another online thread. joy.

Discussion in 'Console' started by NoOnlinePlay, Feb 16, 2007.

  1. NoOnlinePlay

    NoOnlinePlay Member

    first I'd like to point out that i may or may not have a legitimate argument, either way

    anyways it seems to me SEGA is shooting itself on the foot. i know this game is dear thing to a-lot of you people here (even a social thing) and because of that online play would mean 13 year olds screaming on the headsets, you're getting pissed--you can't crouch buffer-cancel, blah blah blah. but shouldn't SEGA do it for the scene? online play would mean more scene, more players. why not redesign the game? make it a tad bit softer for online. but still retain frame-specific tourneys. make it broadband only. i know it's a lot to ask. i was reading some magazine the other day it had a little something on vf5 which read something like without online play your only option is to go out and find "random strangers to hangout with, which is never a good idea" lol so true (hey no offense forum-mites). incidentally, i think they got this sentiment from this exact site--you know that jamboree jungle thing, place, whatever (it's cool in my book). this IS right? but it isn't official. funny, what would happen if was unofficial LOL I'm going off-topic arent i...?

    hey I'd just like to see a good game do well. online play shouldn't be a life or death matter. relax people it won't kill the "social" scene. it'll add to it, more good not bad

    comments, flames?
  2. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    Keep talking about it, maybe Sega will recall the game and put an online feature in it. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/confused.gif
  3. NoOnlinePlay

    NoOnlinePlay Member

    i'm not "talking about it" i'm presenting a fact that's too late to fix, so maybe VF6 maybe not
  4. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Online play does not help a scene. It's a proven fact from both the MK and DoA communities.

    3D MK's are dead almost 100%.

    DoAU never even took off, it had a couple lame online tournaments ran by Tecmo and MS paid WCG to get it into there but the tournament was ran like crap and had weak comp.

    DoA4 made it to EVO, failed miserably, was "bought" lol back to WCG and had another fiasco of a tournament run. Now a days MS tries to hype DoA4 up with trash Championship Gaming Invitational on DirectTV, but it still fails and kills the community every time. There are probably less than 30 competitive DoA players in the country

    3S, CvS2, SF2, and GGXX never really needed online play cause they are all arcade games.

    Look, I'm coming from DoA community experience. Online play KILLS a community. VF might survive it but honestly, this site is really about competitive VF play, seriously VF is about competitive play. Playing by yourself sucks, but online play is for casual play. Casual play works in a crappy game like MK and DoA, but VF.... ehhh forget it.

    Add in Sega's attachment to the arcade and the fact they don't really care about NA players who don't have arcades, you get no online play.

    The truth is, both what Sega says (VF being unplayable online) and what we suspect (arcade industry would be hurt by online play) are probably both right. Tekken for whatever reason can still bring a ton of people nationally for competitive play and they still don't have online (and probably won't have online just like VF).
  5. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    What happen? Someone set up us the zero-chan sticky NO ONLINE STFU "questions to avoid" post from the old board.
  6. Onslaught

    Onslaught Well-Known Member

    What scene did DOA have before online play? 8 man tournament play for a game you had to mod and import to play. Online sure killed that scene. . . the fact that there are more players than ever playing DOA means nothing. . . sure it's been "killed".

    At the very least they could have added VFtv, it's not about the game being playable at all. Its Sega's laziness.
  7. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    god, topics like these are going to turn our beloved VFDC into the GameFAQs boards.
  8. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    Anyone can watch replays of other peoples "VS" matches, you just have to post them. Nobody even uses the feature.
  9. Son_of_lau

    Son_of_lau Active Member

    i dont see what the big hype about online play is. the only genre it really works with is FPS'. even then, lag messes up the game, but then again, it is better than no competition. Rpgs turn into MMORPG's or diablo clones. the only rts' that deserve online play are WC, SC, and C&C. Driving games usually are just "Who has the better car" competitions. sports games are so-so; and action, adventure, and puzzle games dont need/deserve online play.

    That leaves fighting games.

    Successful fighting games:
    SF II/SF A1-3
    MK II
    TEKKEN 3
    VF 2
    DOA II
    Guilty Gear II

    these are some of the most successful fighting games ever. None of them had online play. Of course, most of these games werent around during the whole "Online play" boost. An "Online Scene" does nothing at all. it is just two people playing eachother over the internet. In the Arcade/Console scene, most people get along and become friends, get together and sometimes host tournaments. online play, for the most part, is annonymous and you dont really get to know your opponents. do i need to continue?
  10. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Back when DoA was in the arcade, and not on home console for online play, it actually had larger tournies than it does now. Maybe not in the US but it did in Japan. Even after the online installments, you still don't see many large DoA tournies, let alone succesful DoA tournies at majors that involve many fighters. Not yet at least. (Online function certainly didn't help it return to EVO AMIRITE?LOL?)

    I duno about killing or helping the scene, but it obviously didn't help DoA's image.

    My only real flame is there was no need for this thread. Could have been posted in one of the other numerous piles of this topic already.
  11. wasted

    wasted Well-Known Member

    i played DOA2U on Xbox Live for 2 nights. the lag is noticeable, i'm not talking about nit-picky micro seconds, i'm talking about real noticeable command input lag and it basicly changes the fight

    that sort of online play, i can pass
  12. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    AM2 has stated that if they do online it would be a fighting game with a different title -- perhaps a Fighters Megamix Online or something along those lines. A fighting game built to take into account lag. So there you go. But for the near future, Virtua Fighter remains Virtua Fighter.
  13. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    It is possible to play VF without any problems online.
    They just would have implement a short test before you play against somebody, which analyses the connection between the players and if they have a too high ping or somebody has a too low upload/download speed, they won't be able to play or have the risk of a bad match.

    I personally would buy sdsl or xdsl and pay 200€ a month to play VF online with others.
    I wouldn't be able to play with everyone, but at least I had some opponents!!! I'm searching VF players since vf4 in my region and I found 1... I even put out flyers and stuff, visited a lot of forums but the only option for me to play other VF players is to pay a lot of money taveling everywhere just for a coupe of days. So 200€ a month for a fast connection is still cheaper.
  14. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    I am noticing that the only people who actually want online play in VF are those that are new to the game, or at least new to the boards. I think making a VF-esque game with online play might be ok, but I'd rather my VF stay the way it is. I like playing with real people. Its been a very good experience for me so far, and I've met quite a few very cool folks from it.

    Some of the people (especially those on GameFAQs) who want online play get genuinely upset about it. I mean, like really really upset. They start talking about Sega/AM2 conspiracy theories and crazy stuff like that. And if a veteran VF player even dares to attempt to reason with them as to why VF does not have online, they will label you a "fanboy" and become angry at you. One GameFAQ member actually said that I was the reason that EA was ruining the videogame sports industry, simply because I do not mind VF5 not being online.

    Bottom line, I don't address those who want online play anymore. I've not had one single reasonable conversation about the subject, unless it was with someone who's played VF for years.
  15. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    Well I'm not that new, I just don't post a lot. I've been playing VF since VF 2 (skipped 3 altough) and of course it's great to meet other VF players, I really enjoy it too.

    I've spent thousands of hours with VF and I'll still be spending several thousand hours on VF in the future. But I'm playing most of the time alone and this one friend of mine which playes VF is turning his back more and more on VF, since there really are no players around.
    If I had just 2-5 ppl to play with, I would be more than happy and wouldn't care about the online mode either.

    I really hope that with VF 5 there'll be more players around.
  16. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    MystD, you at least understand WHY vf5 is not online, right? Though the idea of a "lag test" pre-match would be nice, its still not a realistic solution. Even if everything was good during the test, the connection rate may still drop during the match.

    Even if you were willing to pay an extra 200€/mo, how many other people do you think would also be willing? Even then, the connection would honestly only hold up to its speed if the other player was within maybe 50 miles of you. At distances past that, the connection has to pass through multiple hubs, and each hub will cause miliseconds of lag because of the computing time to route your signal amongst all the others. So how many people within 50 miles of you would be willing to spend the extra 200€/mo just to play VF? And in that case, wouldn't it be cheaper to just visit them once a week and play for a few hours?
  17. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    LOL, you guys are arguing on a thread made by a guy who's handle is 'NoOnlinePlay' /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/confused.gif
    Did this thread REALLY deserve this much attention?
    It's obvious this guy just opened an account on VFDC just to piss off VF fan-boys.
    It's also obvious that the people who argue for o.p. dont really give half a fuck about VF and the intricate mechanics of the game.
    Any serious VF player knows that the game would not be VF if it was brought online with the current technology that's available to consoles now.
    It WOULD have been nice to have some online options though, like real VFTV but woulda, coulda, shoulda aside, the game is still one of the best no matter how much you/I or anybody gripes about it.
  18. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    Well yes, perhaps VF 7 or 8 will be Online.

    What I'm going to do if nobody in my area starts playing VF if VF5 is out here. I'll try to hold tournaments with price money.
    Had that idea a long time ago, only problem is TVs and consoles
    I've also thought about paying ppl to play VF with me but that's just plain booring. Pherhaps I'll do something like win aginst me and get 50 cent's per match or something X_X LOL

    And if that dosn't work I'll save some money and visit japan for 1 year, perhaps doing something like working holidays.

    If I knew ppl 50 miles from my place I would visit them.
    But it's something like 200 to 300 miles.
    Best would be Online which will always just be a dream.

    Hehe I'll start a new thread ^-^
  19. GoDokunoDan

    GoDokunoDan Well-Known Member

    ONE I wont be surprised if this thread is locked in a week.

    TWO: cut SEGA some slack. If you played VF5 in 1080p on a sony bravia like I have you would have seen the LIGHT.
    THIS GAMe is FREAKING AWESOME LOOKING. IT KNEE KICKS DOA4 in the bALLS, DDTs it into the CONCRETE AND JUMPING ELBOW SLAMS IT. THIS IS THE SHARPEST< MOST , REALISTICLY DRAWN, SUPERBLY ANIMATED FIGHTING GAME EVER MADE. THe skin has texture and imperfections in pigment, the clothes have depth and detail you would see in real life, like the woven lines and the bumps you would see on reall leather. ALL of this can be seen EVEN when the players are fighting by the way. AND THATS with me PLAYING IT <i>WITHOUT</i> my glasses. Think of the detailI could see with them on.

    Id probally scorch my shorts. THIS GAME LOOKS LIKE THE FINAL FANTASY MOVIE, The Spirits Within. ITS that DAMN GOOD.

    F*** what you heard , it doesnt NEED ONLINE. ILL GLADLY HAVE MY friends over to see this thing OFFLINE. ILL EVEN CHARGE PEOPLE I DONT KNOW TO COME PLAY IT, its so good. VFDC players in NYC can play for free however. Ill have strippers over and it will be great!!!! VF PARTY!!!!!!
  20. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    hehe yes I've bought a 40" HDTV just for VF ^-^
    I'm still waiting for the xbox version.
    Perhaps I'll buy the PS3, depends on how much ppl will have a PS3 here.

    Startet the thread in match making.

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