ARE / Allround-Escape

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by stpROCK, Jul 7, 2004.

  1. stpROCK

    stpROCK Well-Known Member

    I couldn`t find a thread about this i thought everything about this can be discussed here!
    All i know about ARE (allroundescape) is that u can do it just in disadvantage situations till -5 frames. This skill allows you when performed correctly to avoid throw and attack of your opponent at the same time.
    You crouchdashcancel your evade with [3][3][P] or [3][3][K] so that you are able to evade an attack and to hit your opponent when he throws. There is a possibility too with a lowpunch i think, dunno how it works.
    The crazy thing about that is if you evade an attack your [3][3][P]/[K] attack doesn`t come out and your in advantage > bug?!
    So what to do against this? I don`t want to give up advantage situations, hoping i will block akiras youhou :/
    Maybe delayed attacks?! Imo you should have a good timing. Or backdash, seeing what comes next?!
    Well...roundhouse attacks may be useful, but not if you play goh with his slow ones /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif...always loosing against youhou there...
    Plz correct me if ive said something false, and tell from your experience how to perform and to cope with it well. Moreover i would like to know your opinion about this technique in general. And of course if you are able to do it in matches.....well i am not ;P
  2. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    ARE and Ep33

    oops. missed it by that much. Mr Moderator? We might want to sticky the original thread as this comes up about once every couple of months and is, indeed, hard to find if you don't know what exactly to search for.

  3. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Slightly delayed attack is how you beat it. Because if you don't immediately do an attack (ie: nothing), they will attack every time. For example if they are using low P --> ARE low P, just block the first, backdash and sidekick (with Goh do standing K).

    Also ARE only works at -3 and -4. To use it at -5, you have to do an alternate version of ARE called VIP (no I didn't just make that up). Instead of doing [8][3][3](whatever attack), you do [8][3](attack)[3] or something like that....I don't know much about it.

    Everyone can do ARE from a blocked low P, and it's easy too. For example with Kage using upper as ARE, do [2]+[P][8][3]+[P]. Since you are already crouching, the [3][3] is not needed. The only disadvantage to using ARE after low P is you won't have time to hit check. Low P total execution time is small, so you just have to go for it. If it hits and you do ARE, you will attack every time.
  4. Siyko

    Siyko Well-Known Member

    quick quuestion, might as well post it here

    does the automatic 1 frame delay of modified/dash moves count as delay enough that they will beat ARE? Like... blocking low punch and [3][3][P] with kage or SDE with akira
  5. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Well, if you buffer in the attack, they will still evade it, I think because the game system still takes note that you hit a button. So even though there is a 1 frame delay, it acts as if you are immediately attacking, and the 1 frame is counted toward the attack execution, not a state before the attack execution. So as long as you hit a button inside the buffer window, their evade will come out.
  6. MadAoi

    MadAoi Member

    Does anyone know if the attack hits the throw as a counter or not (logic tells me that it won't)? And what are Aois ARE options? Her [2_][3]+[P] doesn't do much good unless it hits as a MC... I think she may be in disadvantage after a normal hit with her [2_][3]+[P].
  7. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Yeah Aoi's ARE options kind of suck, since she needs a good mc move. She really doesn't have anything to use after it...maybe [2]+[K]+[G], it is only -2 on mc (as opposed to -6 on normal hit), so it's very safe. Just do (move)[8][3][3][K]+[G]. [3]+[K]+[G] comes out as a sweep.
  8. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Has anyone tested out Aoi's rising [P]+[K] yet? She can probably ARE with that. I haven't tested it enough though.
  9. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Her WR P+K is -1 on hit, it's OK, but not worse than any of her other options really. You should be able to ARE with it.
  10. Robio_kun

    Robio_kun Well-Known Member


    I have been experimenting and I think I am getting the hang of the AREs. One thing I have been trying with Aoi is to use it after guard cancelling [6][P],[P]. I'm not really sure if it works yet but the theory is that against people who are savvy against the guard cancel (ie the computer) it will get you out of trouble. Please let me know what you think.

  11. Robio_kun

    Robio_kun Well-Known Member

    Ok, on second thought I don't think this will work because you are not at a disadvantage. At least it does not seem to work...

  12. Valdimiar

    Valdimiar Well-Known Member

    Why does ARE only work at -3 or -4?
  13. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Valdimiar said:
    Why does ARE only work at -3 or -4?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You can actually do it at any frame disadvantage, but only in theory/practice mode.

    I think it has to do with the input buffering window during the recovery of a move. The evade has to be buffered early, and I think when you have a bigger disadvantage, the frames between your evade input and your opponents attack execution are spread further apart. But you can't do the evade too late, or your attack won't come out, so I think the window for ARE is much smaller as you get into a bigger disadvantage.

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