average iq of the best virtua fighter players?

Discussion in 'General' started by Superspacehero, Jan 22, 2021.

  1. Superspacehero

    Superspacehero Well-Known Member

    I see some players that have like 12000 matches online, and they play kinda scrubby. They obviously lack something. It could be that their strategy and attitude at learning the game, is just too lazy, and they never look up videos, tutorials or read online on the finer details despite the fact they are kinda smart. Because it is not that intellectually demanding to understand that you should throw when someone block, attack on advantage, block on disadvantage, and sometime mix it up. But some players keep abare all the time,despite 12000 matches. Their low p is blocked, and they keep punching.

    I do however believe that some finer details of the system require somewhat intellectual thinking, such as calculating advantage after evade, but if you got the explanation laid out, it isnt that much more difficult than elementary math, so it seems to me, that it is more about people not reading and learning from the right recources, and its just too much information to learn(not logically difficult).

    You need to know all characters gameplan, strings, when to evade, block. For me, it seems more information taxing rather than logically taxing. This game seems heavy on learning a lot of stuff.

    The average player of the virtua fighter player seems to be 30 years and above, which could be a tell tell sign, that it caters to a crowd that enjoy something that is intellectually stimulating. The best players seems to be able to read patterns, adjust their own way of playing to that coupled with the system, gameplan. It seems to me, that you need to be somewhat intelligent to do that at the highest level, despite the fact that the game seems to be more about muscle memory and informational learning..I do however believe that the best players are in the 120iq plus ballpark. IF we talk the very best in japan, we may be in the 130 area. What are your opinions'?
  2. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    IQ is bunk and tying it to game skill is dumb.

    Who is to say that Takahashi Yamamoto who works as an engineer for a Japanese municipal government (for fun, let's say the Bungo Oono-shi in central Oita-ken) who comes home after a long shift to mash on his favorite Barbie-Dress-Up game is "incapable of being intellectual."

    Some people just don't take everything they do for fun seriously, especially since 99.% of the population has to do mindless/alienating work most of their lives, some people just want to have mindless fun. Good on them. Apply this logic to anything.
    KrsJin, Blessy and Dreamboat like this.
  3. Blessy

    Blessy Moderator / -10 is just Nitaku Staff Member Content Manager Goh Bronze Supporter Content Manager Aoi Tournament Manager

    I had this written before Sebo replied and forgot about it, so apologies if I'm repeating what they said.

    I don't even have the guard button wired on my stick. This is a 2 button fighter.

    For real though, some people just like playing? They don't want to, or can't dump that much time into the game outside of playing. Some of the best players literally play on feel rather than frame data. This post it comes across as a meme. 'Virtua Fighter is big brain, other games small brain'.

    Unless this is a shitpost at which point I've been got.
    Tricky and Sebo like this.
  4. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

  5. Superspacehero

    Superspacehero Well-Known Member

    Im not agreeing. The main motivator for me is to improve, and to do that with any means possible, even if it means coming across as too serious on internet forums. So the logic to be applied is not the one you suggested, but rather apply the logic to what is your inner motivator.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2021
  6. Superspacehero

    Superspacehero Well-Known Member

    No one is arguing that most people play the game for fun, and no one is arguing that there exist good players who play on intuition. These statements you just made doesnt touch or interact with the question of average iq of the best players.

    I do however believe that you need high iq to observe player pattern in their choice of rock, scissor, papper, and to adjust to it in realtime.

    I found this:

    1. As the winner of the last throw: Play the same throw as last time
    2. As the winner of the last throw: Play the throw that would beat the last throw
    3. As the winner of the last throw: Play the throw that would lose to the last throw (i.e., your opponent’s last throw)
    4. As the loser of the last throw: Copy the winning throw
    5. As the loser of the last throw: Play the throw that would beat the winning throw
    6. As the loser of the last throw: Play the throw that would lose to the winning throw (i.e., repeat your own last throw.

    7. This is the yomi and rock paper scissor aspect.
      In vf5 we have different points for different inputs. Some moves lead to more damage, which add more strategy, and change the weights of rock paper scissor equation and add more stratrgy as random button mashing wont net the best output. We have, layer upon layer of yomi to consider, which may may make the yomi more abstract and deeper. To adjust and play optimally, one would for sure need a smarter than average brain. The most iq draining aspect would be the aspect of obaerving player pattern. Adjusting to player pattern in realtime, would also draw on iq resources, but is more reliant on previous experience, muscle memory of changing thr gameplan of your character. We had the 6 categories explained. It seems the last 1-7 throws are remembered, to predict opponents next choice in a throw. To adjust and update the history to latest 7, and in real time adjust to it, would also require higher iq.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2021
  7. Blessy

    Blessy Moderator / -10 is just Nitaku Staff Member Content Manager Goh Bronze Supporter Content Manager Aoi Tournament Manager

    IQ and pattern recognition don't require the other. IQ is a fundamentally flawed attempt to quantify 'intelligence'. IQ tests exist to let people feel part of a special club because they are good at solving very specific logical puzzles. Even if it wasn't, you don't need 130 IQ to recognise patterns and adjust accordingly. Christ, in terms of quantifiable pattern recognition I'm supposedly in the top 3% of the population, but I still won't block the Lau sweep after the 50th time, because trying to quantify a broad idea like pattern recognition in such a specific instance is moronic asf, it makes for nice graphs and spreadsheets but it's meaningless data.

    The point about the player base being older because the game is 'intellectually stimulating' is a really weird assumption, in comparison to what? The game being old asf might have something to do with it.

    Also, wtf is an 'IQ draining aspect', IQ isn't a finite resource.

    My original point still stands, this just over-intellectalises a video game, whether that's done so that people don't feel bad about losing to someone because that person has an unfair advantage, in this case high IQ, or done out of an attempt to elevate VF over other similar games/activites, it's dumb asf. Because 99.999% of the time, it's because the other person practiced more and out-guessed you. Pattern recognition might make it so that someone is quicker to pick up aspects of the game, but there's no alternative to actual practice. Japanese players are better because they play more against a more varied pool of high skilled players.
    Ellis, Dreamboat and Sebo like this.
  8. Blessy

    Blessy Moderator / -10 is just Nitaku Staff Member Content Manager Goh Bronze Supporter Content Manager Aoi Tournament Manager

    Probably went into a bit hard on my reply, I'm tired, no offense meant, just tryna get my point across init.
  9. Superspacehero

    Superspacehero Well-Known Member

    Im just trying to figure out and disintegrate the different parts that make up game performance in this game, and what resources it draws on. You are basically saying that game performance is reliant on practice, and that Japanese players are better because they have more varied skilled opponents to meet. That may be true, but in search for the truth, i was simply entertaining the idea that some aspect of the game performance should be more reliant on the iq aspect.

    I have taken lot of iq test in the past, and may thus in a faulty sense rely too much on this facet, when i try understand the world around me, and this bias toward relying on iq test to explain this game may be detrimental for finding the answer. It is however interesting that you are ruling out the role of iq for determining the speed of reading and adjust to the opponents pattern recognition in the game. You write it in a way that make readers believe that it is simply a matter of practice. Im not entirely sure about that.

    English isnt my native language, so that may explain my slight tendency to to misuse words. not drain iq, I meant draw on iq..

    Well, there is a certain correlation between average age of a gamer, and the level of complexity the game has. You may be right that it is because the game is old as fuck, but the correlation i just mentioned certainly exist, and how do we know that this may not be a partly reason? Your cause sounds reasonable as well and i would guess it is a combination of them both.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2021
  10. Superspacehero

    Superspacehero Well-Known Member

    It seems the community here is negative to anything that is related to IQ. I guess that is fine, as it seems we like to gather here and just have fun and play game. It may be that talk about iq may only alienate players, and it is not just the video game community. Talk about iq, can spur emotions in a lot of other sub communities as well. People do seem to have a lot of opinions on iq . It seems iq rate people on a scale, that is supposedly dna based, and that could be interpreted as discrimination, which i guess we dont want in a game community where we instead want to unite people.

    Most sub groups where people just gather for their hobby, seem to have a secret social etiquette where the members should avoid any unnecessary topics, themes that can cause alienation. I just realized that now as im writing, and i guess it is a good way for uniting the groubs, in order to increase group harmony.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2021
  11. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    "Because it is not that intellectually demanding to understand that you should throw when someone block, attack on advantage, block on disadvantage, and sometime mix it up."

    Maybe for you, and your super high IQ. No one likes a big head. Some of the tags you see with thousands of games clocked and just hammering P strings may well actually be children, or disabled users. Don't worry about it. It was the same on the last game.

    The average age of a VF player these days is more 40+ than 30s ;)
    Sebo likes this.
  12. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    And... some people don't.


    Uh, who are you on PSN?

    Also, like I personally knew a number of really smart people who suck at this game and really talented people that are dumb as shit [i.e. some of the best in NAVF] and I'm both shitty at VF and dumb but I'm really good at studying for and taking tests, so, uh, there.

    IQ is bunk. It's a meaningless measure that was was created during the eugenics movement to justify white supremacy and doesn't take into consideration the broad diversity in talents and trained skills that exist in the population.

    I mean, it's not as obvious as "what is the average skull shape of the top VF player" but it's still pseudo-science that doesn't take into account why "certain" populations aren't given the same quality of education and why certain subjects are valued over others. If if stress, nutrition, and poverty can influence results, it's more or less a measure of one's class and whether or not your parents could get you tutors, or send you around the world. And again, I know rich kids that test high on these scores, but they're still dumb as shit.
  13. Superspacehero

    Superspacehero Well-Known Member

    Seems, im posting a lot on these forum nowadays, and sometime write and talk about controversial stuff, so i rather keep my psn nick anonymous, since i dont want people judge me negatively, which may impact whether someone is in the mood to play me or not. I hope that is fine. People sometime send me message on psn and im either not responding or ignoring rude messages, or othwerhise answer nicely back. I rather keep my psn purely for fun without any drama.

    I do however, appreciate your perspective in regard to iq, where you mentioned that it is a tool to rule the classes. I have never thought about it in that regard. im well aware, that every year in university approximately increase iq score on IQ test by an average of 3.3, so of course poorer areas that didnt have eduction will of course score less well on iq test on the basis of that.

    I also think that eduction during childhood matters more than university year, so children that lack school education, may fare even worse than those 3.3 that university years would contribute too since the young developing mind is more malleable. So thats why some poor countries in africa have utterly low average score of 64, because their children dont have the chance to go to school and exersize their brain to think in abstract ways.

    Even though, that im aware of these things, im still acknowleding the correlation between iq and how well someone can solve puzzles. That is an undeniable truth, whether or not the root cause is a matter of class, background and education. But i do see your point, that supporting iq may indirectly support white premacy, and therefore the disadvantage is bigger than the benefit of this tool, especially since the masses are obviously falsely led to believe that it is entirely and dna thing. So i see your point in skipping this tool altogether since it is accompanied and marketed as something that is entirely dna based and something that you cant change. Its somewhat tragic that it has been used and marketed in the wrong kind of way, since it actually has some use, if used correctly.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2021
  14. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Sadly kids #s are for Nerds!
  15. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    The dumbest person in the world can play VF if applied himself. @Superspacehero You are over thinking. Being good in VF has nothing to do with Scholastic IQ. Having Low IQ in VF is a player who does things that does not work. Having High IQ in VF is a player who possesses a good understanding of the basics, understands their limits, Rarely goes beyond their comfort range to engage. You are “Overthinking” or being a “OverThinker”.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2021
    VFhayato likes this.
  16. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    <<< "OverThinker" please explain...
  17. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    When you making simple things seem more difficult than they really are from a mental standpoint. You thinking it’s more to it than it really is. Creating scenarios and backstories that don’t exist. You can cap yourself lowering your own ceiling doing this.
    VFhayato likes this.
  18. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    That's very empathic, NICE.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2021
  19. Superspacehero

    Superspacehero Well-Known Member

    So you are basically saying vf is just hard work, practice and the right mindset? This is indirectly entailing that lot of the pattern flow, how to adjust pattern flow, and choosing the right pattern is more about memory from experience and muscle memory. Like how some chess players intuitively know what move to make, since they have a memory of the patterns from previous games, so therefore many are saying that chess is a lot about memory.

    I do still however withstand to the fact that part about adjusting your pattern flow in real time to your opponents behaviour, do require some kind of keen observation skill and working memory, which should be somewhat iq reliant, if im guessing right. A perfect imagnary player would almost instantly get a feeling for the input flow of the opponent and then input the corresponding input to mash the opponent. in reality, no one is adjusting their pattern that good, since no one are computational monsters. I have indeed seen online how some people adjust their style pretty fast, whereas other wont budge where pattern flow at all or only by a slight margin, and always lacking ahead my pace.

    Other than that, yeah, im a thinker, and you could say im an overthinker in comparison to the more laidback people. I did a myer brigger test, and usually get entp/intp, where both of them are interested in theoretical concepts, abstract ideas. I see where you coming from. I hear a lot of people in real life, saying im thinking too much, so that isnt unheard of, but what matters most in online discussion is whether the statements hold some truth or not, and not whether it is unnecessarily deep, but in this case, you are indirectly saying that it is unnecessary(OVERthinking) and also wrong. I would leave out the unnecessary/over part though, and instead focusing on why my standpoint is wrong. I just want to make that clear, since im being a proud overthinker, and happy having such a rich penetrating thinking mind, seldom being bored by my own solitude,and often in deep thinking states. Im not saying that people who are more in emotional states would be feeling more bored by their own solitude, but we are all humming to different states and that should be acknowled and respected.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2021
  20. JSM

    JSM Active Member

    Last edited: Jan 27, 2021
    Sebo, Dreamboat and MarlyJay like this.

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