A few ?'s on Defense after Successful evade

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by social_ruin, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    HI hi.
    I have a few questions on defending after a successful evade. Note: i was testing these in dojo by setting CPU to 6p Evade then action (low punch, jab, throw, whatever).
    A. I noticed that after successful evade into throw that sometimes the cpu's throw would be a standard front throw instead of sidethrow. This seemed to happen more often when cpu was evading to my stomach. Any particular reason for the inconsistency here?
    B. After CPU successfully evades goh k that sometimes the CPU's low punch/p comes out as guaranteed damage and sometimes it does not. Is this based on how quickly i inputed the K that was evaded or am i missing some other factor?

    C. At what point does a move become guaranteed punishable when evading? Is this based solely on recovery frames?

    D. Does the adv/disadv you were at while being evaded effect the adv/disadv you are at after being evaded?

    E. I noticed that after successful evade that a P counter hit give 10 adv and thus guaranteed throw. I also have noticed that i haven't particularly ever seen anyone 'fish' for this set-up. It seems like it would be fairly safe, is there a reason this isn't done more often? Or is it just because Side Throws in the situation are basically a free escape for better players?

    F. Does anyone know the math/relationship between recovery frames and adv after evade? For example, how many recovery frames would a move have to have before it gave away 14-15 frames of adv to opponent who successfully evaded (or if that is even possible)?

    G. Obviously i am mining for and gathering info on sideturned defense (which i will also use for ST pressure), so if you think of anything else that i forgot to ask about then please feel free to share.

    As always, thank you for your help :) <3

    P.S. I realize these questions have likely been answered before. However, i also realize that many people rather enjoy sharing their knowledge of the game. I would rather ask the questions anew than use the forum search function for similar older threads. Why? More active topics on the forums is a good thing and also this way new eyes might see the information that wouldn't otherwise!!!
  2. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Stop being lazy. The wiki exists for a reason. No need to search the forum or anything, the info hasn't changed and it's all there. Go there and look at the designated section you want info from.

  3. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    Shut up.
    If you don't like the thread, then don't post.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2013
    Tricky likes this.
  4. no_w_h_ere

    no_w_h_ere Well-Known Member

  5. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    For B,C D & F: Look at the total frames of a move. From +-0 you could punish a 36f totalframe move with a 14f move (you can't evade at +-0 but that's the number I use). So from say -2 evading a 36f move (elbows in general are 36f totals) you can punish with jabs.

    Another example: Goh hits you with CH P/2P/6P and goes for 6K (48 total frames), evading the 6K gives you +17/+18/+18 respectively for evading.

    Formula: Total frames of move you are evading - evadeframes (23) - your disadvantage = your advantage after evade
    Example with the Goh knee: 48f total - 23 evadeframes - 7 disadvantage frames = 18

    For A: depends on the move and distance
    Tricky and nou like this.
  6. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    For E: the properties of most characters' jab strings are changed when the jab lands against a sideturned opponent. Some examples i am aware of:

    OS vanessa's [P][P][K] side combo, knockdown
    Wolf's [P][P][P] side combo KD
    Lion's [P][K][P] side combo
    IIRC Aoi's, El Blaze's, Jacky's and Sarah's [P][P][K] also side combo KD
    IIRC Brad's [P][P][K] side combo

    Only characters who have lousy jab strings consistently try to "fish" for the guaranteed sidethrow attempt on side CH. So basically Akira, Goh, DS vanessa AFAIK.

    Characters not mentioned probably have much better alternative than trying a side throw which, as you've already mentioned, can be reliably escaped.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2013
  7. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Jacky PPP is a natural combo on normal hit from the side and causes a techable knockdown. From the front it needs CH to combo. Much better idea than a sidethrow which can be escaped in 100% of the cases if the defending player is sharp.
  8. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    For point A:

    it depends on the move you're evading and the character you evaded and how quickly you pressed throw. You can even get to someones back sometimes depending on the string/move you evaded. Like eileen's 6P if evaded towards her back you will get a side throw, but if you evade to her front you'll get a normal throw. But if you did an attack you'd get them sideturned. Typically if you see the move would put you on someone's backside you will get a side throw and if it's towards their front you might get a front throw (this is useful to know because most good players are going to escape the side throw directions).

    POINT E:

    Many reasons why, lazy TE is main reason. Keep in mind though, the escaper is negative when they break your sidethrow so it's not that bad if they escape, they're still sideturned and at disadv.

    At +10, 2p is unblockable (and I think unevadable) so that's a bettter option to go for since you now are like +7 sideturned and can go for a crumple or throw. If they're near a wall your 2P will give stagger them and you can now do a wall combo from a stagger that's almost impossible to get out of.

    Also throwing (depending on your character) from sideturn ends your momentum, you want to keep them sideturned for as long as you can, so why end it for just a little bit of throw dmg?

    POINT G:

    Refer to these threads


    and my version of it (I include highs)


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