best possible connection for online vs.

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Throwmasta, Dec 22, 2007.

  1. Throwmasta

    Throwmasta Well-Known Member

    I'll be joining u guys in a week or 2 (roughly), and I have a few questions. What is the best possible connection; as to avoid lag? Direct ethernet? If so, is there a way have the modem downstairs near my setup, while have a wireless (router) connection from that same modem to the computer upstairs? I don't want to have to go buy a laptop (to be placed near the Xbox for a direct USB cable connection), but I heard direct is better than wireless. Even if this difference is minimal, with VF it matter most.

    Also, to avoid lag, should I just stick with playing those in the east coast. If I'm in Northeastern PA, will the connection be better with someone in Philly than in say, Boston or NYC?
  2. gl0ry

    gl0ry Well-Known Member

    The net code is pretty solid. You'll play people from across the US where it feels pretty good. Once you start playing people globally is when you usually start to feel any real delay, although some people have really bad connections in the US but I don't know if they purposely lag the games.

    It's really just a matter of adjusting. Not too hard IMO but there's definitely a difference from offline and online. It's probably one of the best retail fighters online to date though.
  3. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Direct ethernet connection is the way to go. The 360 wireless adapter is $100 lol.

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