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Assassins Creed Revelation OMG!

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Nov 16, 2011.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Warning Review from AC FANBOY[/size]: Long story short: AC Revelations is a F*CKING Masterpiece

    AC Revelations is out!

    Graphics 10
    Sound 10
    Cinematography 10
    Score 10
    Controls 10
    Story 10
    Maps 10*****
    Multiplayer 10 OMG!
    GamePlay 10
    Den Defense 10
    Assassin Dens 10
    Master Assasins 10
    New bomb making 10
    Character development 10
    In Game Fight Mechanics 10

    IMO This game has improved everywhere it needed to an nowhere it shouldn't have. For fans of the game AC Revelations gives you more of everything you loved and added new features like Den defense which is FN AWESOME! the new relationships with the assassins, the new training, the hook, Desmonds animus island, there is just so much to this game, that I put down the new Metal Gear HD Trilogy ( And I'm a Metal Gear Maniac).

    PPL, who are thinking about buying this game, but are not quite sure, DO NOT listen to any of the naysayers. This game is a masterpiece from beginning to end. The attention to detail in the maps like Constantinople is just beyond belief, the textures, the lighting, shading, NPCs the sound FX from dirt, to pebbles, to wood, to stone each surface is just done awesome, the water, EZIO's swimming, the day, night, evening, dawn, afternoon time changes. This game is so FN immersive, just be careful!

    Few games have graphics that take full advantage of Next gen GPU power and rise to the level of graphics in AC revelations, games like Metal Gear Solid IV, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, Uncharted 2 & 3 are on par in terms of graphics, but even they don't touch the total environmental simulation that's happenin in AC revelations. This game really transports you back in time and its because the sights and sounds are just beyond belief. If you are lucky enough to have 50 inch HD and with DTS its a helluva experience.

    I'm just on day two with the game, and every hour I put in, I find more and more nuance that just makes this game freakin awesome.

    Ezio's Fighting

    The new hook manuever, the slow-mos of Ezio's finishing moves, the reverse kills, the hook kills, Ezios fist fighting, the kill streaks, OMG! I can't stop pickin fights with the guards ! Ezio in Revelations is even more bad ass than in brotherhood.

    Ezio's Assassination Options

    Now with team of Assassins, thieves, courtesans, etc at your disposal peform contract kills has become a thing of beauty. There are so many ways to approach an assassination and to execute the job that you find yourself experimenting with dozens of what-ifs. The bomb making options open up so many possibilities for distraction, diversion, stealth, and destruction that executing an assassination contract never gets old.

    The only real problem I have with this game is I haven't seen a horse yet. I hope UBISOFT hasn't removed the horse, which are one of the awesome features of the game.

    The feature that I wish UBISOFT would add is a replay feature that would allow you to rewatch some of the awsome fight sequences that you engage in.
  2. Nuclear_Nikki

    Nuclear_Nikki Well-Known Member

  3. Nuclear_Nikki

    Nuclear_Nikki Well-Known Member

    AC brotherhood ending was like WTF
    I was like WTF D:
  4. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I was all like WHADDAFUCCCCKKKKK!?!?!?

    Then I ate toast.
  5. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Ending for Revelation is supposed to be even more tripped out.

  6. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

  7. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member


    thanks -_-
  8. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    Master sPOiler [​IMG]
  9. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Can a mod please edit Po's post with the [ Spoiler] [ /Spoiler] thing? There are spoilers and then there is taking the bloody piss. Po is doing the latter [​IMG]
  10. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Once again Marlyjay, your comment on my post was both uninformed, and unnecessary.

    1rst the fact that I mentioned that the ending to AC Revelations is "supposed to be even more tripped out", does not reveal any information about that ending. Its just conjecture and hype. No facts [​IMG] Further, the list of facts that I did list are common knowledge about AC1, and AC2. So Marly Jay because of your obvious abject ignorance of Assassin's Creed, and the Assassin's Creed world, and community you've caused Myke to put in a spoiler tag for something that is on the Assassin's Creed Wiki and long in the public domain. The spoiler tag insinuates that if you click it you'll get something about the ending of AC Revelations and you will not. You'll only get old news.

    So the only thing that is being spoiled here, is the fact that you obviously don't know very much about the Assassin's Creed Universe, and this was more about putting your two cents into a MasterPo post. You know , there are other ways to get famous [​IMG]

    Dude, if you don't like me or my posts fine, I don't care. My advice would be when you see a post by MasterPo just skip it, avoid it. Don't waste your time. But trolling isn't that a little beneath you [​IMG]

    But to go further to ask a mod to put a spoiler on the basic story line for Assassins Creed , a story line that's been on the web for years now, is somewhat misleading to everyone. Dude, if you're board, just twit something, or get in the Shout Box and talk your usual blather.

    Anybody that knows anything about Assassin's Creed Universe knows that I did not reveal anything about the end of Assassins Creed Revelation. Hell, I'm just into the game myself, I have no idea what the end is. And for me to say that the end will be tripped out, well all the endings of the AC games are tripped out, with each tripped out a little more than the previous, there's no spoiler there, just basic inference.

    Marlyjay do us both a favor and just ignore my posts [​IMG]
  11. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    AHH ha ha ha ha! POwnage!
  12. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Of course i don't know much about the Assasins Creed universe. I JUST STARTED PLAYING AC2. I'm enjoying it, intend to play through it all, and one of the best parts is the discovery and gradual unravelling of the story. Of course the information is out there online if someone so chooses to look for it. What isn't expected or even acceptable is for you to just casually put throw the story out there. If you love the series so much, why would you actively do one of the things that would harm the enjoyment others may get from it?

    Now it seems to be that you don't believe it was a spoiler, but i among others disagree and i maybe you should take something from the fact that your post is now sat snugly in the spoiler it should have been in in the first place. It's common courtesy and you need to have a look at yourself. You're meant to be some old dude, so grow up.

    And before you tell me or others to put yourself on ignore, maybe you should ignore the voice in your head that says 'click submit' and have a think about it.
  13. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Marly, I'm gonna make it worse...

    Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father.
  14. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Seriously, though... MAsterPo made a post about the latest version of AC. If I was playing an early game, I would not click on a post about a later game.

    I can't see a need for spoiler tags in this case. The info is old.
  15. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    I totally agree with Po's single best assertion ever since he began posting here. everyone should put him on ignore.

    I may have added the everyone part.

    good advice.
  16. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Marlyjay, you are lying. It's that simple. You did not just start playing AC2. Have you ever played any of the AC games? I would be surprised if AC was even your kind of game, it seems a bit out of your league [​IMG] You only interject that you are just now playing AC2 to try to salvage the fact that you were trolling my posts, You and GodEater [​IMG] You're attempting to make the point that hypothetically if someone were playing AC2 then my post would have been a spoiler thereby justifying your sloppy post. But your mendacity is transparent and juvenile if I might add. Plague is right here. If you were playing AC2 (and we all know that you are not) Your pants are probably on fire right about now Then why would you look at a post about the game two games away from the game you're playing in the series and not expect to see spoiling info [​IMG]

    That's right my friend you busted yourself. AC Brotherhood comes after AC2, and Revelations comes after Brotherhood, so if
    you were playing AC2 of course someone posting about Revelations would probably say something that would give it all
    away, the fact that you erroneously picked AC2 instead of AC Brotherhood to make your hypothetical point unmasks the fact that you are lying.

    Again neither your post or GodEater's add anything to this thread. Both posts are meaningless comments meant to derail. If you need me to make you both famous, then meet me in the arena when VF5FS comes online for consoles(Summer 2012). I've got a sneeky feeling that if your VF game is as sloppy ,misinformed and troll-driven as your posts then MasterPo will enjoy teaching you both the finer points of inashi, sabaki, eteg, fuzzy guard, spacing, the wall game, DM, OM, nikatu, yomi, poking, turtling,abare, and most importantly the virtue of accepting defeat with honor. A lesson that no one teaches like MasterPO.

    If you have something relevant to Assassins Creed Revelation to post in this thread, then pleez share your posts, otherwise maybe you both should spend a little less time trolling, and a little more time in the VF dojo, polishing up those tired combos and worn out sequences. Come next summer , it will be too late to start practicing [​IMG]
  17. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    You seriously believe I'm just trolling? Well you can't add MarlyJay on xbl, so maybe you'd believe Plague if he checked for you? He's on my FL.

    Sequence 8 memory 2. In Venice. Safe
  18. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    First, your first response is in itself proof that you were trolling.

    Second, the fact that you thought I had revealed anything at all in AC Revelations when I only listed basic facts (not their surprise endings) from the storyline/folklore of AC1 and AC2 suggests that you are not familiar at all with the AC1 or AC2 Universe or else you would have known that I only regurgitated storyline and therefore you would not have posted what you posted especially if you know anything about sequence 8 and the preceding sequences in AC2.

    third One or both of following propositions are true:

    Either you were not playing AC2 at the time you started trolling this thread and therefore you were uninformed

    Or in the midst of attempting to play AC2: the game, its concepts, its storyline, and fundamental premise escaped you, (which means you were not really playing AC2 or capable of playing AC2) and therefore you were uninformed.

    In either case since you were not really playing AC2 when you started trolling this thread my original conclusion (you were uniformed , with abject ignorance) about you remains.

    Plague being on your FL list on xbl is inmaterial in this case.

    C'mon man,., you know what temporal reasoning is all about, bottom line is you got caught trolling, take it like a man, go and sin no more. [​IMG]

    Getting back to topic of this thread!

    UBISOFT what happened to the horses? My Ezio has no horse to ride, that is a blemish in an otherwise perfect game. The landscape is still large enough for horses, There were horses during Ottoman right? I keep hoping that the horses are some
    unlockable feature. My only last but not realistic hope is that somehow the horses will be DLC [​IMG]
  19. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    this thread is now about anything other than Assholes Creed Retardation (did I get that right).

    I recommend the following:

  20. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Still playing 2 here too [​IMG]

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