BGM for Kage's Temple stage

Discussion in 'Console' started by cobratron, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    When you set the BGM to VF5 in the sound options the song you hear for the Temple stage is different from what plays on my PS3 vanilla VF5 disk. Its my favorite song in this game but where is it actually from?
  2. Someone

    Someone Active Member

    Same for me with Akiras theme. Weird....
  3. Devdan

    Devdan Well-Known Member

    Yeah, a couple of them aren't actually the VF5 themes. Kind of annoying, as I really like Akira's VF5 theme.
  4. Titan

    Titan Member

    Yeah when you set it to VF5 music, Akira, Kage, Aoi and Jean get music from a VF Pachislot machine that was only released in Japan.

    You can still hear Aoi's VF5 theme if you set it to VF1 music though.
  5. synapse

    synapse Well-Known Member

    Yeah, what happens if I play with music from VF1 or Vf2 when I fight "newer" characters? Do they all just keep their more recent VF5 themes?
  6. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Lau of America
    I actually had a question about this. When you select a different version, it says like... VF5 "and other virtua fighter games". What does that part mean?

    Because I'm pretty sure I get VF5 vanilla music even though I have it set to VF2.

    Not that I'm upset, I actually wanted a full random option, just so music would be more unique every time.
  7. Burning_Typhoon

    Burning_Typhoon Active Member

    Personally, I switch the the music between FS, and R. Everyone has stages that doesn't match the environments from VF1, and on top of that, I only remember jacky's.... I'm not going to recognize 2, or 3, because I never played those games.

    Fighting a character with BGM from a game before they appeared will give them the theme of their earliest appearance.
  8. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Thanks the official vf5 soundtrack covers vanilla fs, r but also covers the slot machines. Gonna order it now and also an actual pachislot for my bday from Love love love Sega music especially vf's.
  9. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Well the soundtrack only contains one song from the CR Virtua Fighter machine and its not the one I'm looking for. Anyone know how to rip an mp3 of it or know where to get the song so I can listen to it on the go?
  10. jijilip

    jijilip Active Member

    i wish there was some sort of music player with the titles to the song and the name of the game/theme.

    seems to be a lot of music in this game. they all blend together for me though. i never remember what came from where.
  11. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Ok with a little more research I found out that Akira, Aoi, Jean and Kage BGM's are actually alternate version of VF5R. I was able to rip them but some don't sound good.

    Here is a good quality version of Aoi's here:

    A pretty crappy quality version of Akira's here:

    The Kage song I wanted is here but quality is just ok:

    I can't seem to find Jean's alternate and as far as cleaner versions on youtube or google there's none. So I would like a high quality version of Kage's but don't want to resort to hooking up a PC to my home theater to rip it. Might have to if there's no other way. [​IMG]
  12. Titan

    Titan Member

    Yeah I could never find clean good quality versions of those tracks =/ Which is why I'm hoping someone will rip the music directly from the console version of VF5FS.

    Also if someone ripped the VF3 tracks that would be cool as I swear to god I can never find any VF3 music downloads on the internet that don't have the characters voice samples in them =/
  13. synapse

    synapse Well-Known Member

    Well the "complete VF5 original soundtrack" is available at Play-Asia and Amazon JP. You can also downloaded it from some blog I know, but I'm not sure it's ok to post that kind of link here...
  14. Titan

    Titan Member

    It doesn't have any of those extra tracks though =/
  15. synapse

    synapse Well-Known Member

    Uhm... Ok.

    So you guys already have that OST?
  16. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Yea I already had all the tracks from the official soundtrack except that last track thats from the pachinko machine.

    As for VF3 tracks around the net? I thought the characters talking during the middle of each track were intentional. They don't bother at all as I find them kind of humorous. It would be nice to have version with an extra loop or two with or without the voices. 2-3 minutes per track is too short. I've been addicted to the Persona 4 Arena soundtrack I found and they are looped up to around 15 minutes each which I think is more than enough but awesome.
  17. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

  18. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    I bought the OST from play-asia and it has vanilla, R and FS in a nice little package, CD quality. And no, linking copyrighted material here is verboten, sorry. Even Sega composers need to make a living u know...
  19. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Wasnt able to view anything. I always thought you needed an account to view things there?

    Anyway my pachislot should be here next week to keep my pachinko company. Also I'm on the waiting list for the new VF:Revolution pachinko.

    Hopefully it hits the secondary market soon and won't cost alot. And I expect Zerochan to catch a fever on it bigtime when I get it. [​IMG]
  20. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    I finally got the alternate VF5R Kage music to play on my pachislo machine...its about midway through this video:

    Chanchai likes this.

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