Arcade stick

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by MetalSlugX, Jun 25, 2008.

  1. MetalSlugX

    MetalSlugX Member

    Are arcade style sticks the standard for this game? I've read that using a controller puts a player at a disadvantage. I have the PS3 version B. Since I'm not playing online and will only be playing friends is a stick that big of a deal? I kind of like having multiple buttons mapped to the R and L buttons but that's just my opinion. Any other controller users out there?
  2. scytherage

    scytherage Well-Known Member

    I used to play on a controller. I eventually got a Hori arcade fighting stick for my Xbox 360. On a controller it's a bit tougher to do moves that need diagonal directions, but the shortcuts for things like P+K or K+G do help make the game a bit easier.

    I think it's still possible to be competitive with a controller, just be prepared to play without access to your character's complete move set.
  3. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    This game is originally an arcade game, so it is naturally designed to be played with an arcade joystick. Its not that you cant play with pad (although xbox 360 pad is of horrible quality) but its not meant to be played with one. Also, should you ever travel to Japan, youd be like fish out of water when all there is are joystick cabinets /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif Playing with a pad is not a handicap as such, but I think its not ergonomic due to the design of the game.

    (example of pad vs stick, this summers Tougeki qualifiers in france, joystick controllers accepted only.)
  4. Heartbreak013

    Heartbreak013 Well-Known Member

    If ur gonna just be playing your friends or playing casually stick with the xbox controller in my opinion.
  5. MetalSlugX

    MetalSlugX Member

    Well it's a PS3 controller since I have a PS3 and yeah I have no intention of going to a tournament so it will just be me and my friends playing casually. If was was to spring for a stick what brand should I get? So far the only stick I can find for PS3 is the Hori one.
  6. Heartbreak013

    Heartbreak013 Well-Known Member

    VSHG from what i here its awsome. But u really shouldnt if ur just messing with ur friends
  7. LucidNightmare

    LucidNightmare Well-Known Member

    As others have already mentioned, VF was designed for Arcades and joysticks, but don't let that deter you if you're a "pad-warrior".

    I'm one, all my life I have been...I've tried out the stick numerous times, but it just doesn't feel right to me...It just doesn't click at all...

    So, I stick to pad for fighters...Be it a Shoryuken in Street Fighter, an Electric Wind God Fist in Tekken or even Akira's SPOD/Byakko(Double Palm Move) Follow-ups...They are all possible to execute on pad consistently with practice and patience...Believe me, I've been through many blisters on my left thumb. lol...

    So in the end, just go for whichever way you feel comfortable playing with...You won't be at any disadvantage either way if you praactice hard enough! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  8. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Every single pad akira i've played or seen can do KNEE/SPoD/Double Palm on it's own yeah... but i've still never seen one that can pull off his combos consistently.

    There's enough of you Akira Pad Warriors out there for someone to make a vid showing you doing stuff like, 666p> p> 33p> 3346p, KNEE> p> KNEE> 3346p or whatever with your L337 jedi ninja pad skillz... right?
  9. LucidNightmare

    LucidNightmare Well-Known Member

    Okay, well, I didn't even mention KNEE, for some reason I still have trouble getting that off regularly...Need more practice on that one...

    As for the combos, well, you may have a point there...I concede to that point...I'll still stick with pad personally though, it's not like I have a choice. lol
  10. FcoBenitez

    FcoBenitez Well-Known Member

    Wich stick is the preferred to play VF?

    Sanwa JLF?
  11. Heartbreak013

    Heartbreak013 Well-Known Member

    i personally dont see how anyone can play at their best without a stick, if you play VF as much as we do its not to much of a investment
  12. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    i use a stock, but i've wondered recently if i wouldnt be better off w/ a controller. all leifeis moves can be done easy enuff with a controller, and evade is much more responsive and i love to evade. And if my hori craps out i don't know if i can find a new one 2 replace it.
  13. Jargen88

    Jargen88 Well-Known Member

    I can do all the Good combos for Akira just fine with my ps3 controler

    but I have fast thumbs from years of mastering Tony Hawk Underground Rail Combos going over 100 million lol

    but yea double palm isnt very hard if u practice

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