Akira's Black costume

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by Sammy20, Sep 12, 2003.

  1. Sammy20

    Sammy20 Member

    How do I obtain the colour black for Akira? I've already purchased all avaliable colours from the shop, and completed every arcade, and still haven't got it.
  2. Aoi_Mei

    Aoi_Mei Well-Known Member

    Lose 100 matches, same with all characters.
  3. Sammy20

    Sammy20 Member

    Oh cool.

    Thanks for the info.
  4. ZenMasterZ

    ZenMasterZ Active Member

    but who wants to lose 100 matches anyway? it bring your win ration down.
  5. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Obtaining the Black costume

    Hmmm thats not the idea...you don't LOSE matches to get the outfit you get it when you've lost a set amount. The idea is not to lose on purpose! You should count yourself lucky, in the japanese/arcade vers ( not sure ) you have to lose 1000 times to get it.
  6. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Just be patient, you'll lose 100 eventually. If you lose the 100 on purpose then all the times you lose for real afterwards will make your win ratio a lot worse than if you just wait until you lose 100 through the course of fighting.
  7. ZenMasterZ

    ZenMasterZ Active Member

    quest mode analysis--items and ranks

    thanks for pointing that out. i never had the intention to lose on purpose ofcourse. i have about 35 loses overall. the reason that i am afraid to lose too many loses (against fellow rankmates) is that i may lose my rank and get demoted. also, i lose spheres or even those crest or whatever (i forget the names of those icons that you win). so you see, when on the brink of a loss, i pull out of a losing battle, thus, not only retaining my ratio but also maintain the items.

    btw, what are those things supposed to represent? will somthing happen if you collect them all? or is it something that just increases your completion rate?

    also, what is the final rank? champion? i am now a guardian. is there some sort of logical progress to ranking system? earlier, i was a slayer, then a destroyer, then a protector. i think that true martial artists fight to defend and not conquer their opponents (i know i am going all fruity with this deep stuff). but hey, thats what i thought; i may be or probably am completely wrong.
  8. GTO

    GTO Well-Known Member

    Re: quest mode analysis--items and ranks

    those things r called emblems, and they give u som wallpapers i believe, cuz i went into an arcade, without any quests in order, and i got 7 emblems or so, and they unlocked around 4 or 5 wallpapers. another thing, if ur pulling out of a battle cuz ur gonna lose.. well, dont, this isnt all about winning buddy, this is a game, so hav fun. oh and tha comment about 'true martial artists', i totally agree, it should only be used to defend urself, hurting others is jus pussy, if u wanna fight, it might as well be to the death.. for tha fact i actually respect them gangsters, their rule: if u gonna start shite, there isnt gonna be honor involved, u try to hurt them, they gonna rip ur balls off and beat on u 50 on 1.. k tha was overly random -_- i'll shutup now
  9. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Re: quest mode analysis--items and ranks

    Jose Raul Capablanca, World Chess Champion from 1921-1927 & the greatest player of his generation, said you have to lose 1000 games before you can get good. When you consider that homes didn't lose a single matchplay or tournament (ie "serious") game between 1916 and 1924 this 1000 games tidbit becomes illuminating. Face defeat & learn from it.
  10. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Re: quest mode analysis--items and ranks

    I just need a couple hundred more loses and I'm good. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  11. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

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