back turned K floater attack

Discussion in 'Pai' started by smb, Jul 1, 2009.

  1. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    Was contemplating this while doing my morning run, but won't be able to check it out until late late late tonight and didn't want to wait.

    back turned "K," it floates the opponent into the air. The best combo (or at least most consistant) is p, double swallow, or p 66pk, both do the same damage.

    are there any combo's off this move where you can incorporate a bounce with p+k?????? Even if slightly weaker? It seems like you should be able to go
    Back turned K, p+k, 66pk
    Backturned K, p, p+k, double swallow.

    or maybe something involving 334p. Idk, if anyone who loves to play around with dojo is at home and has some time, I'd appreciate you checking it out. If not, i may look at it tonight and post my results.

    thanks guys,

    wishes he wasn't at work
  2. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    Bounce combos can be done after the BT launcher. Timing is tricky and I as only able to do it after her standing K+G on a counter hit. It appears that the lightweight has to be sideturned or backturned when they are popped up with the BT K for it to work and it only works on lightweights. It is easier to land it on a BT enemy over a sideturned enemy. The combo I used was BT K, P, P+K, any of her normal finishers

    I practiced it a lot a long time ago but never actually applied it when I was online. I hope this helps. If any of you found another way to make it happen let me know I am alway up for finding out new things I can do with Pai
  3. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Same here I can only get it on lightweights with a counterhit when they are sideturned, also it's stance specific... in dojo doesn't work from closed stance.

    Combo I managed was BT [K]> [P]> [P]+[K]> [9][K]+[G][K] or [6][6][P][K], same thing as Shadowmaster posted. Whichever ender you use still does 70 damage.

    Nothing else I try will land.
  4. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I altered my last post it does work on BT enemies too
  5. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    yeah, i played around with it, the only place i can really see it worth doing would be with an opponent near a half wall, then you can use it to attempt to do a 3-4 rebounce combo with p+k (or with like 10% accuracy on a high wall). It'd be worth mixing in for asthetic purposes, but not all that practical....but who doesn't want to play the beautiful game?


    Just had another thought, shadow master. If it works vs back turned opponents, its not htat hard to jump over a downed opponent with yip kick and then launch them (with both of you back to back) and then maybe work it in.

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