A joystick question

Discussion in 'Console' started by Garian, Oct 28, 2003.

  1. Garian

    Garian Active Member

    Is it me, or does the PS2 controller not respond to some of Akira's moves. Such as the knee and a few others I am too lazy to type out.
  2. MK23

    MK23 Active Member

    Unless the pad is too worned out, it is possible to do all the moves on the pad. It's just harder to do certain moves like DLC and SPoD on the pad because a lot of people, like me, can't move their thumbs fast enough to input the required commands in the time frame allowed. But having said that, I can still do DLC and SPoD once in a blue moon in training mode (I am not a Akira user), so it's entirely possible. The way I think of it, I just input the command one after another as fast as possible without pausing to see if the move hits or not.

    As for the knee, it's tricky regardless whether or not you have a pad or joystick, but people seems to agree that it's much easier using a joystick because the way the buttons are. That's not to say that it's impossible to do the knee on the pad. Again, I can get the knee maybe 2 or 3 times out of 10 in training mode. You just need to make sure that you barely graze the [G] button while holding down the [K]. I learned how to do the knee from the guide on this site. I do this with my index and middle fingers, with the middle finger aiming at the center of the [K] button while the index finger aiming at the right edge of the [G] button. The moment I feel my index finger pressing the button, I turn my wrist (toward palms up)so that the index finger comes off [G] while the middle finger is still on [K].
  3. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    USE THE SEARCH!!!!! Ok I'm done...

    JK. But really. I'm an Akira player and it definitely is possible to do all of akira's moves on the pad. Though its extremely more difficult to his knee and Dplm on the pad. I recently bought a cheap pelican joystick from gamestop and OMG, I can do them all with ease now. Of the four of Akira's hardest moves to do I say the knee is the hardest to pull in game on a pad. But its all opinion. SO to wrap it up. Yes its possible to do all the moves with the pad.
  4. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member


    If you come to I luv VF, and if Jimmy (maddy) makes it, he can share his Pelican horror stories with you!
  5. L33

    L33 Well-Known Member

    for me... SPoD comes naturally now. just practice and these moves become so easy.
  6. padakira

    padakira New Member

    i'm a cheap scrub (son of a paranoid uptight accountant). way to cheap to buy a joystick. i've found that akira's knee can be relatively easily performed on pad if [K][G] is set to O and [K] to X. by quickly sliding the middle bony part of my thumb from O to X, i can pull his knee over 80% of the time. as for the DLC, that takes a bit of practice.
  7. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    My oh my that brings me back many upleasant memories!!!!!!!!!! That was the first stick I ever bought (about a year ago now).....ouch. I remember at first wondering "is my hand suppose to hurt this much when playing as Akira?". I thought it was. I couldn't do simple stuff as modifying moves was bloody hard on it let alone pulling off consistent knees. This should be a warning to those serious about VF and wanting to get a stick :

    DO NOT get this stick! I play with a sc2 Hori stick and have no complaints. I've played Namco sticks and they are nice too. There are many other quality sticks out there but do not use the stick you see in this picture!
  8. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Man, maddy got good as hell on a Pelican, but they kept breaking, so he kept getting warranties from Gamestop for free replacements!

    Since then, he switched to normal JPN style sticks, like the SC2 and Evo sticks. I'm pretty sure he still has a total of like 4 broken Pelicans, tho. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  9. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Dandy_J said:


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Stick's OK if you get used to it. I actually liked playing on it regardless of how it looked. LOL

    However, this stick breaks like nothing else. You will have to carry 2 more extra sticks if you go to a gathering or a tournament, but there still is a danger of you being stickless in a day.

    Back in the day at NYG topgun, I brought 2 Pelican sticks(1 was a brand new), and both broke in a day when I tried to struggle or something. LOL

    Never support the Pelican Inc. EVER!!!!!!111!!!111
    Go play on PAD!
  10. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Let's not forget: YOU'RE KOREAN!

    *CLAcK! BrrrrACK! PAAP!

  11. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    Eeek ! Throw's his stick out the window! Wait i need that! Jumps out the window for it.

    Well in response to the hand hurting, stick breaking reports I have seen so far about the current stick I am using (pictured above), I must say that I haven't recieved any of those problems as of yet. Though I am always waiting for it. Now I'm all paranoid about twisting my arm hamstring.... ANYWAYS, I'm in the market for a new stick if anyone has one thats reliable / cheap. I dont want my stick to break during tournament play (i.e. the upcoming I luv VF tourny)
  12. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Well, I wouldn't worry about it breaking just yet,it will take a little while at least.

    As for cheap/reliable sticks, try to find a Namco PS1 stick on ebay, they're probably my favorite JPN style stick.
  13. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty new to the whole stick discussion, but what style stick is the pelican japnese or american?
  14. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    neither, it is a different beast altogether.

    Amercan style are like MAS sticks - baseball bat shaped black ones that you find in most arcades.

    RedOctane Stick
    (BTW don't buy this stick, it's just an example)

    Japanese style are shorter sticks with a ball at the end of the shaft (lolz). They always use microswitches, too (sound clicky).

    Soul Calibur 2 Stick
  15. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    Thanks a lot Dandy. (You learn something new everyday on VFDC) Jap sticks for me it is then. I know this is a question for another board, but I dont have the willpower to wade through the tons of pages on the joystick page. Is there a reliable jap stick like the pelican (i.e. it has all the PS2 buttons or is multi system useable)? I want a stick I can use for all major systems and all major fighting games if possible. Sorry if this is off subject, but PM me or post if you have any suggestions. Thanks
  16. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Vith, stick with a pad and own people! haha, it's more fun!

    Maddy.... I had to return that stick that I wanted to bring for you. It was starting to act up in a day! haha. I think it would have broken once you hit the dlc. hahaha

    Jerky.... Korean style maddy. You described it perfectly.
  17. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    Jerky said:

    Let's not forget: YOU'RE KOREAN!

    *CLAcK! BrrrrACK! PAAP!


    [/ QUOTE ]


    Actually, this is something I've noticed with a lot of Korean players -- they really like to hit the buttons damn hard. They do know the buttons aren't analogue, don't they? /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif SF1 anyone? j/k!

    But seriously, I remember playing with MadDogJin at EVO2003 and it amazed me at how hard he'd be smacking the buttons. The noise he generated would drown out the game's audio! I guess that's why they tend to favour those huge coffee-table sized joysticks - something that's robust and can take a pounding.

    Having said that though, Eddie, one of our local Korean players, seems to have 'normal' button pressing techniques, so I know there are exceptions - probably a lot - but it's funny to muse over the stereotype anyway /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  18. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Hmm its strange as over here they are sold as Logic3 sticks not Pelican. I have 2 (bought a long time ago and I don't have the heart to throw them out) but I haven't manged to break one yet.....though I can easily see how it would be possible to seen as though the sticks are quite heavy and stiff and play more like a gearstick in a car!
  19. Mysterious_Red

    Mysterious_Red Well-Known Member

    if your a monster, then you'll probably break anything and everything, including a hori, biggest example = me /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    jk lol

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