Akira's Soushou (P+K+G, 4,3 P+G, 6P)

Discussion in 'General' started by CPSKILLZ88, Sep 27, 2021.


    CPSKILLZ88 New Member

    Hey Everyone. Nice to meet you. So here's my problem. I've downloaded VF5US and I think it's awesome. Akira is lots of fun but I can't seem to get this move to come for the life of me. I'm aware his Jirou Tanzan string is ten times worse as well lol. How do you this consistently on pad?
    Thanks in advance .
    beanboy likes this.
  2. Futaba

    Futaba Member

    3 parts.

    1. P+K+G Set shortcut for this on one button

    2. 43P+G Hardest part. 43 input needs to be clean or else it won't come (So if you input 413 P+G, 423P+G or 4123P+G by mistake, then the move will fail). You might have to practice inputting this part for a long time.

    Sometimes the hit-confirm timing from the 1st part can also prevent you from connecting this even if you input correctly, but you shouldn't mind this too much as long as you stick to the press sequence timing.

    3. 6P Can be input as 4P; both 6P or 4P input will work

    Don't rush the command and don't waver.

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