Analysis of Akira's Sabaki Reversal(advance akira players)

Discussion in 'Akira' started by danny13, Dec 7, 2003.

  1. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    [4]+[P]+[K]+[G], one of akira's best moves imo.

    I did some testing on my own and hopefully no one has mentioned this before..

    The 'sabaki high P guarantees [4][6]+[P]' theory will not work if the sabaki was performed when akira has too must disadvantage(-10) example after his knee. I observed this point in one of the popy tourney clips when the sarah player manage to block the akira's [4][6]+[P]. If you have too much disadv, it is best to throw your opponent instead.

    Sabaki high P can guarantee spod or yoho is the sabaki is performed when akira has the minimum of 1frame adv. eg after akira's [P].

    After sabaking a low p, the [6]+[P] followup tends to miss sometimes but this is definately not due to stance or whether the Akira has advantage or not. The reason is range. Eg, after [6][6]+[P], opponent low p, if Akira perform the sabaki,[6]+[P] immediately, it would miss. However, if akira buffer in a [6][6] before the sabaki, the followup would hit.

    sabaki's follow up:

    sabaki,[6]+[P]->[P]->[6][6]+[K][K]......(71) points.
    (you can also do [P]->dragon lance.)

    sabaki,[6]+[P]->[P]->[2_][6][P][P]......(73) points.
    (this is my favourite and discovered it by luck. It gives you tons of initative after that. For beginners, you can also do [P][P]->dragonlance for the same damage. Remember to hold forward when you do the [P][P].)

    (Near wall)
    Sabaki,[6]+[P]->[P]->[P][K](wall hit)->knee......84points?(cant remember the damage. This is high damaging and very easy to do.)

    Well, that's all. Enjoy!

    PS: sabaki,[6]+[P], the [6]+[P] is the palm followup after the successful sabaki. Jus in case....
  2. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    Excellent. Thanks for the analysis, danny.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Good stuff man, I didn't know you could buffer[6][6] before the [2][P] sabaki, thanks. *thumb's up*
  4. GTO

    GTO Well-Known Member

    Great job man. Those combos are very nice.
  5. Player_1

    Player_1 Well-Known Member

    yeah great man; i'm not exactly the most advanced Akira player-but stuff like this 'll make me one, one day /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
    I just froze after a succesfull sabaki, or did something completely useless...
  6. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Late by me... but a good analysis. I remember seeing Ohsu doing one or two of these from some of his matches I've seen.
  7. hananokeiji

    hananokeiji Well-Known Member

    hey danny, when you mean buffer [6][6] before the sabaki, do you mean [6][6] then [4][P][K][G]? does that work with or without advantage?
  8. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    After your [6][6]+[P] is blocked,you need to do a small forward dash before doing [4]+[P]+[K]+[G] so that u will sabaki your opponent's low punch in closer range and the [6]+[P] followup would hit.

    Try in training mode. Set cpu to guard always and to counter with low punch.
  9. stpROCK

    stpROCK Well-Known Member

    I always do a Yoho after a successful [4][P]+[K]+[G] to do a normal "crouch-dash combo" .
    Very interesting that buffer-thing..indeed!
  10. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    Yoho combo after successful [4]+[P]+[K]+[G] can get you about 75pts vs midweights. However, what kind of big yoho combo can you do on the heavies? Thus...
    Successful [4]+[P]+[K]+[G],[6]+[P]->[P]->[3][3][6]+[P][P] will net you 73! On top of that you have tons of initiative compared to yoho combo, assuming that you are ending with dbl palm.
  11. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    while we're talking abt initiatives, I think all aspiring Akira players should start doing this flow..

    SDE(Mc)-->single plm, DE...

    It's a hella lot better than SDE, DJK.

    On certain characters, it does all the way past 70 pts of damage, allows Akira to press on the attack immediately due to the quick recovery of the DE, good for ring out, creates wall combo opportunities...

    On top of it, it's only a tad harder to do than DJK!
  12. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Actually to be anal about this single palm SDE after SDE (MC) is not a tad easier than DJK. Since DJK is more or less gurantee after (MC) Single palm DE is not even if your timing is correct from my experience.

    But I do agree with you that the move's reward/effort ratio is correct and that it's very satisfying to get it out.

  13. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    Single palm-> DE is 100% guaranteed after MC SDE. You just have to delay the Single palm ->DE. If you do it immediately after the SDE(MC), the palm would hit, elbow would missed(if the opponent QR/TR after he eats the single palm).This is a 66 to 68 pts damage depending on how much you delay the single palm. The more you delay, the higher the damage. Delay too much and you will whiff your single palm. HOwever, VS Heavies, SDE(MC)->Single palm,DE(no delay) will get you guranteed, non techrollerable,71pts compared to DJK which gets you 67pts plus you loose your initiative.

    On top of it, when you are allowed to delay your single palm->DE(DJK has to be instantaneous), you can actually see whether your SDE MC or not. SDE staggers, crouh dash throw/attack/dblpalm. SDE floats opponent, low kick/AS3/dblpalm. SDE MCs, delayed single palm->DE.

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