Aoi's Cancels

Discussion in 'Aoi' started by Valakrie, Mar 21, 2014.

  1. Valakrie

    Valakrie Well-Known Member

    Question for anyone who knows, but what disadvantage is Aoi at when she cancels her moves? I don't mean when going into Sundome options or Tenchi, I mean something simple like PP6P(G). It's kind of like how they will show you the disadvantage that Eileen is in when she cancels her moves into stances.

    I think the disadvantages may vary for some moves. For example, her 33P+KG cancel feels faster than PP6P to me, but I am not entirely sure if this is true or if I'm imagining things. Just would like to know where I'm at when simply canceling any of her moves. :)
  2. KahnRahn

    KahnRahn Well-Known Member

    Kahn Rahn
    It's hard to answer you but fundamentally when you use :
    [6][P][+][K][P][G], [6][4][P][+][K][P][G], or [4][P][K][G]
    • aoi is at -23 (or more) frames when the first hit is blocked.
    • aoi's oppenent can strike her with standing punch, low punch and 14 frames mid when the first move hits her on NH (with sudome option [K] or [P]).
    • if you use her [4][3][P] after the cancel, your oppenent can use a 17 frames mid.
    It's the same thing with [P][P][6][P][G] or [P][P][6][P][P][G].

    Aoi's oppenent can dodge every poke tools plus throws with a back dash when the first is on NH or MC. Her [3][K] hits them only on NH:(.

    I hope that's help you
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2014
    Valakrie likes this.
  3. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi


    Her main cancellable strings:








    [9] or [3][P][+][K][P]~[G]


    BT [P][+][K][P][P]~[G]

    On block
    If the first or previous move of the string get blocked, you regain your ability to guard or evade at the 18th frame if you decide to cancel the follow up and guard. That means that if your opponent attacks right away after he blocked your first move of the string with a 17 frames exe attack, Aoi can't guard it and will get hit during the cancel animation.
    However for [4][P][K], she can only guard attacks slower than 18 frames.

    If you enter sundome [K] in this situation, your opponent can interrupt it with a 26 frames exe move.

    On NH
    If the first or previous move of the string lands on NH, Aoi can guard any fast attack,
    except for the following strings in which she can still be hit by a 17fr move or faster ( just like if the first move got blocked ):
    [3] or [9][P][+][K][P]~[G]
    BT [P][+][K][P][P]~[G]

    But the most important part, can the opponent interrupt sundome [K] ?

    [6][P][+][K][P] sundome [K]: yes, with a 13fr move or faster
    [6][4][P][+][K] sundome [K]: yes, with a 11 fr punch only
    [6][P][P] sundome [K]: yes, with a 14fr move or faster
    [P][P][6][P] sundome [K]: yes, with a 25fr exe move or faster
    [P][P][6][P][P] sundome [K]: yes with a 17 fr move or faster

    [4][P][K] sundome [K]: yes with a 26fr move or faster
    [2_][3][P][+][K][P]~[P] sundome [K] : yes with a 26fr move or faster
    [3]or[9][P][+][K][P]~sundome [K]: yes with a 26fr move or faster
    [2][K][P][P]~sundome [K]: yes with a 26fr move or faster
    BT [P][+][K][P][P]~sundome [K]: yes with a 26fr move or faster

    On CH
    If the first move lands on CH, the opponent is unable to interrupt sundome [K],
    except for thoses strings:
    [3] or [9][P][+][K][P]~sundome [K] can still be interrupted by a 12fr move
    [2][K][P][P]~sundome [K] can still be interrupted by a 16fr move

    So, as you can see, using Sundome [K] is "safer" after a CH.

    It's also better to not go for any cancel moves when your first entry move got guarded, unless the last hit you want to cancel is threatening enough to make your opponent respect the string ( like [6][P][+][K][P] with a mid what KND, or [2][K][P][P] with a mid what gives a crumple on CH ).

    However, that's the frames theory, it's almost impossible to punish the G cancel on reaction (Also the ability to delay each part of the string add even more difficulty ), your opponent will have to guess that you are going to cancel the strings.
    You can also just stop after the first hit ( and remain safe ) and don't cancel anything, then react accordingly.

    Once your opponent freezes or hesitates, you can attempt a cancel into throw to beat his guard.

    Now, for sure you regain the ability to guard or evade faster with [3][3][P][+][K]~[G].
    than [6][6][P]~[G] and [2][K][+][G]~[G] but I can't think about a way to test the frames.

    About [P][P][P][2][K] string:
    Whether the punches are blocked or land, if you cancel the sweep and guard, you can block attacks slower than 22 frames.

    EDIT: Kahn Rahn, I wonder how you got your numbers..
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2014
    Lord_Hollow and Valakrie like this.
  4. Valakrie

    Valakrie Well-Known Member

    Thank you for all of the information guys :). Even without any specific numbers, it does provide me with a better idea of what the opponent is capable of after NH and CH moves specifically. I never really cancel after blocked moves, unless it is the 6P after PP or sometimes even the K after 4P.

    Quick question though, Kahn
    What does the last part mean exactly (Where you mentioned 3K)?
  5. KahnRahn

    KahnRahn Well-Known Member

    Kahn Rahn
    I use a DM. Don't know if it's good tool or not but on block or NH you can use a 17fr move or faster against her cancels and 18fr move or faster aigainst [4] [P][K][G] (i've used Aoi's[3][3][P][+][K] with a perfect buffered).

    For the 23fr move i was testing the sudome [K] (when the first or last hit was guarded). In this case i've used Aoi's [4][6][P][+][K] for testing. I conclued she was at -23fr (or more).

    I have to detail more for this section my bad:oops:.

    Edit :
    Valakrie, i would know how back dash impact her cancel. After several tests (mainly poke tools) i used a SK ([3][K]) to perform a back dash stagger but the SK strike her oppenent on NH. It does't work on MC
    In the records command i've make some sequences : ([P])[6][P][+][K][P][G], [6][P][P][G]... with Aoi's move like [P],[4][3][P],[4][K],[2_][3][P][+][K], [P][+][G],[3][K], [6][K]...

    Against back dasher [3][P] is really usefull after a cancel.
    [6][4][P][+][K] (NH)[P][G][3][K] give you a back dash stagger.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2014
  6. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    Oh, it's because you're using a side kick at disadvantage, which means your opponent were backdashing at advantage ( since Aoi is at disadvantage when she cancels a move of a string after the first one got blocked and even on NH), that's why you get no backdash stagger.

    lol, I didn't understand why you were talking about side kick, but you were trying to backdash her sundome K when she cancel a string into it.

    For my testings:
    Aoi also has K+G, a 25fr moves, but Pai has 6K+G ( 26fr ) and Eileen has 66K ( 26fr but with the execution, it's 27fr in fact ). That's how I got the -26 part.
    You didn't need 33P+K perfectly inputted since she has a 18fr knee :D
  7. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    Additonnal note: if your opponent tries to backdash your sundome K during a string, sundome P will hit.
    Or just continue the string without the cancel.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2014
  8. KahnRahn

    KahnRahn Well-Known Member

    Kahn Rahn
    I would know how many move can be dodge with a back dash. In fact a SK can't be but a lot can even on MC.

    I've entirely forgotten this move
  9. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    I finally managed to determine that :
    - You can guard at the 29th frame for 33P+K cancel.
    - You can guard at the 36th frame for 66P cancel & 2K+G cancel.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2014

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