A quick question

Discussion in 'Goh' started by Dark_Ninja, May 18, 2004.

  1. Dark_Ninja

    Dark_Ninja Active Member

    I am new to Goh and I was wondering if Goh was based around throws and his grab throws rather than combos because he dosent seem to have many useful combos. Bascically what I am trying to say is, is Goh a chacther that you would preform more throws with or more combos with.
  2. IronJUNKIE

    IronJUNKIE Well-Known Member

    sup bro..

    Im from mass as well..Goh is my main...to answer ur question: based on my opinion... he is a throwing charcter rather than combos...but 2 use him effectively..u need to look at the game in a different perspective... think really basic and defensive not offensive and combos... goh is more about setups thas why most of his damages comes from counter hits and throws

    Im not an expert by any means...hope that helps
    ur welcome to join our sessions if u wanna make the trip to boston...we try to session maybe once or twice a week...lemme kno
  3. Robio_kun

    Robio_kun Well-Known Member

    yep, he's right. The thing that goh is really good at is forced choice tactics. He has a lot of moves which leave the opponent at a small disadvantage so that they have to pre-empt what you will do and they will usually be wrong if you are playing well.

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