Arcade controls question

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by JimiJames, Dec 7, 2008.

  1. JimiJames

    JimiJames Member

    Hi all.

    First post here. I'm a newbie on the VF world. Never played it before (I did on another fighting games). I've got the XBOX360 version and I am enjoying it much(for 3 days now, wow, much experience, lol) with Lei Fei as my main character and I managed to get it to 8th Dan on mission mode so far.

    I'm getting the Hori Arcade EX2 (what do you think about it?) for play it more comfortably but I have a question about the controls. I see EX2 has 6 buttons, the main 3 and another 3 buttons that represent combinations of the main 3. Do the arcade machines controls used around the world and in Japan concretely have 6 buttons too? Or they have only the 3 main buttons and you have to get the combinations of buttons manually? I ask this because I would like to learn on the "right" way. This way, if one time I go to an arcade I will have not problems with the controls.

    Thank you very much in advance.
  2. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    The EX2 is pretty p00p but it will do if you can't afford a Hori Real Arcade Pro. There's also the Virtua Stick High Grade that you can get modded to use on 360 but these are pretty hard to find.

    You only use 3 buttons, for Guard, Punch and Kick. Set the other buttons to unused.
  3. JimiJames

    JimiJames Member

    Ok, so only the 3 buttons are used as I suspected. About the Hori Real Arcade Pro: is there a Xbox 360 version released??? I googled it but it seems that it has not been released for the 360. When will it be released? How much does it cost?

    Thanks very much in advance.
  4. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    The HRAP for 360 ships 29Dec08... I have two HORI's but I already ordered the HRAP. The HORI stick isn't the best one out there, but it's light years better than using the 360 controller to play. No comparison in my mind, HORI is way better.

    The HORI isn't the best stick but my first one lasted a long time until it would no longer register the /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/ub.gif direction, even though it could still recognize /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif and /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/u.gif, but not both together. The second one I got (a while ago) still works perfectly and hopefully will last until the end of the month when my 360 HRAP ships from

    Get a HORI EX for now, if you like the game a lot and want to play for real. Later, when you want to, upgrade to an HRAP or any other stick you might prefer.

    PS- it works like a charm for SF2 HD Remix as well...
  5. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    The HRAP comes out in the America this month I think, it's already out in Asia. Not sure whereabouts you live ...You'll have to import it, methinks.

    I guess the EX2 is easily available where you are? Just go with that as it will be the cheapest option, just be prepared for when the buttons die /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  6. JimiJames

    JimiJames Member

    I'm from Spain, Europe. I am trying to find a Hori EX2 but finally I think I have to import it. But if the Pro version is shipping so soon I would just jump straight to the Pro. Do you know if it is shipping on europe on 28 Dec as well? Anyone knows how much does it cost aprox? Is it wireless? (hopefully it is). I prefer to spend a bit more of money and have hardware that last long. How long did you last your EX2 arcade sticks?? I don't want to buy an EX2 that lasts only 6 months or something like that.

    And I forget to ask. Do you the people that are playing this game for years play it with the 3 buttons only? Or it is plain stupid to do it that way on the console? (maybe it's a disadvantage on Xbox Live matches or something)

    Thanks for the info
  7. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    I bought mine last year 2nd hand and its still working fine, although I did have to open it up once or twice to mess around with the P button. Next year I'll prob invest in a custom built stick though.
  8. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    The vast majority of people use just 3 buttons. Mapping buttons is understandable on the d-pad though...

    EX2 will last a good amount of time. If it breaks someday, then you can buy the HRAP...
  9. JimiJames

    JimiJames Member

    So using more buttons is something like a cheat? or you mean is pointless because you can do the same without disadvantage?
  10. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I think he's saying it makes sense to use more than the 3 buttons on a control pad cause it's difficult to play on a control pad. Some people do consider using more than the 3 buttons cheating, that's why you aren't allowed to map buttons at tournaments and whatever.
  11. JimiJames

    JimiJames Member

    And how is the official mapping in tournaments? You have to use it like on Gernburgs Avatar pic? or you have to use the 3 top buttons? And how I have to map them: guard, punch, kick from left to right?

    Thanks in advance.
  12. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Just like on Gernburg's avatar and yeah it's guard, punch and kick from left to right.
  13. JimiJames

    JimiJames Member

    Thanks very much for the help
  14. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage


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