Akira Combos

Discussion in 'Akira' started by DeFiNiTiOn, Dec 29, 2002.

  1. DeFiNiTiOn

    DeFiNiTiOn Member

    I'm kinda newb right now.. Anyone want to share their Akira Combos? /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  2. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Check out the documents under Akira's section. Link can be found in the home page. Or try using the search function or the board. There are many of them posted by many good Akira players. Here's one to start you off with. [K]+[G](Knee)[P][P][2_][4][6][P] Have fun!! /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  3. DeFiNiTiOn

    DeFiNiTiOn Member

    Yeah, I've done that.. But, there's not really an Akira Combo thread. /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  4. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Directly above this thread in Char & Tech Training there is a post by Hiro entitled Akira in General. There are several Akira combos here. The top thread in Junky's Jungle in Creed's ultimate combo guide thread, which has Akira's max damage combos from each of his main combo starters. If you click on "home" at the top of the screen it will take you to the vfdc home page whereupon you will see all the char's names listed on the left. Click on Akira and you will find ReCharrdSigh's Akira FAQ (102 combos, I think) along with recent Akira discussions. If you still haven't found what you want then use the "search" button up top(this works for all sorts of things!) or just plug in the ps2 & get creative in free training.

    Have fun & hesitate to ask the knee question /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  5. Mr. Noisy

    Mr. Noisy Well-Known Member

    Some easy ones
    [6][6][6]+[P] (MC) -> [6][6]+[K][K]
    [4][6][P] -> [6][6]+[K][K]
    [2_][6]+[P]+[K] -> [2]+[P] -> [2_][4][6]+[P]
  6. Calvin

    Calvin Well-Known Member

    [4][6]+[P], [6][6]+[K],[K] is open stance only.
  7. Mr. Noisy

    Mr. Noisy Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I know that
  8. Goro

    Goro Well-Known Member

    hows it easy if you have to pay attention to stance
  9. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    I'm not exactly an Akira expert but I'll give you some combos.

    [4][6][P]+[G],[P][K],[4][6][6][P]+[K]( against a wall)

    Akira's floater moves are

    [2_][6][P]+[K] ( shoulder ram)
    [3][3][P] (yoho this ones a bit slow though)
    [G]+[K] release [G] after 1 frame ( knee )

    Hopes this helps to some extent.
  10. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Just a few more tips I thought of:

    You can crouch dash instead of holding down ( I'm not sure if you realise this) .It basically means that

    [2_][4][6][P] is the same move as [3][3][4][6][P]

    The motion maybe slightly hardy but it,s easy to disguise moves.

    Guard buffering is useful with Akira's elbow attacks.This means holding [G] inputing a command and releasing [G] before the end of the move.For example to guard buffer Akira's s.dashing elbow:

    hold[G] [6][6][6] release [G] [P]

    It disguises it from your human opponent. Buffering in combos is also useful and this is where you enter a command before you finished your first move as it were.Hope this helps.
  11. FOB

    FOB Member

    Just a quick question regarding the SPoD, DLC, and AS3. Are all 3 hits guaranteed when the first hit connects?

    Also, in the vids of Japanese players I've seen, they only tend to use the SPoD. I haven't seen one AS3 or DLC from them in a match. So I was guessing, atleast for the AS3, there must be a disadvantage somewhere or atleast something bad about it that no one uses it (except maybe in a juggle) since it is the easiest to do. As for the DLC I sorta assumed that it may just be that it is the hardest of the 3 to do, and so if you don't hit it, you'll be punished. Any truth this or am I imagining things?

  12. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    The AS3 can be TR'ed out of the last hit. The DLC leaves you throw counterable if blocked. The only real use for the DLC is in combos, but there are other options for juggles. You really would only use DLC against light weights in specific situations.
  13. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    SPoD is a guaranteed 3-hit combo Akira's ONLY true 3-hit combo.The recovery time after DLC is massive and so it should exclusively be used after floats such as [2_][6][P]+[K] or [3][3][P].AS3 or ABC ( axe blade combo or Akira special 3 there the same thing) should be used after knocking some one down or into a crouch eg after [4][6][P] or after a float move.If you can always add a light down attack to the end of AS£ to add even more damage ie:
    I think this combo does in the range of 55pts of damage ( don't quote me on that ).
  14. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Just another thing since the DBC [4][6][6_][P]+[K] hits so low to the floor it's almost always best to finish a combo with it.Try out these basic examples:

    ( ps some of these may not be true combos as I haven't tried them all out in the training arena ). /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  15. FOB

    FOB Member

    Thanks for the combos. I'm going to test out the first couple when I get back home. I'm having trouble with the m-dblpm so those first two might give me a good enough excuse to not swear at the TV for not being able to do it. /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif I've actually tried to steer away from Yoho's but may try them anyway because I hear the Yoho has been improved in Evo.
  16. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    It's no trouble.I'm at college at the moment but I'm going home soon so I'll post some more combos when I find the pieces of paper I wrote them all down on.Yeah I know EVO Akira has been slightly modified in terms of moves and damage.You'd do well to check out the EVO command list.You can now add an evade into the DLC to set up a guessing game with your opponent.Any way more combos will follow and these will have proper damage amounts as I have tried them out in training.
  17. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    OK I've tried these combos in training against Wolf and Jeffery so they should be alright to use against most weights.Problems with [6][6][P] combos occur as you have to be in a particular stance to pull them off.I know what you mean about yoho there are periods when I never use it as recovery is massive and times when I float constantly with it.I know where you're coming from with the double palm trouble though, try these tips:
    Firstly try crouch dashing then just pretend you're doing a standing palm ie [3][3][4][6][P].Make sure the stick goes through neutral to [4] and then make sure it goes from [4] to [6] smoothly.I now this sounds obvious but it pays to concentrate.
    Secondly you can actually get away with it by doing a quarter circle back as long as you don't press punch immediately.ie
    [3][3][2][1][4][6][P] or [2_][1][4][6][P]
    since the [1] command is still registered as a crouch it's just like doing a standing palm from[1].
    A further way to do it is to crouch dash away from your opponent so that they come towards you , then release a single/double palm/shoulder ram to inflict pain ie
    [1][1][6][P]+[K] Another note on the shoulder ram would be that it works well after attacking with[3][P]+[K]
    as you are already in the crouching position and by this I mean you don't need to think about the [2_] command only with the [4][6][P]/[6][P]/[6][P]+[K] command.
    Below is a small list of combos I came up .the --- means the combo could do more or less damage than stated due to [4][6][6][P]+[K] being range dependent.Here we go;

    [4][6][P],[4][6][P],[3][P] 49
    [4][6][P],[4][6][P]+[K],[3][P] 49
    [4][6][P],[4][6][P],[4][6][6][P]+[K] 45 ---
    [4][6][P],[P],[4][6][6][P]+[K] 39---
    [4][6][P],[3][K],[4][6][6][P]+[K] 47---
    [4][6][P],[6][6][P],[3][P] 47
    [4][6][P],[6][6][P],[2][K],[3][P] 49

    [4][3][P],[2_][4][6][P] 55 ( must be done quick for a true combo)
    [4][3][P],[2_][6][P] 50 ( same as above , note also that [4][6][P] and [4][3][P] are sobbering moves and will deduct drinks from shun)

    [3][3][P],[3][P]+[K],[2][K],[3][P] 60
    [3][3][P],[4][6][P]+[K] 60
    [3][3][P],[4][6][6][P]+[K] 45 ---
    [3][3][P],DLC 67---

    [3][G]+[P]+[K],[P],[4][6][6][P]+[K] 45 ---

    [2_][6][P]+[K],[6][6][P],[3][P] 58
    [2_][6][P]+[K],[P][K],[4][6][6][P]+[K] 70--- ( done near a wall so that opponent 'belly flops ' down onto your [P][K])

    Finally Akira's super double palm [2][1][4][P] is probably overlooked by many people.It may take 3/4 of an hour to perform but when it hits it forces stomach crumble onto your opponent ready for a yoho,knee or easier DJK ( double jump kick ) etc....

    [2][1][4][P],[3][3][P],[4][6][6][P]+[K] 75 ---
    [2][1][4][P],[3][3][P] 58
    [2][1][4][P],[3][3][P],[6][6][P],[3][P] 87
    [2][1][4][P],[3][3][P],[3][P] 70
    [2][1][4][P],DLC 55 ---
    [2][1][4][P],[3][3][P],ABC( [3][P]) 81 ( 87 )
    [2][1][4][P],[6][6][K] 67 ( fairly quickly )
    [2][1][4][P],[3][P]+[K],[3][P] 57
    [2][1][4][P],[P][P],[2][K] 52
    [2][1][4][P],[3][G]+[P]+[K],[3][P] 50

    and that's it for now .There really are loads of ways of inflicting high damage with Akira it just takes time and patience ( don't assume I 'm particularly amazing with Akira I just know theoretically how to inflict high damage combos with him).If you want any more help or are stuck against specific characters etc.. then you could PM me and I 'll try to help or at least point you in the right direction.
    Chris /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  18. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

  19. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Yeah I have n't tried them out an TR'ing opponents in training but I was just trying to give out some useful Akira info. in a short space of time.Thanks for the link.
  20. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Just so everyones on the same wavelength all of the stuff I've written here is for PS2 VerC.

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