anyone else use the following techniques with Akira?

Discussion in 'Akira' started by steve, Nov 11, 2003.

  1. steve

    steve Active Member

    ive noticed with the following moves
    [3][P]+[K] and [4][3][P]
    you can follow up with
    [4][6][P] for Double Palm, [6][P] Single Palm and [6][P]+[K] for shoulder ram.

    apart from these methods and crouch dashing modified moves are there any other techniques you can apply?

    please excuse if i am being rather lame and this has been discussed before.
  2. Ryadus

    Ryadus Well-Known Member

    Umm.. This sure is old thing to discuss but anyway you can do the same thing with every character. Just find a move which makes your character to be crouching. For example is simple [2][P]. You can do Akira's [2_][4][6][P] by only pressing [4][6][P].
  3. GTO

    GTO Well-Known Member

    you can apply this to any move that begins with [2_]. and not just [3][P]+[K] for Akira, even [2][P] ~ [4][6][P] turns into low punch ~ double palm. because [2][P] makes Akira croush thus cancelling the need for [2_]. some other examples: Kage's knee ([2_][6][K]) can be used as [6][K] after a crouching move or after guarding a low attack. Goh's Shoulder ram, which works the same way as Akira's. a lot of moves work the same way...
  4. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    I would not advise using low punches before doing these moves, thats just me but when you modify the moves by crouch dashing first, you get more damage points. If you use [3][3][P] [2][P] [4][6][P] its a pretty effective combo but if you modify the double palm you do about 10 more damage. [3][3][P] [P] [3][3][4][6][P] Also you become more prdictible.
  5. GTO

    GTO Well-Known Member

    you don't seem to get what the topic is so i'll tell you. we're alking about buffering moves that start with [2_], we're saying those moves can be buffered after using any move which takes you to crouching position, SUCH AS [2][P], akira's [3][P]+[K], kage's [3][P], goh's [4][3][P], and many others, hope that cleared something up.

    p.s. For the combo you listed, you can easily add a shoulder ram between [P] and dlbplm.

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