Best Stagger/Crumple Game character in VF4?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by replicant, Mar 21, 2002.

  1. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    I am trying to figure out who is the best character in VF4 for playing a heavy Stagger or heavy Crumple game? I know Akira plays alot like this, but I have always sucked with him and want to hold off tackling him right now. Any other characters who excel at this? I prefer high offensive with mild defensive abilities. The Staggers or Crumples I am looking for are fast moves for good interrupt speed with solid (or guaranteed) follow-ups. I know this is a tall order, but thanks in advance.
  2. Ealsen

    Ealsen Well-Known Member

    Aoi;s double stop is really good to interrupt opponent's move.
    and cause crumple on MC. Many followup option afterwards.

    She has good defense. b+P+K+G inashi, good range of reversals.
    Her elbow strikes are quite powerful.
  3. ken

    ken Well-Known Member

    Its got to be Lei Fei by miles:

    Lei Fei has the best Head Crumbles.

    Head Crumble (any hit)
    [TG]P, sabaki HP,MP,HK, MK, KN, ME
    b,f+P+K, ducks high
    qcf+P+K, Sabaki HP, MP, ME
    [dm]P+K, fully charged, mid, long range and unblockable

    [IN]d+K, Leg stagger for a 80pt combo
    [IN]K+G, Stumble for a 80pt combo
    ff+K, Stumble for 60pt combo

    df+P+G, Only throw in the game that give a flop for 75pt combo.

    uf+K+G, Flop

    Lei's Auto-Reversal is the best in the game.
    HP,MP,LP,ME from IN stance. Not to forget that he can do his other options from IN as well.

    give Lei a 5 frame advantage when blocked. This move is pretty bullshit if you don't know how to dodge.
  4. Ealsen

    Ealsen Well-Known Member

    I think Lei's
    P,P,(Charged)P will guard break if blocked and coz crumple if unblocked.
    I like this move =).
  5. ken

    ken Well-Known Member

    For the record... sabaki is an attack that will defeat a particular attack.

    Lei's: [TG]P
    Tiger stance + P, will defeat High, Med, Punch and Kicks as well as elbow and knees. The timing window is really lax as well. An you're rewarded with a head crumble and 80pt combo.
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    If crumbling is more your game, then consider Lion as well. He has a variety of attacks which crumple on normal hit which can be annoying to defend against for those not familiar with him.

    Refer to the command list on this site to see which attacks will crumble.
  7. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    <font color=white>BigCat</font color=white> called these Lion's Big Ones"
    (ff+P; b,df+P; b+P+K; P+K; bb+K,P+K; d>b+P) - Ah, so why are these the "Big Ones"?... because they start some of Lion's only guaranteed combos in NON-MC situations.
    Example: ff+P - Follow with ff+KK ... big fav of <font color=blue>kbcat</font color=blue>. A couple of considerations, though: plenty of time for a dodge, and as <font color=red>Jo Shun</font color=red> mentioned, way back when, expert level VF2 Akiras would wait for this move from Lions with glee: as they heard the "Nyeeah!", they'd unleash a bodycheck for over 50% damage.
    Ouch. Lei clearly has an awesome arsenal of auto-inashis and Sabakis, etc etc., so go to search icon above here for must reading on Lei fighting.
    (hint: plug in Ken and Lei )
    <a target="_blank" href=></a>
  8. ken

    ken Well-Known Member

    Yes.. get in the habit of charging the third P either fully or slightly.

    If a charged P connects on major counter it'll cause a stomach crumble.

    Note you'll be in DM stance so a followup is:
    PP "P" - [DM]K - [IN]K+G
  9. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I'm unfamiliar with lei's moves, but is that the backturned attack where he whirls his arms around for a second then turns towards you with a palm strike or something?

    I just wanted to say I really despise that move, along with the high/mid/low punch autoreversals.
  10. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    I'm unfamiliar with lei's moves, but is that the backturned attack where he whirls his arms around for a second then turns towards you with a palm strike or something?

    That's [Tiger] P.

    I just wanted to say I really despise that move, along with the high/mid/low punch autoreversals.

    Throw counterable. Lei is pretty darned weak at the higher levels of play, he needs all the help he can get!
  11. ken

    ken Well-Known Member

    Lei is still ok...

    But yeah I've noticed its really tough to use vs good opponents who know what you're doing.
  12. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    I agree with others. I think Lei just seems very powerful because he's confusing at the moment. Once we are very familiar with his rhythm and flow, I don't think he'll be so bad.

    Lion is the crumple master IMO, like Myke said... you don't even need to gamble on getting MC hits.
  13. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    I remember the first time I saw someone use lei against me..I was just shocked by what he could do!

    It's been a good few months...not so bad anymore.
    Unless ur name is shinz of coz...crikey!

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