Avoiding Players

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by DissMaster, Nov 4, 2007.

  1. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    What do you guys do when you don't want to fight someone? I really only have a problem with people from far away lands who make have laggy matches. I hit "Avoid This Player" after the match. When it asks why, I hit that they are too good, even if they are not because I don't want to diss them or effect them in any negative way (I don't even know how alll the gamer review shit works anyway).

    Is there a way to set your shit up so that you only get players from the US? That would be easier.
  2. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    XBOX live matchmaking actually has a surprisingly complicated algorithm behind it. I don't know the full details, but the short version is that the system is already trying it's best to find you the person with the best connection. It does lots of filtering by skill level too, and even the "group' (pro, underground... w/e) that you set your xbox account to gets factored in.

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