A couple of Shun questions

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by austinc1, Nov 10, 2001.

  1. austinc1

    austinc1 Member

    I've never really played shun seriously before, but since discovering a VF4 machine in a nearby arcade, have been playing him pretty exclusively. I just had a few basic questions:

    1) What are bread and butter moves for a shun player? Since I didn't play him or even see him played much in 2 or 3, I've no idea what others think, but I find myself using the chouan uppercut, the rolling pokes (made up that name, but df P+K and db P I think are the ones), and a few of the sacrifice moves. Besides the uppercut (which I've gotten some sweet launches with) what else makes a good launcher/MC?

    2) How should one treat Shun's drinking? The problem is, the moves that get you points are kinda shoddy. The throw is easily counterable and the f+P+K is of limited use. I've been drinking in sitting stance whenever possible to rack up points. Unfortunately, because of the time it takes, the danger of sitting/laying down, etc... is the extra damage and few moves you get out of it worth it. Some things seem pretty useful, like f,f,P+K, but a lot are just canned combos. These could be good for floats I guess, but are they really all that much more damaging than other floats?

    3) What uses do the different stances have? The problem is, all of them seem to just have a few moves that can be performed, so going into a stance telegraphs your subsequent attacks to your opponent. Are there situations in which certain stances might be useful?

    Thanks for helping,
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    1. Shun's basic float tool is the d/f, f+P .... for other combos, try D, f+P ... on major counter it causes the opponent to crumple. I don't know what is free afterwards, probably f,f+K ... maybe d/f, f+P ... maybe some other stuff. The u+K (mule kick) causes the opponent to flop with their legs kicking up. Combo followups are possible, such as f,f+K. Maybe you can do this: D, f+P, u+K, f,f+K ...your uppercut is the basic floater and the basic combo I see is d/f+P, P+K, b+K (canned uppercut, thrust punch, sacrifice kick combo). You can also get a d/f+K+G sweep at the end of most floats (when they hit the floor), but I dunno if that's true in VF4 or if the opponent can tech roll.

    Shun can also do combos from the d/f+P+G throw... when you end up behind them do d/f, f+P and then any combo.

    2. re: drinking - inflicting more damage is really happy. With normal damage shun is balanced, if on the weak side. When everything starts inflicting 20% more damage, then shun is an asshole. The best way to get drunk is P+G throw. also use the small but safe single-drink for one DP, don't bother with the suicide sitting drink. At the end of every round, drink three times, it counts.

    The added canned combos are also useful for confusion, not just damage.
    PP, d/b+K, K is a great example. they're blocking high, then suddenly eat a low attack, then the kick to the face. K,K, P is a good surprise. (I think you have K,K,P,K if you're drunk enough. And the added combo ability is nice too, instead of d/f, f+P do d/f, f+P,P ... instead of ending a combo in one sweep, end it in d+P+K,K,K triple sweeps. The extra combo pain really makes the opponent freeze up and block.... and that's good, that's where you land your P+G throws.

    3. I dunno about shun's stances at all. They're mostly just to irritate the opponent into eating a lie-down attack or handstand kick (which seems to overpower any other attack). Lying down and doing the roll forward into either the low kick canned combo (you need drinks) or flopover is semi-effective. Maybe Ki Nam can help, he's a good shun player on this board, though he seems to come here rarely.

    Try looking at akira kid play shun di. As a shun he's mediocre, but he does find the strongest moves for any character he plays and uses them a lot.
    Since TBZone is down lately, try

    ftp://vf.dyndns.org/New TBZone/

    And the shun movies are in that directory.
    Good luck.
  3. KNK

    KNK Member

    About Shun's drinking problem, here is a handy tip... When you win a round, you actually have enough time to get 4 drinking points. As soon as you win a round, drink once by pressing P+K+G and then sit down or lay down immediately for 3 additional DPs.
    If you win the round with a fast recoverying move (punch, low punch...), lay down immedialy and press P+K+G repeatedly... If done fast enough, you can drink twice for 6 DPs.
    Finally, if you ring out the opponent, you have even longer time to drink. Drink once standing, lay down immediately and drink twice for 7(!) DPs in total.

  4. Electro_Jacky

    Electro_Jacky Well-Known Member

    I also have been using Shun for a couple days now and I have been doing some research, what i've found out is (please anybody correct me if this is wrong) after 8 DP's P,P,d+K,K is guaranteed if the the first punch connects and after 16 DP's the third part becomes unblockable from when the first punch is guarded. Info was taken from www.gpara.com with babelfish so I could be wrong but it seems to be correct and I have been abusing I mean using the move effectively : )
  5. austinc1

    austinc1 Member

    Sad but true: for some reason, in my arcade, any drinks you try to take after the last blow has been added won't be added to your drink total. It'll do the animation... but you won't get the points. If your last blow is something that would normally get you a point, you will get that. Argh!
  6. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    huh, it's an option then?
    It isn't mentioned in the VF4 kit manual, although I could be wrong.
  7. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    Abuse the mule kick(u+k) everytime it hits and you are near them f+p+k will hit giving you three drunk points. So don't bother doing any other mule kick combo's. They don't do much more damage anyway. As was previously stated get your drunk points at the end of the round if posssible in your area.
    Other good abuse moves are:

    d+p(Mc) p+g: this may seem cheap but it works and people have trouble escaping this throw. The timing for this throw seems different than the other throws. It also does insane damage for a p+g throw use it until they escape on a normal basis than use the b+p+g nobody expects this they expect the rollover throw well screw them

    d>f>u>b+p+g: good throw does good damage gives six dp you need 10 dp to perform.

    df+p: it's quick and knocks them back, good flow chart starter also good to use when you need space

    k,k,p or k,k,d+p: is a very good move and does a lot of damage if you have 16 dp you can do k,k,d+p,k which does insane damage.

    df+k: I prefer to use this immediately after the df+p to try and stagger but also good for interupt's

    db+k,k: good suprise move its fast and you really dont get killed when they block it at least not yet. It also knocks down. If they do block it just tap g to fall down minimizing potential damage from your opponent.

    d,df,f+p: Ahhh the chouwan Shun's main damage move his best floater and relatively low risk. Just do not become too predictabe with it's use and you will be fine. It has insane priority will knock your opponent out of most of his moves:)

    db+p+k+g,p+k: it moves you back at an angle and you stick out a double fist knocks down does okay damage.

    db+p+k+g,p: it moves you back at an angle and you stick out an swipe of sorts will float on Mc.

    db+p,k: also a good interupt move if the back push hits as an Mc delay the sweep or it will wiff.

    b+p+k+g: just a good runaway tactic which are always useful

    Thats about it for good abusable moves following are other moves of note.

    db+p+k: will float on Mc and a really good float at that gets you alot of damage. It is very risky it takes too long to wind up so use it sparingly.

    f+k+g: It's quick and hits a pretty good amount of the time use every once in ahwile.

    k+g, p+k: the second part now staggers. Hold k+g to go into drunk stance.

    D,df+p: with modified moves so easy too do know this become a great suprise weapon. It will crumple on Mc

    df+p+k: good move it will stagger if they block low because it hits mid but it looks like it will hit low. you can charge it to do more damage when it is fully charged it guard breaks.

    p+k,k,p+k+g: good move decent reach, the sacrifice toe kick moves forward and is much easier to hit now. It seems that if you actually fall down from the sacrifice toe kick it takes away a drunk point so I just always do the handstand portion but sometimes delay it so they dont get used to kicking you out of the handstand.

    (HS) k: the handstand kicks are great now and will as said earlier knock people out of alot of stuff.

    (HS) p+k(g): this is a good suprise tactic just cancel out of the elbow smash to end up in the lay down position.

    (LD) d+k: It leaves them laying face down giving a gauranteed pounce wohoo. Also has good reach.\

    (DS) p+g: This throw is hard to hit but it has the great benefit of leaving you in LD position if you hit it. So if it hits take a drink the worst that going to happen is you are going to get hit by a low kick. I think that's worth 3 dp. Do not take the drink against Akira he can punish you!

    That is about all I can think of for the moment. I am not really experienced enough with VF talk to write this I was just hoping to spur on some Jiji talk. Take every thing I said with a grain of salt these are just opinions of mine and how I play the old man.
  8. austinc1

    austinc1 Member

    I got reamed today by a guy using sarah and combining elbow rushes and low punches very effectively in close quarters. There didn't seem to be opportunities for me to do anything but back away and attempt to approach with a rush of my own. What could I do with shun in these cases?

    Also, I got knee stomped every damn time I fell, fast techrolling is just the direction and p+g over and over right? Is it just not possible to escape Sarah's fast pounces?
  9. akira2001

    akira2001 Well-Known Member

    I am not a big Shun player but, a friend of mine is the best Shun player I have ever seen. In rush situations he would usually resort to a low punch, or tapping punch then guard. Occassionally, he will sidestep back (I believe it's db+G) or use a chouwan uppercut (d,df,f+P).
    Hopefully this will help, if not, like I said--I'm not a Shun player. Although he does kick some sober butt!!!
  10. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    To deal with Sarah's punch/elbow/low punch games, your best bet is to try to time a punch or low punch of your own. If you see it beat her attack, immediately try for a P+G throw until the opponent learns to escape it.

    Techrolling is direction+PKG, not PG. That would explain your difficulties.
    The only time a pounce is not avoidable is when the attack causes a special knockdown animation... for example after a kuzure down (crumple) or after moves like Jacky's b+K+G (which cause you to fall and kick your legs up into the air).
  11. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    Or instead of engaging in a low punch war you could dodge the conter attack with a chouwan or sidethrow. Plus if he mistimed a low punch and ate the elbow he would be in deep shit. His safest bet would be dodge to the side and counter.
  12. Electro_Jacky

    Electro_Jacky Well-Known Member

    BTW anytime Shun does a move that makes him end up on the ground he looses 1 DP e.g u+b+k, d+b+k,g and p+k,k.
  13. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    This may not be as useful in VF4 but...try mashing d+K over and over again until he backs off. Works reasonably well in VF3. Sigh, I really need to start playing the damn game.
  14. BlueFlash

    BlueFlash Active Member

    It's been a while since I visited the forum, and I myself have been working on Shun in VF3tb. Based on my experiences, I have feedback for your questions.

    1) When you think about VF, think about everyone's style having their own presence. Shun is all about unpredictability, dodging and confusing then striking! Alot can be gained if you learn how to control him utilizing all his stances and throughout the match using a variety of moves. I'm no Shun master, but moves that are awesome are the f+P+K, b+P, db+P, hrmm, seems I'm just listing, honestly they can all be used to confuse....
    Combos are important with Shun since he isn't strong at first until he drinks more. Combos that work are d+K, df+K ; also P,P, db K, K. What is also effective with Shun is his 3d movement. Try playing around with P, P, sidestep then follow up. It's pretty open.

    2) Drinking is very important. It increases his power and he can do certain moves that he couldn't do before. Moves to increase his drink points are the basic P+G throw, and f+P+K. These two can be used easily, AFTER you get used to playing him. I can understand your feeling that its hard to use, but get used to his timing. Something else I could do was df P+K, then the P+G throw from the back. The single drinks you take count, do em when you can.

    3) It's important to be able to use all of his stances. Actually, the most important one to me was when he lied down. HCF can confuse opponents, and surprisingly dodge a whole lot. With HCB, use it when far away, then be unpredictable with P+G, or P+K. The hardest one to use is just sitting, because they will just attack easily. Still, I've found use in the beginning of the round, or when someone has started a combo, the sitting stance can counter the high moves.

    Well, this is too much typing for me, but I hope some of this helped. With Shun, it's a guessing game.
  15. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    It's not an option. Austinc, your Shun will get those points. Try P+G throwing a swaggering opponent at the end of a round. You'll get all 4 points. If your opponent hits start however, then you have less time to get the points and may get none. Everyone does this to me here...they smack start asap after I win a round.

  16. austinc1

    austinc1 Member

    Ah, I'm prolly having the same problem then. I actually did manage to get a drink or two after some fights yesterday, but still had to be pretty quick about it after the round. Thanks for all the help on this thread.

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