Akira Top 10 Moves - Discussion for Wiki Content

Discussion in 'Akira' started by Feck, Jun 25, 2013.

  1. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    For the wiki, I want to get a general opinion of what Akira's top 10 moves are. I know what my top 10 would look like but wanted to get a good idea of what other players would be before adding anything to the wiki.

    We already have a top 10 moves thread but not much discussion (here) but there's not much content in there and it made sense to make a new thread.

    I'll post my own up later but for now feel free to add what your top 10 moves are and why.

    All are welcome, Akira doesn't even have to be your main :p
  2. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Sebo's list from the other thread.

  3. BlackGeneral

    BlackGeneral The Emperor of Elbows Bronze Supporter Content Manager Akira

    BeeGee VFDC
    Sebo got it perfectly imo. I would 4P, a 16fr half circular high, making it impossible to evade to Akira's stomach in nitaku.

    4PP affords Akira a small wall combo, and the P+K followup is delayable and also yields a small combo.

    Other than that, there's not much to be said.
  4. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    I'm no akira player but based on the frequency of his moves being used against me...

    [2][P] interrupt
    [4][6][P] poke, pressure, punish
    [6][6][P] poke
    [6][6][6][P] anti-abare
    [4][6][P][+][K] track stomach
    [4][6][P][+][K][+][G] track back
    New! [9][K] abare vs lows
    [2_][3][P][+][K] abare vs highs*
    [3][P][+][K] abare vs highs*, anti-guard
    [6][P][+][K][+][G] anti-guard

    Some akiras jab more, some throw random double palms after low punch, some use his anti-high hit-throw, some use the new [1][P] and [P][+][K] attacks, some remember to use his sidekick vs sideturned, some throw more than others, but at the end of the day all of them seem to fall back to these 10 moves. Which to me, as a non-akira player, strikes me as is basically the same gameplan as in vanilla except the jumping kick had to replace the Crumbling Hand.

    Personally i'm always perplexed akira players don't use his reversals more.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2013
  5. mfwebdude

    mfwebdude Well-Known Member

    I'm just gonna focus on special moves, here's my list:

    [6][6][P] - 13 frame mid, safe on block. the core of Akira's offense.

    [6][6][6][P] - great range, safe on block, nasty on CH.

    [4][6][P] - + frame on block so good for pressure, great combo starter, good at hitting evaders, powerful as OS after fuzzy.

    [6][P]+[K]+[G] - once you can guess when your opponent will block high, use this to destroy them.

    [4][6][P]+[K] - punishes evade habits, fun mixups with charge times to catch opponents off guard, opponents rarely unstagger full charge. safe on block.

    [6][P][4] + followup of your choice - fairly quick mid poke with quick dash back. follow up with canned moves, or buffer a dash back to be evasive/annoying. nice way to make your opponent whiff.

    [2][1][4][P] - + on block. slow move, but you get really powerful combos if you can connect.

    [6][6][P]+[K][P]+[G] > Teirou Kanpo - first part has unreal range, and can slip under a lot of attacks. connect with the catch move and you get TK shenanigans

    [3][P]+[K] - awesome low. little slow, but gets Akira under many attacks for CH and high damage combo. Staggers opponent against wall.

    [4][6][6][P]+[K] - very risky, but the damage for this single hit move is disgusting on CH. Hit someone against the wall on CH with this for probably Akira's strongest combos without a stagger.
  6. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    I play Akira only for shits and giggles but eh. In no particular order.

    P and 2P - These are so standard that I either think they should be on every list or not even mentioned at all, not sure. PP however is a good-ish string for beating those 11f punchers who try to abare your P, 66P block string.

    66P - 13f (without dash frame eg. perfect execution) mid that's fuzzyable on block + Akira's reversal/sabaki options and gives + frames on NH make this a dumb move for a standard elbow-class attack.

    666P - 15f (without dash frame eg. perfect execution) CH combo starter mid that's fuzzyable on block + Akira's reversal/sabaki options make this an even dumber move.

    6P+K+G - 13f high GB that leads into a combo, broken.

    46P+K - Akira doesn't know what a full circular is so he needs this move. Double limbed, fuzzyable on block and mid, stupid.

    46P+K+G - Akira doesn't know what a full circular is so he needs this move along with 46P+K. Fuzzyable on block and mid, stupid.

    46P - 14f high slam launcher that's +1 on block? What the fuck? You can just pretty much use this as a poke with high reward and lowish risk since who the fuck ducks against Akira.

    KNEE - 17f mid launcher that's only -13 on block makes this at least theoretically better than Yoho, IF you can do it that is. I think the juggles are pretty much the same except it gives a little more leverage on crouch hits?

    66P+K!P+G, P+K+G - Mid shoulder level attack (meaning no reversals or sabakies except for Aoi) that leads into a hit throw which leads into Teirou Kampou stance, nice range too. However I think it's just an "ok" attack even though it does go over highs on occasion (which against 2_3P+K or 1P is IMO better) but TK DOES NOT have a mixup, just block high unless you're going to like die from both hits.

    Throws - I'll just have a general section for throws, which I think for Akira are pretty mediocre. 64P+G leads into a varying degree combo depending on weight class, sometimes the damage is good, most of the time it's average and rarely it's shit. 46P+G is a pretty standard front direction throw doing 60 damage with non-existant oki, however he also has 6P+G which can cause a wall hit that can be followed up with KNEE or shrm. P+G gets a special mention for setting up LOLCHECK, otherwise it's a standard neutral throw.

    Why isn't move X on the list-section, just my very personal opinion about certain moves: 214P only has few uses such as crushing rising attacks and as a high bounder, 3P+K is IMO way too risky against evade and only works on opponents who freeze, but for that you could've done GB into 46P just as well, 6P~4 is just a dumb gimmick that doesn't do anything against someone who knows how to play vs. Akira, SPoD just doesn't get much use anymore today and I think it's kind of slow, 2_6P!P is just a souped up dashing elbow IMO that's harder to do, use in comboes though, bodycheck is useless aside from LOLCHECK, double palm is nice for punishing lows and high whiffs easily, potentially into a wall combo, but otherwise I think it's just pretty standard and not a top move, P+K, 3K+GP+K, K+GP, 4PP, reversals, etc. They are all good moves and have their uses but just don't have IMO any special use outside few situations or they have some better counterpart, and since this is supposed to be only the top 10 moves, they get to be on the extras list only.

    Finally if u disagree wit dis list u r only hateing on urself and i win.
    Unicorn and MarlyJay like this.
  7. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    I didn't know where to post this so i'm posting it here: Akira's [3][P][+][K] side NH > [2_][4][6][P] appears to be guaranteed.
    BlackGeneral likes this.

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