Any Fukuoka players?

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by hananokeiji, Mar 9, 2004.

  1. hananokeiji

    hananokeiji Well-Known Member

    Sorry if i have posted in the wrong section, but i should be heading to Fukuoka during Easter times, and i really wish to meet up some local players there. I am not good, but I really want to learn! If someone could let me know where the arcades are located, it will be greatly appreciated!
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    One of our local players is from there so I'll ask him tonight for some information and let you know.
  3. hananokeiji

    hananokeiji Well-Known Member

    thank you so much Myke! btw, say hi to Aya for me. is he using Jacky still? /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I haven't seen Aya in a while, but lately he's been playing more Shun and Akira than Jacky /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif I'll tell him you said hi anyway the next time I see him.

    Anyway, here's some info for you:

    [ QUOTE ]

    I'm not sure he will be able to find many VF players there, but
    I guess a few of the arcades still have some sets of versus city.
    One of them is the arcade called 'Tenjin GIGO', located at the center
    of Fukuoka city. Most of players there are around beginner to medium levels.

    Another one is called 'game center GREEN' located outside of the
    city, 10-15 mins by car from the central. I don't think he can see
    any players there during daytime, but at nights of Tuesday, Friday
    and especially at Saturday night, he may be able to see top local
    players. Some of them played in the official national tournaments.
    I hope he will meet them there.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Good luck and have fun!
  5. hananokeiji

    hananokeiji Well-Known Member

    thank you so much Myke for your info! Really appreciate it!

    Do you know whether your friend would know the address of the Green game center? Not too sure if the cab driver would be able to bring me there.... oh well, maybe i will just stay at Gigo then. hehe.
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I asked my friend and he doesn't recall the exact address. But he says it's in a district called 'Takeshita'. There is a train station also called Takeshita near there, and it's located along a river, around 10-15 minutes walk from the station.

    Also, he says that if you can use VF.Net in Japan, you can search for the arcade and get it's exact address that way.

    Good luck!

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