Akira Datasheet

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by strangelove, Jan 12, 2002.

  1. strangelove

    strangelove Active Member

    Does anybody knows were i could find a complete updated VF4 move list for akira ?
  2. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

  3. strangelove

    strangelove Active Member

    im looking for a complete list of moves,combos and flow chart
    like the one release for pai and lion lately (Duh)
  4. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    use search feature. You will find an amazing collection of data scattered in many different threads. Check out all of CreeD's and Mr. B's, <font color=white>Mr. W</font color=white> and Summers posts. cut and paste a bit and you will have a pretty good data file. TBZone, MVP and No Mercy have good files as well. Joy-hi is worthy of a peep too. Good Luck.
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    No love for strange love.

    I've never heard them referred to as datasheets before. My best guess at what you meant would have been the movelist, which SummErs pointed out to you.

    However, what you referred to are ice-9's dojos. Here's a tip: if you don't find a specific character guide/faq/dojo/datasheet/journal/whatever listed under the character section, then it's probably because nobody has written one.
  6. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I'll be the bad guy and mention our neighbors across the fence at <a target="_blank" href=http://www.virtuaproject.com>www.virtuaproject.com</a> ... they have a fairly nice movelist too, you may find some of the other stuff you're looking for.
  7. Howe

    Howe Member

    Is there an error in Akira's movelist by Mr Bungle? the Standing dbl palm was written: b, b/d, b+P? shd be d,b/d,b+P isit?
    If i'm wrong, pls forgive me... i'm new to akira
  8. Howe

    Howe Member

    I want to learn Akira well but he has very few floaters. Can any one show me how to make Akira dangerous?
    Me can do every basic move except knee (sometimes can only). Does this means i will not be able to use Akira effectively? Please help me...
  9. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    Standing Dbl Plm is d, d/b, b+P or QCB+P...Bungle's right.
  10. Howe

    Howe Member

    Akira has a confirmed combo... d/b+P+G, dlb palm. Is there any other confirm combo after...
    1. f,b+P+G ,P+K and f,b+P+G ,d or u, P+K
    2. b,d/f+P+G
    3. b,d+P+G
    4. d+P+G (remove guard)

    Thank you very much for all the advices to all those who have helped me so far!!!
  11. Howe

    Howe Member

    If Akira SPoD and opponent hits the wall, can a Dbl palm continue? I tried b,f,f+P+K and AS3 but damage not significant... Is the above mentioned dbl palm work?

    Btw, thanks for your help on the earlier reply. But, can Akira counter 'scissors kick'?
  12. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Akira has only one really great float move, the shoulder ram (D, f+P+K) - but it's good. His knee works fine also, but there's no need for it. A lot of Akira's combo power doesn't come from floats, it comes from crumple combos ... for example:

    f,f,f+P (MC, opponent crumples to the floor) ---> b,f,f+P+K = almost 40% life.
    This move is quick and safe, use it a lot. Akira also has a f,f+P move that looks almost the same, but it doesn't give the crumple animation so it's not as useful. Remember to do f,f,f+P, not just f,f+P.

    f,f,f+P (MC) ---> f,f+K,K .. again about 40%
    f,f,f+P (MC) ---> DLC ... another 40% combo.

    b,f+P (no counter needed, opponent flops onto his back) ---> AS3, d/f+P (ground punch)

    d,d/b, b+P (no counter need) ----> b,f,f+P+K ... about 50% damage.

    And you already know the good combos after D, f+P+K.. after this experts seem to always use:

    1. P, DLC (for a medium-high float)
    2. DLC (for a medium float)
    3. P, shrm, low kick (for a fairly high float)
    4. P, shrm, m-dbpm (for a high float)

    And if these are tough for you to do, try f,f+K,K for easy damage.
    To answer your other questions about throws -
    d/b+P+G - most damaging followup is the canned double palm, just tap d, b, f+P.
    b, d/f+P+G - d/f+K after is the only almost-guaranteed followup.
    f,b+P+G, P+K - no guaranteed followups, try f,f,f+P.
    f,b+P+G, up or down, P+K - nearly guaranteed followup is f,f,f+P ---> DLC
  13. Howe

    Howe Member

    In what situation does Akira's Single palm (D,f+P) makes opponent fall on his 'backside'? Sorry for the crude term i use...

    And, does a dbl palm combo after single palm hits the opponent? (normal hit / opponent lands on his 'backside)
  14. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    Creed pretty much covered it with Aki setups. As for b, d+P+G I use (although I dont think its guaranteed, or even a combo) a single palm into a dblplm.
    As for wall hit after SPoD, your best bet is to land a DBC as the opp. is crumbling. I've seen DBCs on wall hit fallen opponents take off 20~30% damage. Needless to say a SPOD, wall hit and DBC will pretty much leave you time to read the sunday times and drink your coffee before the opp. recovers from the shock.
  15. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    it used to be that the opponent landed on his backside after sgpm hit vs. crouching non-defender in VF2. It would sometimes do it after a missed rising sweep because the sgpm didn't do enough damage at long range to knock down. Now I'm not sure. I'm only sure the condition is crouching, and there may be something else. In VF3 this was gone..

    In VF4 when the game was new, I thought I remembered seeing it, but now I think I was seeing a normal hit.. have you definitely seen the backside stumble in VF4 after sgpm?

    If you get the backside stumble, a double palm will probably hit.
  16. Howe

    Howe Member

    I remembered seeing that happened... A single palm hit the opponent and lands on 'backside' because that Akira ran forward with a dbl palm and hit his opponent in the midst of standing up from sitting. But i don't think i could react that fast if this situation happened to my Akira...
  17. Howe

    Howe Member

    Has any Akira defeated Dural? I always get 'Ringout' by her!!! Very frastrating. She counter Throws almost everytime and does 'an uncounterable move' (to me): DBC with Kages b,b+K+G.
    Any advice to win her with Akira?
  18. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    > f,f,f+P (MC) ---> DLC ... another 40% combo.

    No it doesn't. it does only about 25 to 30% or 50 to 60 points. Once oppoent touches the ground, damage is lessened. fff+p >d/f,d/f+p > dlc does no more than fff+p,ff+kk.

    >f,b+P+G, P+K - no guaranteed followups, try f,f,f+P

    D,f+p is guaranteed and it will knockdown.

    > f,f,f+P (MC, opponent crumples to the floor) ---> b,f,f+P+K = almost 40% life.

    This is harrrrrd to do.

    >1. P, DLC (for a medium-high float)
    2. DLC (for a medium float)

    Anytime shrm hits while opponent is standing, p dlc will always hit, any weight class. if he is crouching, nothing will hit.

    >3. P, shrm, low kick (for a fairly high float)
    4. P, shrm, m-dbpm (for a high float)

    Anytime shrm hits while opponent is standing, p, shrm low kick will always hit. against light weights or when you MC some middle weights, p shrm, dlp is possible.

    And ff+kk after shrm is very inconsistent.

    Honestyly I don't think someone can do these combos, if he can't tell the difference between a ff+p and fff+p.
  19. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    > f,f,f+P (MC) ---> DLC ... another 40% combo.
    No it doesn't.

    >f,b+P+G, P+K - no guaranteed followups, try f,f,f+P
    D,f+p is guaranteed and it will knockdown.

    So is the d, f+P canned? Can akira do a canned d, b, f+P after?
    If so that would make this pretty strong.
    Does D, f+P ever knockdown otherwise? It never seems to.

    > f,f,f+P (MC, opponent crumples to the floor) ---> b,f,f+P+K = almost 40% life.
    This is harrrrrd to do.

    You've gotta be kidding me. Doing just the combo, or getting the full 80 points out of it?

    Honestyly I don't think someone can do these combos, if he can't tell the difference between a ff+p and fff+p.

    You seem to have this mental block that says akira is hard to learn and use.
    Well, I'll grant that m-shrm combos are not that easy, but f,f,f+P, bodycheck certainly is. As is f,f,f+P, f,f+K,K. He mentioned the m-shrm combos earlier so I thought I'd include them in the list, even though they might be beyond him right now.
  20. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    >So is the d, f+P canned? Can akira do a canned d, b, f+P after?

    Yup! you can D,f+p or D,b,f+p. both will knock down. but the funny thing is this.. f,b+pg,pk,D,b,f+p does as much as, f,b+pg, D,d,f+p. It doesn't do the full 55point damage just like, b,d/f+pg, fff+p,D,d,f+p doesn't do 100 point.

    >Well, I'll grant that m-shrm combos are not that easy, but f,f,f+P, bodycheck certainly is.

    Also funny, cuz for me m-shrm is so so easy, but stupid bodycheck after fff+p,qcb+p is hard. I only average 90 points of damage after qcb+p =).
    Anyways, you can probably tell from my tone I'm agreeing with you and rich more and more. I played a couple people using akira who never played vf4 but has vf past experiences. What a pain. fff+p > ff+kk is sooo.. gay.. I've come to the conclusion that whenever playing to win, after MC fff+p always ff+kk. after D,f+pk always p, m-shrm lk/dlp. Making fff+p throwable is a great idea.

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