Akira stuff

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Howe, Jan 12, 2002.

  1. Howe

    Howe Member

    Questions about Akira... Anyone can solve my queries?

    1. After b,f+P+G and f,b/d+P+G the opponent TR, can any move scare/hit him? (helpless)

    2. Any combo to use against heavyweights after a floater (CR,d/f+P+K)

    3. Is yoho useful as a floater?

    4. How to link SPoD after b,P+K+G counters opponent?

    5. Can Akira counter Kage's u/b+K+G?

    6. any possible special combo to link after d,b/d,b+P?

    Thanks for all your replies!!!

    Edit: This post, and all it's replies, was moved from the Vanessa Stuff thread. As you can see it had absolutely nothing to do with Vanessa. Polluting threads like that is not appreciated.
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: Vanessa stuff

    1. After b,f+P+G and f,b/d+P+G the opponent TR, can any move scare/hit him? (helpless)

    Akira is safe after b,f+P+G if the opponent TR's I'm pretty positive. I can't think of any throws that guarantee the opponent a chance to hurt the throw if they TR - that'd be just silly. The second throw you mentioned, do you mean d/b, f+P+G? The headbutt throw? Same answer I think.

    2. Any combo to use against heavyweights after a floater (CR,d/f+P+K)

    You probably mean crouch f+P+K? the shoulder ram right?
    DLC is a pretty sure combo if the D, f+P+K hits the opponent while they're standing. If they're crouching and it's not a counter-hit, try the Akira Special 3/Fujin combo. I think vs. a heavy opponent on counter it's possible to do Shrm, P, Shrm, low kick.

    Is yoho useful as a floater?

    I think that's its only use. It's safe if blocked, which makes it a good "bait" attack, it encourages the opponent to try to counter even though akira is safe.

    4. How to link SPoD after b,P+K+G counters opponent?

    Just do it. do b+PKG, then SPoD immediately if you hear it make the wsssshhckt sound.

    6. any possible special combo to link after d,b/d,b+P?

    Yes, one of the famous combos that people complain about a lot is d,d/b,b+P, then b,f,f+P+K for half the opponent's life. The trick to get a lot of damage is to do b,f,f+P+K and hold down the second [f] so that akira runs a bit before doing the bodycheck.
  3. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: Vanessa stuff

    Howe, you might like to try responding to a thread that has Akira in the subject... while your enthusiasm in learning the game is commendable, your post has completely nothing to do with Vanessa.
  4. Howe

    Howe Member

    Re: Vanessa stuff

    If Akira SPoD and opponent hits the wall, can a Dbl palm continue? I tried b,f,f+P+K and AS3 but damage not significant... Is the above mentioned dbl palm work?

    Btw, thanks for your help on the earlier reply. But, can Akira counter 'scissors kick'?
  5. Howe

    Howe Member

    Re: Vanessa stuff

    Sorry for the inconvenience. Apologies. Regards.
  6. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    Re: Vanessa stuff

    5. Can Akira counter Kage's u/b+K+G?

    Yes (and all other kickflips), and its nasty : d/b+P+K. Countered it yesterday, and it slammed Kage into the wall *hard*. I happily followed with a BC. A good chunk of life was gone.

    6. any possible special combo to link after d,b/d,b+P?

    Creed's right, DBC is best option. You cant really "float" the crumbling opponent into a combo, because every hit will cause a knockdown (although you can DLC or Fujin/AS3). If you wanna go for flashiness ->
    Stnd Dbl Plm, d/f+P+K+G, P, b, f, f+P+K doesnt take off as much as DBC (weird, I know), but pushes the opponent further.
  7. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: Vanessa stuff

    I don't think double palm will hit after SPoD into the wall.
    The opponent is on the floor and only a few moves hit off the floor.

    What's "scissors kick"?
  8. Howe

    Howe Member

    Re: Vanessa stuff

    Its 'Kickflip'... Sorry for that funny term i used. Not very good in describing moves but hope all of you don't mind my mistakes... correct me wherever possible. Regards.
  9. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Vanessa stuff

    DBC = bodycheck?
  10. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Vanessa stuff

    I think DBC = Deep Body Check?
  11. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: Vanessa stuff

    For the 100 BILLIONTH TIME!

    COUNTER means either interrupting (MC'ing) an opponent attack during execution, or counter-attacking an opponent during his recovery (mC).

    REVERSALS are specific techniques which, well...reverse opponents attacks for damage, e.g. Akira's db+P+K.
  12. LAU Abuser

    LAU Abuser Well-Known Member

    1. After b,f+P+G and f,b/d+P+G the opponent TR, can any move scare/hit him? (helpless)

    U can try b,f+P+K without charge, this might beat your oppo in roll.

    2. Any combo to use against heavyweights after a floater (CR,d/f+P+K)

    Its CR,f+P+K. a HP, LP, a FC dbl palm.

    3. Is yoho useful as a floater?

    Its slow. The modified d/f,d/f,f+P+K is good enough.

    4. How to link SPoD after b,P+K+G counters opponent?

    Just excute immediately after Akira counters oppo wif that move.

    5. Can Akira counter Kage's u/b+K+G?

    Yes. d/b+P+K. Its risky though. I only think the good part of countering kickflips is 'showy'.

    6. any possible special combo to link after d,b/d,b+P?

    The QCB+P is best link wif DBC. if i'm not wrong, you haf to drag the last directional move of DBC b4 hitting P+K for max damage. Total damage is abt 1/2 life.
  13. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    Re: Vanessa stuff

    Deep Body Check -> DBC... b, f, F+P+K. Hold F.

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