Bad Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by ThePrince, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. ThePrince

    ThePrince Well-Known Member

    Thought I'd add this one in, for people to complain about bad games they've had. e.g. Chibiaya was venting about Eileen string mashers, this is the place to raise your voi.. concerns /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    I hate Jacky.
  2. RobynLiquorstorz

    RobynLiquorstorz Well-Known Member

    aw, dude, now i'm gonna get called out for suckin' left & right!!!
  3. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    LOL @ roby

    Nah bad games threads arent for bad players persae, More so for bad conduct

    LOl prince:

    FUCK EILEEN! (that was fun)
    KingofcarnageVF likes this.
  4. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    bad games? hmm let me see~~

    rise of the robots (snes)
    x-men vs spiderman (snes)
    shaq fu (snes)
    wizz (saturn... uhh konami rofl)

    nah seriously guys... learn how to fuzz-guard-strings~, it's not like nitaku traps you so bad any more..

    generally bad games should be critical? like ~ what went wrong.(i.e not the character)
  5. ThePrince

    ThePrince Well-Known Member

    Lame /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbs_down.gif

    Care to explain how you fuzzy guard strings?

    That's not the rule for this thread, if you feel you had a bad game you post it here, whether a particular play annoys you (regardless of character they pick) or whether a character annoys you (regardless of who picks it) or a combination of both.
  6. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    Lei Fei.... nuff said.
    PaulMartinKPG likes this.
  7. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    Well actually maybe not nuff said. Synth is a Lei Fei player and legitimately beat me down. OK, bad match, I was super laid back on a 9th Kyu Lei Fei and ate every long ass string he sent. Yes my bad for not evading enough or snuffing with /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/d.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif but holy shit annoying. Long story short, yeah I lost.
  8. KnockenUout

    KnockenUout Member

    Bad games thread? What's the point when this game itself is bad... correction, the game is great, the Xbox LIVE play is bad. Absolutely piss poor. Timing for moves/guard is off for all characters and movement in general, wins are partially based on fluke/luck (and I"m not saying that I'm an Elite VF player, but WTF!?!?!) And when you win it's not because you "suck" according to the other player who actually lost... The fighting is inconsistent at best and I won't bother talking about the D-Pad or the arcade stick because that really has nothing to do with the online gameplay (since I thoroughly enjoy the offline gameplay but was really looking forward to playing against real people... unfortunately it feels more like playing cardboard cut-outs). Last but definitely not least, there's the stupid fucking lobby / system setup that they have used for aquiring match-ups and matches... WTF?? Are we back in the early 90's!?!?!?! A 400 dollar machine, 60 bux a game, and in this day and age we're stuck with a fuckin lobby system that sucks 8-bit Super Mario's Balls! It's such a shame that the online play is such shite... They should get rid of ranked matches all together (because there are far too many cocky prats who win via fluke and luck because most of the awesome players out there have lost to these guys on more than one occasion), and they should simply focus on making the fighting game work well online with a user friendly match-setup system. There may not be the same lag issues as with a game such as DOA but FUCK DOA, DOA is for fags and button mashers and requires about as much skill as masturbating with ones eyes closed. I wouldn't expect that the timing should be as exact as the offline mode but even with the shitty lobby system these are 1v1 matches we're talking about on a supposedly powerful system with a BROADBAND ethernet connection. Timing means a lot in this game and even when a match seems to be going well and neither player is using a secondary computer on their connection there are plenty of hiccups between exchanges. Anyway that's my rant. I'm just dissapointed because this is such a great game so if you had planned on sending flames because you thought I was dissing the only game in your collection then fuck off and die. I just want this shit to work properly.

    Merry Christmas and Happy Fucking New Year! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

    PS. If you were seriously offended by any of the above then you should probably get out of the house a little bit more because you've become a super-sensitive pansy ass nit-wit who couldn't tell the difference between sarcasm and criticism if it bit you in the balls.

    Cheerio /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  9. NinjaCW

    NinjaCW Well-Known Member

    It's not that serious. . .
  10. KnockenUout

    KnockenUout Member

    You obviously only play offline... or you enjoy tedium... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  11. NinjaCW

    NinjaCW Well-Known Member

    I play online a lil bit not much. But I play offline too and I can still perform the majority of what I do. When I am playing online not really trying to win but work on my basics cause you can't go wrong with that :p
  12. ThePrince

    ThePrince Well-Known Member

    can someone move the above 4 posts to the thread about -what you hate about VF online- cheers.
  13. EndCA

    EndCA Well-Known Member

    Really? online is what makes this game good to me as long as you have a decent connection yourself. Once you get past the Kyu's the people in Dan+ ranks seem to have much better connections overall if not from a retarded distance. I've played against people from France in Eastern Canada with no noticeable lag. Having challenging human opponents is where its at for fighting games.
    But to each his own opinion...
  14. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Online really isn't that bad and it has exceeded basically everyone's expectations. Your complaining is not offensive, but it is not accurate from my perspective. Maybe there is some issue w/your connection because most of my matches are alright. Yeah there is a difference, but to be honest, I think that you have to be in a tiny minority of players in NA skill wise to even notice or be affected by lag and whatnot.

    This may not apply to you, but I would bet that when some people get beat by certain moves they blame lag when the real culprit is the move itself and the situation in which it was used and they player's failure to understand why a particular move won out.

    I'm just sayin.
  15. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    I played against a Brad player and beat him by reversing his punches and evading his strings.

    He then rejoins my game and does elbows and circulars and beats me - what's up with that? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif
  16. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    ^^ Adjusting and adapting?
  17. KnockenUout

    KnockenUout Member

    Actually I'm not talking about the challenge of other players because vs. against people who are skilled or better is not the problem. The real problem is even when there's no apparent lag (connection seems great for 95% of the match), there seem to be plenty of hiccups here and there that are utterly annoying because this can not only cause a loss but also seems to be confirmation for assholes to come out of the woodwork and start trash talking when had that combo actually finished in its entirety it would have killed him. Instead one is left with an opening that can be taken advantage of even by a button masher, and these hiccups also cause a "Fluke fight" where both players realize the connection is "hiccuping" so they both work as fast as they can on the low punch or low kick taking all skill out of the game. It's stupid. These annoyances might fit under regular annoyances but the match-setup is bloody terrible and unfortunately as great a fighting game as this is it has already made the "Worst of" Xbox LIVE games list because of it's random match-up god-awful no listing of available games setup, cheesy (cheap?) interface for online versus. As a secondary note they should've done away with the Ranked matches all together considering there is no real penalty for droppers but what's worse is sometimes players actually should drop because of the crappy lag and the high point of all of this is you won't know if you're going to lag until you get into the room... No other fighting game for xbox live (360), nor any other Xbox Live game (360) has so few online options. They should've just kept an experience bar to show which class (Kyu, Dan, or Master) and that's it... none of the win/loss bullshit and stuck with player matches which allow you to level up your character (meaning Kyu, Dan, and elite titles are there to show how much a player has been playing giving a little indication of how much time they've spent with the game online) the rest is bullshit and really only applies if everyones connections were equal and the game played exactly as it did in offline mode (meaning smooth as silk with some of the basic features of other Xbox Live Games, not just basic features of online games from 1989...) But I'm just being honest... I like the game, hate the online play... and unfortunately that's half of the reason I bought it. Viva Pinata has a more innovative online setup for F@&#! sakes...

    As for a fair connection, 7M down and 1M up is more than enough speed for any game on Xbox LIVE and I've played people mostly from North America... I'm just being truthful, the online is pretty much shite for now... hopefully they fix some of this bullshit, tweak it, or even upgrade it (most 360 owners have HardDrives so a complete upgrade shouldn't be a problem).
  18. KowtowRobinson

    KowtowRobinson Well-Known Member

    Two things.

    One, Manjimaru posted a great guide on Lei-Fei's stances over on the xbox forums, he should see about posting it up here. Not gonna crib his shit though.

    Two, Shaq Fu was amazing. That is all.
  19. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    hmm, im not sure what to call it other than fuzzy guard..

    what i mean is during string breaks, you can generally stay inbetween a high and low guard (or crouch dash), during free roam space, you can keep a movement pattern that keeps a wall of defense up like backward crouch dash(G) Forward dash(G)(standing frames) crouch dash(G) etc cancelling dashes in a mid to low position so you can easily decide to stand up or full crouch their followup.(using forward or backdash for faster stand up frames).

    it usually breaks opponents who like to use catch throws in the mix too, or sarahs that play around with flamingo.

    well, i guess you can use whatever rules you like~
  20. KnockenUout

    KnockenUout Member

    No, I'm sorry but you're wrong about the move, it's the timing of the moves that FOB off because of minor hiccups between connections (again this game is 1v1 and my connection is above par and excellent. The problem is the online mode is crap. Some of the fighting can be good some of the time but when you've got one of the best fighters for a particular system you have to expect it will include some of the best online play for a fighter. It falls short and I'm just being honest. I enjoy the game itself very much and I'm both dissapointed and sad to say that the online misses the mark. It could be worse, but to top it all off, everything that surrounds the so-called online mode is crap. The menus and match-making are absolute rubbish. They could've put a lot more work into the online mode. Unfortunately it just makes it very hard to recommend this title to any new players because most newcomers will think it's shit (some will just walk away from the game because they can't grasp the fighting, timing, and technique behind it) but many will just be pissed about the online play.

    Beyond that I think that a lot of the online players must be pretty frustrated because nobody likes losing, but some of these dweebs take the matches personally! 500 wins and 300 losses and they lose one more and have a fucking freak out session. I'd expect that kinda crap in Halo where people really don't have brains, there life-support system just happens to be hooked up to their parents refrigerator and yes most of them are 12 - 25 year old adolescents who haven't gone through puberty yet... but that's Halo... This shit isn't really necessary in VF, not unless you're playing in an arcade and have the balls to do it face to face. Thankfully most people keep their fucking mics off because if that's how most (or even 50%) of them act then they can just keep their mouths shut and at least that leaves one less partial complaint off of the dumb shit about VF5's "Online" gameplay.

    I think the point is, I bought the game so that I wouldn't have to or want to go to the arcade and play real people, I could play real people online and enjoy it because the gameplay is enjoyable. Unfortunately the feeling is I play the game and it makes me want to go to the arcade to play people... For those whose thoughts might be "well then why don't you go to the arcade" - The answer is simple you half witted retarded gorillas - I don't like to waste money on something and then not use it (like most people who are sane). Thankfully I think most people are intelligent enough to at least see my point and understand it (regardless of how they feel).

    Anyway, my rant isn't totally baseless. There may be improvements (hopefully soon) in the near future and that is the point behind game updates. There is a lot that they can still do. At the very least, fix up that putrid lobby / match-setup / tap A as fast as you can so you can actually play somebody without refreshing the damn thing 20 times before actually getting into a game.

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