Ad Hominem

Discussion in 'General' started by Shang, May 21, 2016.

  1. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    @Kohlrak, easy there on the trigger finger there. Answer me one question: how long have you been play VF?
  2. Kohlrak

    Kohlrak Active Member

    Instead of addressing my argument, you disrespect it with "TL;DR." And then you ask me a question that is clearly centered on ad hominem again. Give me one logical reason why i should answer your question. If a doctor with 20 years medical experience says a headless man is still alive, is it invalid when a med-student says that the doctor is wrong?

    Though, i'll humor you. Less than 2 weeks of in game time.
    Tricky likes this.
  3. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Two weeks, and already talking "we, the community". Maybe you should play a bit more and post less. Cuz you sound like more clinching to this "community" than the actual game, son.
  4. Kohlrak

    Kohlrak Active Member

    Still, despite the prediction, you go for the ad hominem. I have the sudden feeling that if someone beats you in a game, you either credit it to "lag" or "more experience," instead of "I'm predictable." Please tell me you're better in game than you are at making an argument. At least tell me so and have that much respect for you. But yes, i did leave DoA for VF for the community. You may be a little late to the party, but I'm glad you finally showed up. Let me know when you're finally ready to dance (actually address my challenges).
  5. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Let me guess, you cut and pasted the words "ad hominem", Am I right?
  6. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

  7. Kohlrak

    Kohlrak Active Member

    In the usual circles where i deal with it, i usually get to say it. Your repetition of this mistake has afforded me the opportunity for practical practice typing this word. I should have no issue in the future typing it correctly. Since this is easier to deal with than "the list of logical fallacies," i recommend it to people all around. It has saved me from a lot of embarrassing situations. Here is a deeper explanation if necessary.

    3d fighting games are rare. Decent english speaking communities that are open to new ideas and are willing to improve are pretty much non-existent. I'd rather see this place come together and switch to a new game if screwed by the company rather than fall apart entirely because there's nothing left but self hate before the company screws us. And, of course, we can't drop the slim chance that maybe the company is not as evil as we like to think it is. I may not play VF much (I have some reasons for that but this topic isn't the place for that discussion, especially as it has more to do with me personally than anything else), but I still want to see the community strong. This self-hate and self-pity isn't going to accomplish anything except further dishearten us to the point that we'll dwindle to nothingness. The worst part is, the thing that is getting blamed (SEGA) doesn't really have the power to do that, outside of maybe a lawsuit regarding the domain name (and that would be the most stupid thing SEGA could do at this point regarding this game, even if they actually wanted to use the domain name). Absolute worst case scenario, we could even still get a kickstarter campaign to centralize donations to hire some 3rd party programmers hoping to make a name for themselves (which is quite common) to make a knockoff game.

    As long as the community is strong enough, we can accomplish just about anything. We have countless examples of other communities surrounding other games that took under-funded games from startup or ash to huge followings: Cave Story, Minecraft, Shovel Knight (the attention that Nintendo has given this game shows alot of power that community can provide), Terraria, and a ton of others. Go look up a list of popular indie titles, and for every one you see familiar, you'll know to be an example (they're successful indie because their community brought them up, as opposed to massive advertising funds [and massive advertising has shown to not help really bad projects]). Worse yet, alot of these communities built up their games pre-release. Given we got titles in the list that are both easier and harder as well as simpler and more complex than virtua fighter, i see no reason why it has to be any different.
    Ellis likes this.
  8. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Noob, STFU already! You'/re 26, go fuck something or learn something that's not so bloody obvious like the Book you just wrote.
  9. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    @Kohlrak, why did you leave the DoA community? I heard you were a clown show? Care you share?
  10. Kohlrak

    Kohlrak Active Member

    If it's so obvious, why did it get to the point that it had to be written?

    I've never heard that comment before regarding me, so I wouldn't know how to elaborate on that. However, as to the reason why I left, it's because the community was pretty stuck on neutral when it came to accepting new comers. If someone sucked, there were only a handful of people to help try to determine why someone did. The grand majority of "helpers" felt it necessary to cover the same topics the same way over and over again, and if that didn't work, then obviously the guy who's spending time in training, in game, etc, and not learning is clearly not wanting to learn. That was the argument that was being made (and it wasn't catered to me alone). I decided to continue to play on my own, but then TN's support for PS3 was to continue selling to it, but not support it when people had issues (they kept blaming my my brand new solid state drive, when i did checks, it passed, and other games had no issues [the actual content wasn't that important, but the lack of principles crossed the line for me, as then the company was clearly not willing to care about the customers [worse yet, i had to ask them on twitter and even the phones why it was taking weeks to respond before they would respond to my emails]). When the company refuses to stand behind their product, and the community at large puts repeated videos on a pedestal to which anyone who cannot become an expert through is "just lazy" it's time to get out. Granted, i can't attest to how many that was, but it was definitely the majority of those posting. I checked this place, then, only to find in the forums exactly what i needed for DoA (in a very simple to read post [except i needed a few terms explained]), only the same rules apply to Virtua Fighter.
  11. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    I know the top DoA players and they aren't sure who you are. And They said, and I quote, " He's probably some half no life scrub.. good riddance... Now he's your problem." Is that you?
    DK and Chief_Flash like this.
  12. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    @Shang never change. Don't let anyone(myke/admins) tell you to be nice or different
    Dark Nova Void and Kohlrak like this.
  13. Kohlrak

    Kohlrak Active Member

    Could be. If they don't know me, it's hard for them to have anything resembling an accurate depiction of me. They could also be confusing me for the other 20-30% of people who they would surely say the same thing about. If i said that "you're that dude who plays that game," is that you i'm talking about, or one of those other dudes that plays a game that make up the grand majority of the gaming community? Though, to be honest, the top players typically did not frequent the part of the community I spent my time at, so I don't particularly blame them. My issues are with the community at large.
    leftylizard likes this.
  14. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    @Kohlrak, listen... You sound like a committed individual who also seems to have a lot of time on his hand. So allow me to welcome you to the community with open arms. Welcome!
    In order for you to climb the ladder of this establishment, I recommend that you seek out a sensei of the game. Someone who has proven themselves, with a winning record in tournaments, events, and gatherings. You should seek out the likes of: @Stl_Tim, @Unicorn, or @BLACKSTAR. These guys are the real deal. If you follow their path, you shall be a force to be reckon with in no time!!!
    Kohlrak likes this.
  15. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    blue mouthwash
    Actually he sounds like an intelligent individual who is picking apart your posts and making you look like a fool......REAL TALK.
    Kohlrak likes this.
  16. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    @leftylizard, please explain how he is "picking apart" my one liner posts and "making me looking like a fool"? And tell me is this real talk as real as your "all taka attacks are meaties" or you just get hit by everything? REAL TALK: all caps sure makes a bigger point there champ!
    Chief_Flash likes this.
  17. Kohlrak

    Kohlrak Active Member

    Not alot of time. Just the past 2 days. And i did give up on pointing out every ad hominem. Either way, i'll take this change of pace.

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