Akira's 50% combo?!?!

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by MoebiusNu, Nov 1, 2001.

  1. MoebiusNu

    MoebiusNu Member

    In a recent article I read from a HK newsgroup, they were discussing how "cheap" and "low" Akira's near 50% combo is. The exact combo is Akira's "koBoku" (qcb+p), followed by Bodycheck OTB. They were wondering if this is a bug or not. And some said this has been marked as a typical scum move in Japan. Would someone confirm the damage?
  2. segaduck

    segaduck Well-Known Member

    Can you post the link to your HK source? I wanna check it and ask my friend to try it and make sure.
  3. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    That is interesting. I mean there are quite a numbero of moves in VF4 which causes down that cannot be tech rolled. For Lion the best combo is err... b,f+K+G?? But Akira has the deep bodycheck. Hey that is interesting. maybe I should learn Akira.
  4. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    I've seen that combo in action and it does near 50% for sure. (It's no different than ST - SJK - deep BC from VF3. Easy to do and 50% or more). But, lots of characters have 40% combos. Add to that the fact that the Standing Double Palm (qcb+P) is quite slow. Wolf and Jeff have nasty combos (not quite 50% though) off of thier Knees -- much more scary.

  5. MoebiusNu

    MoebiusNu Member

    So the damage is for real? under what conditions? Just OTB regardless? or OTB with deep BC? This is truly scary. Even the Taiwanese newsgroup is reporting it and people say the KoBoku (qcb+p) move is hard to predict when the player mix up. And usually has a pretty surprising effect. Just that the combination of KoBoku and BC is too easy and too much...
  6. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    This isn't rocket science...

    There's nothing to be shocked about. Akira's BC damage ranges from 20-80. The d>b+P (Standing Double Palm) does 30 points. When you hit with d>b+P the opponent crumples down. Laying in with a Deep BC for arounf 70-80 points brings the combo to around 100 points or 50% of your bar. There's no OTB.

    You can also do this after a MC SDE (20 points) - crumple - deep BC for 80pts = half your bar.

    This is great damage, sure. But don't worry so much about it. Really. What'd I be worried about - is how many things Akira can SPoD once he's blocked them. Now that's scary.

  7. MoebiusNu

    MoebiusNu Member

    Re: This isn't rocket science...

    The SPoD seems to be less guaranteed...at least I haven't been able to have that many opportunities to use it... ugh...
  8. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: This isn't rocket science...

    One strategy that may be strong is to do Akira's inashi reversal, then SPoD.
  9. jackybrothas

    jackybrothas Well-Known Member

    Re: This isn't rocket science...

    are you talking about diong the heaven's gun then doing spod? or heaven's gun with the f+p then spod? if you're referring to the inashi with f+p to spod, then im not sure cuz i don't think you can spod someone crumpling down.
  10. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: This isn't rocket science...

    not a crumbple. Probably the first thing you mentioned. Don't know the command.

    Akira looks like this:


  11. jackybrothas

    jackybrothas Well-Known Member

    Re: This isn't rocket science...

    hehe yea it's the b+P+K+G when one arm goes up and the otehr goes down.... hmmm yea i guess you can spod right after but i think the opponent would have recovered already... im not sure so i gotta try it out.
  12. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Re: This isn't rocket science...

    Yeah - you can SPoD after b+P+K+Gf+P.

    And, you *can* SPoD a crumpling opponent. You just have to be quick. :)

  13. jackybrothas

    jackybrothas Well-Known Member

    Re: This isn't rocket science...

    woaw... that must take some fast reflexes to use that combination in competition.

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