Battle Audition 4th Season - Tokyo (Akihabara)

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jan 3, 2012.

By akai on Jan 3, 2012 at 12:34 PM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Content Manager Pai Bronze Supporter

    [​IMG] The last regular Battle Audition 4th Season tournament will be in the Akihabara area of Tokyo. The previous Battle Audition tournament in Tokyo was at the Ikebukuro district. Winner of this single elimination tournament will compete against both the current Star Players and other Battle Audition 4th Season tournament winners (Star Player Cadets) in February at the Final Battle Audition (FBA) event. In addition, the top three players at the FBA event will be given a spot at the Kakutou Shinseiki VI (KSVI) tournament. Read the Kakutou Shinseiki VI Event - March 2012 thread for more information on the Battle Audition 4th Season, and KSVI. The tournament will start on Monday, January 9th at 2:30 pm JST. Live footage from the tournament will be hosted either on the VF.TV Live Channel or the VF Battle Channel.

    Update: The event has ended. The winner of the tournament received the title --> 臥é¾é³³é››ã€€ï¼ˆgaryouhousuu) "unrecognized/hidden genius"
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Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jan 3, 2012.

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