Better netcode: PS3 or 360?

Discussion in 'Console' started by sekaijin, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. sekaijin

    sekaijin Well-Known Member

    sekaijin usa
    I spent several hours on the PS3 version last night and while it was great overall I could only tech about 1/5 of the time and hit throws/dash cancels were impossible.

    Anyone that has played both, have you noticed a difference in the two versions?
  2. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I had no problem teching and even dash-cancelling. I don't remember trying to hit throw (as fun as Lion's new easy hit-throw is).

    The input drops I encountered were mainly getting df+P+K instead of b,df+P+K in typical Lion combos and just being late like 90% of the time in combos, thus having to settle for less combo damage (but I'm happy I was able to react to it and not complete).

    Rarely, but it happened, I got lagged or something when opponent did rapid low jabs, but it was never really an issue, just got hit with one extra low jab usually if it happened.

    Guess we'll further see what happens. But I admit, the dropped inputs, which were actually rare, and what feels like a slightly slower gamespeed, kind of had me missing the old netcode just a little bit.

    Overall I was happy with how it played on PS3 for me last night. Looking forward to seeing how it plays on Live!
  3. omegamarth

    omegamarth Member

    From what I played last night, I'm not too happy about the netcode. Hopefully it was just me, or just that part of the night, and that the lag won't be a problem later tonight.
  4. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    Darrius Cole HD
    I played on PSN last night and I had not problems whatsoever. Actually I was very impressed about the netcode.
  5. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Since release, I have had both good and bad connections. I would assume that even though the game is setup to work p2p, the server that the players connect through has a bit of influence and is possibly really busy. Last week, when I played with haunts (400 miles away) and shidosha (2500 miles away) I was more than impressed with the connection and is alot better than what I am getting on average now.
  6. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    So I can see my opponents Connection Bar, but can't see mine. That means I have to forward ports, right?

    I don't play on Wifi, but I have cable running from the router to the Xbox. Probably just gonna reset the modem and plug the Xbox directly to the router like I used to.
  7. sekaijin

    sekaijin Well-Known Member

    sekaijin usa
    I'm wondering about their 'same area' detection abilities. Ohsu said that he had a super laggy match earlier today while playing with someone in the 'same area', the game showed full bars for connection, and it turns out the dude was in Switzerland :0
  8. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    According to Frank, the Sega rep - the "Same Area" is based on "region" of the game - I assume this means if he purchased it from US PSN, JAPAN PSN, or Europe PSN etc. I wonder if the person from Switzerland purchased VF5FS from the Japan PSN or XBLA?
  9. sekaijin

    sekaijin Well-Known Member

    sekaijin usa
    Man is there anyone playing the XBLA version? I've either had nobody in the lobby or the matches have had the shittiest connection ever.
  10. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    The icon represents your connection to the opponents, of course you won't see yours.
  11. sekaijin

    sekaijin Well-Known Member

    sekaijin usa
    lol nevermind, I think it matches your region by the *console's* region. My JPN 360 was only showing J players when I was in the 'same area', but when I switched to 'worldwide' I'm getting US players now. Strange. Game is running even better than the PS3 was last night, very happy now [​IMG]
  12. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member

    PSN was very laggy in Japan last night to the point where I am ready to give up on playing online even though I have a fiber optic line and so do most users in Japan. More than half of the matches lagged so badly that you can't tech, use advanced defense or do JF moves.

    Will try XBLA tonight.
  13. sekaijin

    sekaijin Well-Known Member

    sekaijin usa
    Yeah I saw Koedo and others bitching about the PS3 connection, which was surprising since everyone over there has like 10x better an ISP than we do here. I had the same issues on PSN last night--can't tech, no way to land anything JF or even frame specific (so good luck with flamingo!)--but XBLA has been butter.
  14. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member

    That's the difference between a paid for online service and a free one. With the latter, there's no money to fund better infrastructure and support.

    The lag is so bad that you have to buffer elbow before you even see PK hit to ensure that it beats your opponent's 2P....
  15. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Connection issues aside, I just find the entire online experience and UI so much better on XBL than PSN. For example, on XBL I can quickly check a location of a user because it's on their profile. On PSN, whenever I pull up someone's profile I'm always presented with utterly useless trophy infomation as the front face (which has to load first, mind you).
  16. sekaijin

    sekaijin Well-Known Member

    sekaijin usa
    I had never really messed with the PS store except for vintage PS1 stuff, and this is my first PSN experience, but god are they so behind on many points. I could forgive it all if the connection was better but that's not the case either.
  17. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    That's what I figured, but I wanted to make sure, because I can remember seeing mine as well from previous/other game(s).
  18. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member

    The whole PS3 OS is an archaic POS. The guy (not Japanese) who designed it has been known for his previous failures so not sure why Sony hired him in the the first place.

    Things I find really annoying:
    - no auto upscaling across all games (ie games still do not auto scale to 1080p if you have 720p checked, you have to manually uncheck 720p while having 1080p checked)
    - tiny keyboard controller buttons (I have small hands but this thing is almost unusable)
    - code redemption fields don't automatically focus to the next field once filled (instead you have to type in the 4 characters, hit start and move to the right then press O)
    - having to download and then install DLC/apps
    - can't install in the background
    - syncing of trophies (do that in the background...)
    - lack of useful profile info on users
    - no cross game voice chat
  19. spiron

    spiron Well-Known Member

    speaking as someone in Florida with crap internet and 1-2 other people online at all times, i gotta say the netcode on PSN is very stable. in the first two nights I've only had one game were i had heavy lag. Now i am new to VF so i am no were on the level to see frames [ frankly i can't in sf and I've played that for 20 years] so i am sure something might be lost, but it feels baby smooth to me
  20. Lygophilia

    Lygophilia Well-Known Member

    From the ps3 is a mixed one for me, but I accept this. I only played people on my list so far, which has been a kind of manageable experience. I will stay with that.

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