K], ducking [P][+][K][P], dash [4][4][P], BT[2][P], [P], [4][6][K][+][G] (118 damage)
    (Any side hit, universal) [6][K][P], slipping [K], [3][P][P], [P], [9][K] (111 damage, 121 counter)
    (Any side hit, doesn't work on heavyweights) [6][K][P], slipping [K], [4][4][P], BT[2][P], [P], [3][P][+][K][P] (114 damage normal, 124 counter)

    If you block [6][K] while sideturned, you can duck the [P] string and punish with a blue counter (17f launchers work) if he does no transition, or a yellow/red counter if he transitions to a button immediately.

    If you block [6][K][P], [P] will lose to slipping [P][+][K] and anything slower than 12f will beat beaten by slipping [K]. If you press [2][P] any slipping transition will lose, however Brad has a few answers. [6][K][P] on side block is only -2 so he can evade, fuzzy, crush etc. If he wants to transition, ducking [K][+][G] will beat [2][P] cleanly at the risk of a [P][+][G] punish if blocked.

    If you slip directly to their back and they're holding [5] and nothing else, you will get a back crumple. The only combos I've found that work here are:
    [3][P][P], [9][K] (106 damage, universal)
    dash [2][P], [4][4][P], BT[2][P], [P], [4][6][K][+][G] (111 damage, doesn't work on heavyweights)

    A few miscellaneous applications are after a wall stagger like neutral throw at an angle or [1][K][+][G] parallel to the wall where you can follow up with [6][K][P] into the unblockable. Or after the new REVO [3][K] stun, where dash OM [6][K][P] sets up for a max of 148 damage with the optimal routes I've posted.

    That's about all I have for the setup, It can be a little unreliable in actual matches depending on what exactly you evade and the sideturn orientation being position based. Or I'm just messing up the timing sometimes. But I've applied it successfully in almost every match I've played since we found this and have tried escaping it every possible way in training mode and haven't found any way to avoid the slipping [K].

    Huge thanks to Razinoff for showing me this setup!
  2. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    So that's what Itoshun was labbing the other day. I didn't fully understand what was going on.

    On Taka if you end in front of him 3PP, 46K+G does 15 points more than what you have in the vid.
    If you somehow manage to get slip K back hit on him you can high bound him, 9P+K, 44P, BT 2P, 3P+KP works. 4PK ender also does for same damage. P, 9K ender works for 1 point more but worse oki.
    Chanchai and fence like this.
  3. Razinoff

    Razinoff Active Member Content Manager Brad

    Hey remember the days when we could do this setup? :(

    fence and Mister like this.
  4. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    I remember it like yesterday.
    fence and Razinoff like this.

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